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Posts posted by LuciieSpirit

  1. On 10/3/2018 at 9:49 PM, Sinfulwolf said:

    I’m part of one, and I’d suggest to allow people to post anonymously if you do want comments. Might be a bit more work to prevent spam stuff, but the site I’m a part of requires someone to have an account and to comment once and get it accepted before they can freely comment. This has resulted in very much a lack of feedback/commentary on our work.

    This is such a good point! Thanks for your help. 

  2. On 02/09/2017 at 7:04 PM, BronxWench said:

    So far, I haven’t self published, so I have nothing with KU. But some authors I know have put work out via KU, because it is good for exposure. KU readers will often purchase works from authors they first found on KU for free. However, Amazon uses pages read as a method of calculating payment, and there have been issues. One issue I’d heard about some time ago was that a feature Amazon added, to allow readers to fast forward or skip back in a book, caused the page read count to be shown as one page. Not great if you get paid by the page… That may or may not have been fixed.

    But what I did hear recently via Twitter was that Amazon allocates payment from a total pool of revenue, based on pages read. (I do not know if this is limited to indie authors, but I would assume so, since no publisher would want this deal.) In any event, some authors reported being paid as little as $0.004 a page. Given how much it can cost for cover art, editing, proofreading, and formatting, when a three hundred page book earns you $1.20 per reader/sale, it’s going to take a good long time to recoup your outlay and make any profit at all.

    Ah, good point. Thanks

  3. 20 hours ago, Anesor said:

    Are you planning to make the price free permanently? Or just as a temp promotion? My downloads went really high when I made one free, but it did not help much with my other unrelated releases. Some authors make one free permanently, but that seems to work for multibook series to get readers into that universe.

    Yes I think so, its a side story from my main series so its kinda a promotion in itself. 

  4. On 01/09/2017 at 0:48 AM, BronxWench said:

    I use a publisher, because I am exceedingly untalented as an artist, and because I know I need an editor, and a proofreader, and all that jazz. But my first publisher was all about self-marketing.

    I like Twitter, because you can schedule a tweet and have it released weekly, or daily if you’re at release time. Facebook is great for launch parties, and I did a Rafflecopter giveaway thing, and all sorts of fun stuff. If you have a blog, blog about it and link the blog to other places, like an Amazon author page (free) or a Goodreads page (now owned by Amazon, but they pretend to be separate).

    As far as where to sell it, even if for free, I would strongly advise not to have anything to do with Kindle Unlimited. Keep your options open, so you can distribute your work on other sites, like Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, or via your blog itself, if you’re so inclined. KU will restrict you to only their service, and when you decide to offer something for money, they have a very odd algorithm to determine how much you earn, one which is not fair to the authors in my opinion. Kindle itself is fine, but Kindle Unlimited is not.

    Wow that really helps thank you. Yeah I use kindle because you get to actually copyright your shizz before casting out into the world. And I did some reasearch this week on where else to put it and you have mentioned all the places I have found so thank you :D Have you had an experience with KU then? My first ebook is with them and I want to follow your advice this time and not use it but I wondered what you have seen from it...

  5. So I have written an ebook before and that's going ok…

    But I am onto my second one and was looking at actually making a plan this time on how to launch it and promote it.

    Does anyone have any advice, whether it be on how to promote it, to where they actually put it? 

    I am planning to make it free.

    Any tips are welcome! 

    Thanks in advance <3


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