Not Guilty - I can dance quite well - and around a pole no less... although I am out of practice in that style I can still carry my own.
G/NG has ever pole danced?
^ Is aware of ^'s dwelling's limitations.
< an efficiency isn't big enough for <, 2 girl's, an aging mother and a few dogs
V thinks < should get rid of a few dogs.
It has in the past happened here - but you know they're just going about it the wrong way. Instead of hindering the Aborigines why don't they help them? I hate to say this but it's just more prejudice getting in the way of humanity.
I am about to blow my stack at my oldest daughter.
I am saying she is standing at my door and saying "But we're hungry" over and over and over and over again.
I am not completely heartless - I'm just waiting for the other people in residence to get home before talking about dinner.
I have - it's a hell of a lot easier to tell your boss you'll be out sick when talking to a machine - they can't talk back and ask you "Can't you just crawl in and muddle through?"
I have never faked an illness to get what I want.