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Keith Inc.

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Keith Inc. last won the day on June 30 2021

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    Writing. I love the challenge of crossovers, trying to keep all the characters true to canon even in alternate settings.
    I also like to indulge in my personal fetish for size-themed stories. Shrinking or giganticized characters interacting with differently scaled lovers.

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  1. I do have one story of Leia and Chewbacca. It’s not the OP’s story, it’s entirely on the Millenium Falcon, but if it interests, it’s here: https://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092431
  2. Lord of the Rings meets Harvey. Early in the march out of Rivendell, Merry goes behind a tree to take a leak, meets a 7 foot tall rabbit who warns him to be wary of the creature in the waters outside Moria. Every so often thru the adventure Merry just seems to know shit, shit he could not know, SHOULD not know. No one ever sees the giant rabbit, and keep scoffing, but the warnings keep coming true... and SOMEONE is certainly stealing the pipe weed....
  3. Ah. Okay. Let me think on this a bit.
  4. What does automated sexually mean? This appeals, but uu want to be sure i do it right.
  5. Aaaaaand, done.
  6. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109067
  7. Let me stew on it for a bit, see what percolates....
  8. You know the FCC would shut the entire network down just for the wager.… What if... You're 18, waiting tables at your aunt's restaurant in the same building as the network... The on air personalities always get drinks there after the broadcast, which always plays in the bar part of the restaurant. The backroom is permanently set aside for them... its private so they can get a little raucus. They always tease you about serving drinks you're not old enough to order. Every night at least one of them jokes about getting you something once you're "old enough." Your first drink, your first cigar.... once in a while, one points to the lead female anchor and suggests she be your first affair. She smiles quietly when they do. One night, aunt installs a trivia game system at all the tables. Anchorwoman loses big that night. That's the night she coversed Clayton Cubitt's art project... women reading their favorite novels while being stimulated to orgasm by an unseen assistant. This is for real, by the way, you can look it up. Everyone in the game determines that her penalty for hher egregious loss is to read the news while someone...services... her from under the desk. But who? The weathergirl asks. You walk into the backroom with their drink order...
  9. Okay, i think i’m done, now. Hope it’s good enough.
  10. I don’t much promote my stories because I’m into really weird things, but I think I’ve had some success with some straight-up PWP suggested by another poster here. Author: Keith Title: The Las Vegas Trip Summary: A guy has a bad breakup right before a romantic vacation. He goes anyway and finds a beautiful woman being ignored by her husband who’s at the tables. They find something to do with their free time. Mostly sex, and some more sex. Feedback: Comments would be lovely. Fandom: Original Pairing: Our hero, the ignored wife (not his) and eventually her sister Warnings: 3Plus ChallengeFic MF Oral Toys (and, um, no shrinking, giants, aliens, not-quite- or not-entirely-human characters, no magic, no shape shifting, no one taken back to the home planet as a pet/sex toy...) Ten chapters. Located: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108456
  11. Okay, started posting it here: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600108503
  12. Yay! Thanks, that worked.
  13. I use the links i’ve always used, but cannot get to the pages where i can edit or add stories. I’ve whitelisted this site with my ad blocker, i’ve reset my password, i’ve tried login on home page, on profile, on every page i can think of but cannot get logged in.
  14. For some reason this appeals to me… I think i will try to come up with this story.
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