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SesshomaruFreak last won the day on November 3 2017

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  1. Hello my beautiful people! Sorry I was gone so long; RL is a bitch sometimes. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my friends on here :D

  2. I'm learning how to do this on my phone. :)

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I don’t type as well when I’m using my tablet here, so know the pain.  (Usually keep it short/brief on the tablet, whereas I can get typing on the PC keyboard.)

  3. I've missed it here you guys are amazing and I look forward to catching up
  4. would like to work on a story together with someone with similiar likes harry potter Mdom, Fsub d/s, pls email spankclaire@yahoo.com

  5. Working on learning them! A few that I already love- …..yeah I found the freaky ones first lol
  6. Yeah any kind of transfer seems to be a pain lol
  7. lol I am so gonna look for your stuff there Yeah...I write dirty stuff, but hoping I don’t get caught Hehehe it warms my heart to meet new people
  8. LOL I know that feeling, only mine tends to be the same universe, with event A taking my interest from event B. Then plot kittens ambush me with ideas for events C through F
  9. LMAO Love the flasher hehehe
  10. Ohh those ‘the rules are for everyone except me’ kinda people. Doing your job awesomely Ahh then perhaps I shall see you out there! I understand being more comfy in one place. While I do love AFF, at the moment I’m a bit more comfortable at another site, but only cause I’m more familiar with it BUT, I am getting more comfortable here each day as I learn about it and meet people and all that jazz lol
  11. I like Potter-verse I’ll give you a look sometime over there.
  12. Hello there, fellow fans of AFF. I’m in love with this site, and am just starting to post in the Archive. It came to my attention that you can promote your other stuff here, of course with all due respect to AFF. With it being understood that I love and admire THIS site, I wanted to let it be known that I am also at fanfiction.net and Ao3 (also under pen-name SesshomaruFreak) I’m at a couple of other sites, but I gotta double-check those LOL I write yaoi/slash and while I only have a handful of fics posted across the board, I have notebooks with many, many more written down. Long live FanFiction!
  13. Thank you! I looked it over and saw where someone was trying to bash AFF. Just..uggh. What’s wrong with people? Anyways, you can trust that my post will be much more respectful Just cause I’m on other sites doesn’t mean I don’t like AFF. I’m newer to posting stories here, but I’m learning And like I said, I declare y’all as one of my posting places on other sites. Seems only fair. You don’t charge for membership or posting, you’ve got a pretty neat system set up, and there’s this lovely forum community. This is a great site, and I’m proud to be here. Thank you for having me
  14. @BronxWench Ok, sounds about right. It makes sense not to mention other sites in certain areas of the forum. I don’t put any links (seems rude to link other fanfiction sites) And if I mention other sites I post on, it’s only in passing. Like ‘Yeah I’m there, too. Now, about AFF...’ because again, it seems rude to talk overly much about another site. Like talking to a boyfriend about another guy or something lol And I do mention on other sites that AFF is one of my places. Ohh I wanna find those ‘Great Wall’ threads though That sounds fun. I like making new friends Actually, since I moved and left all my RL friends behind, I NEED new friends Love the quotes you have there. English is a bully hehehe Thank you for your reply, and I’ll behave myself
  15. Hi there, just double checking- if it is a story that you’ve posted on AFF AND on another site, is that allowed? I totally understand not being allowed to promote your stories on another site if you don’t have the time/effort to post on AFF, but I’m curious as to if the story is ALSO here, can you promote it? I certainly don’t want to unintentionally break any rules. If I break rules, it’s full-on assault LOL just kidding Please excuse the silliness, it’s...2:23 am
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