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Everything posted by Aserenity

  1. Aserenity


    Yes. everytime you have sex you give away apart of yourself to someone else, no matter if you think "its just pointless sex" subconciously your at lost. The lost of value upon your body and a lost of pride. whether you beileve in the bible or not, the fact is sex was ment to be intimate between two people to create the feeling of being "united as one" and creating offspring. just a thought to ponder. that's why I am a virgin and I choose to remain one.
  2. I beileve in no killing period...no death penality no abortion....no distroying other people's chances of having a wonderful life. *sigh* I love life
  3. i agree. Thanks for responding and of course thank you David
  4. yesturday i pierced it myself...first with a soeing needle, then with a bulletin board pin and then with a saftey pin...and i posted this to just warn people to NEVER do it....its not even pierced anymore because i got scared and took it out...sooo not worth it...when i save up the money i'll get it done...it turned black
  5. Never pierce your navel yourself!
  6. I'm writing a novel of everyday life in America and England in 1867...if you know any information about this year or the 1860's period please respond.
  7. Aserenity


    snape is amazzzzzzing
  8. Aserenity


    myspace is a horrible horrible place...i just deleted mine and let me tell you i am nothing but reileved....i never realized how much time i use to spend on it.
  9. no, if it aint broke don't fix it. Its worked this long. Stop trying to be so damn politicly correct! but resticting it you're just putting more power behind the words.
  10. i only have one requirement for immigrants...stay at our country, enjoy our beneifits... BUT PLEASE, PLEASE SPEAK OUR LANGUAGE!
  11. you're right but what next...legallizing murder? intentional suicide? where do you draw the line? when does it stop? people need to realize their mistakes and have to live with the consequences...not erase what they just did in 2004 about 1,293,000 abortions were preformed...what if one of those babies was the next genius...one of the next brillant inventors...the one that finds a cure for cancer
  12. do we really want abortion to become our new birth control? making abortion legal would allow more people to think exactly what the media puts out for them: Sex is unimportant
  13. hip hip horay for virgins!
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