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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. ^ Is pondering and on Pooh's thinking stump tapping ^'s head saying "think, think, think" < Is quite worn out from "playing" V Is now interested in what < was playing
  2. Guilty - but that was a long time ago and mercifully almost forgotten. G/NG would do something illegal for their family
  3. Nicely
  4. ^ Just has a good memory
  5. Well now that we're on a roll what's next? Trae?
  6. Prick
  7. I don't know - I've looked it up and can't find it. What's a Luten?
  8. ^ Is projecting fantasies. < actually can't stand <'s mother's dogs. V thinks ^'s idea belongs on some bestiality web site.
  9. Edgar (King of England - but only for a little while - if family history is correct - he hung himself while under siege - or so Granddad said)
  10. Necessary
  11. ^ Knows < pretty well
  12. Well - we got it right that time didn't we? Trae?
  13. Enormous
  14. 8100 Hey it's better than a short poke with a long stick.
  15. I'm all for that. But is there a subject that has no emotional appeal for anyone?
  16. Nary
  17. ^ Knows that swinging creates some orgasmic feelings without the work.
  18. I haven't either as a matter of fact - I always felt that they made their beds they can sleep in them. I have never wished someone ill
  19. Obese
  20. Guilty - but only for two weeks while in college to help pay the bills. It didn't take long to realize I'd make more behind the bar and not get groped by the bouncer as much. G/NG has been groped in a bar
  21. I haven't either as I have never believed in the power of feng shui
  22. it can look even better provided you have some well hung studs. I think quamp was hinting at ______________
  23. Patric Stewart
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