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Everything posted by Squallfan

  1. Faces
  2. 8782
  3. No. I have never watched a double feature at the movies.
  4. Robert Goulet
  5. Nope. I have never changed someones user title. Like someone just did to mine. Love it.
  6. xylophone
  7. crop circles
  8. 8780
  9. 8777
  10. 8772
  11. Squallfan


    Hellz yes!!!!
  12. Hal Sparks
  13. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.. I have never liked orange flavored candy.
  14. Red
  15. Music
  16. 8677
  17. I love being an at home mom, but I will be going back to work when my youngest is old enough to start school. I love my babies, but it will be nice to be out of the house again. Yes, I do feel like pulling my hair out at times, but don't all parents at some point? Or is that just me? Plus, in my own personal way, I'll feel better when I'm bringing money into the house. Not that I don't work my ass off being an at home mom, because I do. I'm just lucky I got a hubby that knows that, and appreciates me for it.
  18. Have a great Birthday!
  19. Mad
  20. Happy
  21. Abraham Lincoln
  22. 8668
  23. 8624
  24. I'm having the same dilemma. I have a few fics that need little fixes done. I guess it would be best to try and fix the whole fic at once so the story only moves one time.
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