I am more of a Pepsi fan, but will drink Coke when offered.
I am wishing Daz luck on the search for crackers.
I am wishing that I were with a bump like hers.
^ knows me quite well.
< is pulling out a world map and starting at the equator.
< is afraid this might take a while.
V is eating while watching < look for muses.
^ muse and < muse should seek counseling together.
< thinks that < muse and ^ muse are on some warm tropical island together trying to stay warm and laughing at < and ^ while drinking cocktails on the sand.
V thinks < may be thinking about this too much.
Sure, it's just that the greater good is defined by the person in charge of doing whatever is being done for the greater good. Thus, others see it as being done for the good of one.
Is there such a thing as a benevolent ruler?