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Lennox last won the day on April 14 2021

Lennox had the most liked content!

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  1. A chapter of “Boy stuff” is definitely a possibility if there is enough demand for it. I’m not opposed to that at all.
  2. Responding to reviews for Girl Stuff.
  3. I must have missed that during my edits and proof-reading. I’ve fixed it up here and on the other sites I upload. Thanks very much for pointing that out! Glad you liked it.
  4. Responding to reviews for Field Trip.
  5. Definitely have stuff to post in 2022! I hope it’ll be worth the wait.
  6. I know it’s not realistic, but the idea is all that counts in fiction. Glad you enjoyed it!
  7. Merry Cestmass to you too!
  8. Any comments for Christmas Affairs will be replied to here.
  9. Thanks man. Glad you liked it!
  10. I didn’t realize I wasn’t logged in when I made this. I also didn’t realize I had to be logged in to make this.
  11. Cartoon panties hide all sins. Thanks for reading.
  12. Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed it!
  13. Replying to reviewsfor Icy Treat – http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096111 Not sure if this entirely belongs in here, but the story is majority female/solo. I figured it would do.
  14. Glad you enjoyed it! And I hope it’s a better read now it’s been updated. Not sure if I will do a prequel of Lilo and Stitch officially hooking up and getting together.
  15. Responding to reviews for Incestual Paradox – http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095324 A time travel story in which Lilo’s daughter from the future (who appeared in one episode of the Stitch! anime) is sent back in time to vacation with her younger mother.
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