Well that all depends on how long it took for the snow to fall and at what temperature the ground and air were when the snow began to melt.
Do you still want to know?
^ should never share the mistakes ^ could have made since the whole world will see all the mistakes ^ really made.
< understand what ^ meant now about tits.
< thinks ^ needs to meet some of the women < have met, then ^ would change ^ mind about tits=mind gamers.
v does not trust < since < has tits.
^ is right, but < is not the person to prove it.
< has tits too.
< is quite excellent at mind games.
< likes to confuse people as a hobby.
v is afraid of < potential mind games.
I am, well was confused by the new order of things on the Forums.
I am thanking DarkVampWriter for the 10,000,000 Naughty Points.
I am not sure what I did to get them, but cool.
I am upset because one of my classmates took my purse home with her by mistake.
I am currently without a driver's license, credit card, or money.
I am going to cry if I can't get it back tomorrow.