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Everything posted by NightScribe
I just wanted to give a BIG to all the new emoticon smilies that have recently been added. They're great!
My WIP I started six months ago, but haven't touched it for five weeks. I should get back to it; I'm thinking it would probably be best to have it completed by the end of the year. If we're talking original story, well, there's an unfinished one I started 16 yrs ago.... (do we have a smilie for "pathetic loser?")
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one!
I am back from the dentist I am unhappy about the cracked filling in a front tooth I am cringing at how much it's going to cost to repair that sucker, even with insurance
I got Draco, as well, although I'd rather do his father, quite frankly. (What naughty girl wouldn't?) For those who had problems with the link, so did I. Click on it anyway, then edit it; there's "href http//" in there. Just back space through that, so it's http and whatever the address is. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the b-day greetings, everybody. They're very much appreciated!
Happy Birthday, Red!
Happy Belated B-Day!
I am hoping Nan is feeling better I am sympathizing, as I had a work day full of bullshit I am looking forward to doing nothing tonight
I've noticed the abundance of gushing reviews, too, Pix. I think it's pretty prevalent no matter which fandom you hit and it's frustrating. On a more positive note, for me personally, is that someone who liked my latest fic, went back to read some older ones and left real concrit. The crazy thing was that they removed one of the reviews (fortunately after I read it) because they were afraid of hurting my feelings! I e-mailed them back and said I'd never refuse receiving well intentioned, well written concrit. They put it back up, thankfully. I think part of it is that people gravitate toward whatever they prefer; a specific pairing; WAFFy happy ending, dark, whatever. If they're getting what they need out of the story, they're probably less likely to criticize because they're happy. *shrug*
I agree with Sam and Daz and it's a discussion that should take place within all families.
I am back from visiting a seriously ill relative I am hoping I was able to cheer them up a bit I am, so far, pleased with the starting pitching in today's ball game I am amused at Nan's lamentations about making dinner, while 'Trae announces he's looking forward to having dinner I am approving of others using Scylla in their updates I am sure I'll have to modify my next Hell post after Big Sam's update (I almost always have to!)
I am glad Big Sam approves of the Daniel Craig addition I am also pleased that Mr. Samurai liked Connery quoting him I am planning on incorporating more of Scribe's new 'character traits' in the next update I am stating that I, too, hated the Bay City Rollers (way to go, Mochrie!)
I am going to update in Hell tonight or tomorrow I am going to have to alter the second part of the post (again!) I am saying that Big Sam keeps me on my (figurative) toes with this game I am planning on throwing a new twist (or two) in my update I am glad Echtrae included Scylla and Omega in his last post
I am hoping Daz is feeling better and will have no more dreams about zombie medical people I am liking what both Nan and Beautiful added to the orgy I am wondering what the hell my upstairs neighbor is doing; sounds like a woolly mammoth doing step aerobics
I am already burning with curiosity as to what the Big S has in store I am realizing that my use of "burning" was unintentionally funny, given the NS character's situation
I am in Hell...which means anything can happen, Big Sam
I am pleased that my connection to the forum is working (after dicking with my modem a bit-f*cking technology!) I am announcing my hell post has been added (finally) I am convinced Big Sam is my secondary orgy muse (one off-hand comment from him and I come up with at least two entire new posts in five seconds) I am unsure whether to hug or hit him for that
I am happy to say that I am still in possession of the update I am revealing that I copy and paste fic updates to avoid calamities I am slightly paranoid of losing things like that by just typing in the box I am going to have to change my sig, I think I am thinking Big Sam is onto something with the dance-off idea
I am hoping my uploading issues from last night do not plague me today, which means... I am hoping to add to the hell thread tonight I am also not enjoying the 40 degree drop in temperature I am liking Sam's idea of an orgy dance-off
Hey Nan, how about this: "I was shocked to discover that Harry is really Lily and Snape's love child!"
I am bereft of plots for future fics I am considering a sabbatical I am concerned my brain will turn to oatmeal from an extended hiatus I am off to read Leonhart's orgy update
I am adding "stuck-ness" to my vocabulary as a Big Sam-ism. I am thinking I should finally have dinner, even though it's so late I am off to microwave something
I am not accepting Big Sam's apology because it is not necessary I am saying that kinks and twists are part of the challenge of the game I am stating I've already thought out the changes, I just need to write them I am, however, totally screwed on what I wanted to do a couple of posts from now (damn you, Big Sam! damn you to hell!)
I am definitely going to have to check out that bit of squicky goodness (badness?)