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Posts posted by CainTheEternal

  1. Mercy killing, IMHO, should be illegal. Regardless of the how merciful it is meant to be, murder is murder. The question of who is to decide who is to die and who is to suffer is too influenced by opinion.

    I believe ignorance is a disease and in my perfect JCV-inspired world, all stupid people would be allowed a merciful end to their stupidity but that would more be to my benefit than theirs.

    Like StoryJunkie said a person should be allowed to die with dignity and if I were to deny them that death by smothering them with a pillow, despite the fact that they were in a losing battle with cancer (which is the stupidest phrase ever. I always imagine the white blood cells arming up as Spartans and overtaking cancer cells.), they could not die with the appearance they wanted to leave for their loved ones.

    I believe that assisted suicide should be officially separated from euthanasia, considering that suicide is a conscious decision to end one's life. If one is rendered unable to end his or her own life, than those who assist should not be penalized, i.e. Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

    In conclusion, -- ew, it felt like a school essay for a second.

    Either way, euthanasia and assisted suicide need to be acknowledged as separate actions and treated as such.

  2. At my job there are no ethnicities... customers can't remember what we look like seconds after we leave that field of view...

    "I need to find the guy that was helping me."

    "Okay, what was his name?"

    ".. I dunno." We wear name tags.

    "...O-kay, what did he look like?"

    "...I don't remember..."

    "Was he short tall? Fat or thin? Black or white?"

    "... I don't remember... can you help me find him?"

    See? Best Buy is now a utopian society where skin color is completely imaterial... along with all other physical attributes.

  3. The age laws wouldn't be a problems is parents would, what's the term... oh yeah, PAY ATTENTION TO THEIR KIDS. I'd prefer it is parents had the decision as to what their kids had access to by, I dunno, adding this site, if it offends them, to the block list of their parental controls. Oh yeah. There are parental controls. Which means that PARENTS have the tools to PROTECT. However, no one has the will or care to make time for parenting. So they force the government to do it for them. Thus inconveniencing anyone who matures past their years or a writer whose work might appeal to more but does have a little bit of coarse language and adult themes.

    I'm not against these ages laws in particular... I'm against neglectful parenting. Which is all the rage.

    Note: I feel strongly about this especially concerning video game laws... being a retailer and a video game aficionado.

  4. Something I feel strongly about.

    I believe we should, as americans, abandon our "ethnicities". I don't want to be a Puerto Rican-American with Dominican-American and Italian-American best friends and a Biracial-American girlfriend (Pixagi). I want to be an American. I am very patriotic in this way. I believe that as the melting pot we should destroy some of the labels that seperate us. These celebrations of heritage, sexual orientation, religion need to all be stopped. Most people cannot celebrate differences, only be bothered by them.

    It'd be great to allow for all people to forget how they are different from each other.

    No more hatemongering. It'd be beautiful.

  5. I am a Home Theater Customer Specialist.... I see TVs and stuff. At Best Buy.

    Thousands of possibilties... all of them suck. Get yours!


    And secretly, I fight crime as Darkwing Duck.

  6. I can understand what these people are trying to do with this site. They're trying to show homosexuals that they are just confused while at the same time, destroy the one ring

    And if all you people think destroying the One Ring is wrong, I don't want to be right.

    Anyway, I don't get offended from things or people like this. I've come to terms that logic is not a factor and arguing that everyone is who they're supposed to be woud never work.

    A guy I knew who believed himself to be a prophet once asked me how I thought a homosexual relationship could possibly work. There must always be a submissive and a dominant, he said, and the man must be the dominant. So if there're 2 men, who's the submissive?

    It was around this time that I stopped arguing. I won by being sane. Go me. If you can look at this in a sane and logical way, then go you. And stuff.

    I'd love to see a homo-anon meeting, though...

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