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Everything posted by Squallfan

  1. Neither have I....the front seat though.. I have never had a threesome.
  2. Real
  3. Milk
  4. Mine is Ryuk from the live action Death Note movie.
  5. I'd rate if you had one dear.
  6. Squallfan


    The second season is already super awesome. Loved the first two episodes so far.
  7. attempt
  8. 9320
  9. Neither have I. I have never been in court.
  10. Squall Leonhart
  11. Dot
  12. Toilet
  13. 9305
  14. 9279
  15. I chose whatever I want, because I write Het, Yaoi and Yuri.
  16. I made this avatar on photoshop for a friend and decided to use it here myself. The last pic is one I've seen everywhere. Don't know the artist, but they are awesome, whoever it is.
  17. Nope. I have never wanted a snake as a pet.
  18. Dead
  19. Nerd
  20. Will Smith
  21. 9269
  22. I've only read Leonhart's, which are wonderful. Other than that, no, I haven't, and I have never attempted to write one either.
  23. Happy
  24. Yummy
  25. 9235
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