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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Because she felt she was better. Why?
  2. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am stating that I love Annie Lenox and the first time I heard it on the DVD I turned on the Subtitles and learned the words quickly.
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am hoping Trae's soreness goes away soon. I am thinking that the only way my soreness will leave is if I get off of the computer for the rest of the night. I am currently singing along with the ending credits of Return of the King.
  4. I am no longer allowed to be the cause of someone taking things too seriously.
  5. Guilty on so many counts. G/NG thinks they are the only sane one in the family
  6. ^ Doesn't mind being poked as long as it's all in fun.
  7. Squall Leonhart
  8. Silken
  9. It's good to be right - isn't it? Trae?
  10. 8886
  11. Yen
  12. Because Fate decided to play a joke on Luck. Why?
  13. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am telling Trae that we're only as old as we feel - and right about now that's 100 for me.
  14. Guilty every single stinking work day. G/NG Has a relative that should never see the outside of a padded cell.
  15. ^ Brings the light of "huh?"
  16. Amos Diggery
  17. Slick
  18. Just so. Trae?
  19. 8884
  20. Yawn
  21. Are you saying you'd buy my twin Texas tornadoes for that?
  22. Because the dice aren't always cast in luck's favor. Why?
  23. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am good at giving complements but not so good at taking them. I am suddenly feeling very old as it just hit me that I have both of my children in Jr High School this year.
  24. Very Guilty - but as he's no longer with the company no worries. G/NG Has gotten a boss fired for inappropriate behavior?
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