I am (at the risk of causing something flying at my head) saying that I have the Brat Pack - a binder that has The Breakfast Club, Weird Science, and Sixteen Candles as well as a sound track with the "favorite" songs from the movies.
I am thinking that a little marathon is in order and I would send out the invite if Y'all were close enough for a movie night filled with pop corn and possibly wine.
I am thankful that my Mother took pity on my sleepy body and is making the dinner.
I am also hoping that Nan doesn't need stitches - being a veteran of over 500 at last count (which I have actually lost as a matter of fact) I can agree that they really suck.
I am saying that the ones I had about a month ago were done well enough that you have to look really hard at my side to see any kind of scar.
I am thinking quoting Alan Rickman (with the same tone of voice) may have helped.