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Inshadowsidream last won the day on June 15 2019

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About Me

I have been telling stories for as long as I can remember. My mother would forbid me to start telling a story as soon she would be making snacks for nearly every kid in the neighborhood, and that could be expensive. I have always been told that I had an impressive imagination, my fifth grade teacher urged me to start writing my stories down, and for years, that is what I did.


They were childish, filled with errors, but he never failed to compliment my imagination, even if he failed to teach me how to write. My brain often works on a different wave length, and all through school, the teachers would mean one thing, and my brain would be way over there, totally missing the point, because I would be looking at what was told to the class from a different angle.

My writing is by no means perfect, I have forgotten a lot of what I was taught, or maybe I just didn't pay proper attention. Daydreaming makes you miss a lot of things. I still daydream, imagining worlds, characters, and creatures I wish were real. The difference between now and then, is that I am more likely to do so when I am alone and not in danger of missing something important.


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