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Everything posted by neo4812

  1. just reading “Keene's Really Good Week” if only we lived in that world
  2. real sad when you think about it, do they throw her out after he grows up or dose he keep her so he can pass her down to his own kids? that would make for an interesting sequel. probably be better then toy story 4. i did not care for that movie
  3. ch 2 is pretty good, its almost the same a s ch1 but atleast stitch knows that he’s hurting lilo. now how nani is gonna take the rape is gonna be fun to read
  4. the last toy was a very interesting story, never read a story where i feel for the sex toy
  5. rather loved “Goldilocked”
  6. been awhile since someone reviewed this story. i gotta say i loved it! i hope you write another SVTFOE fanfic after the other fics your doing
  7. well that was interesting! wonder if lilo will transform into a experiment? hope so!
  8. thats one more bastard the log has sired. atleast Lincoln doesn’t have to help raise it. wont be long till all the women in royal woods is under the spell of the log
  9. i know its not possible but i hope lucy gets knocked up
  10. one more girl t add to the herem. smart move doing her ass cause i don’t think Lincoln needed another kid
  11. oh i really hope Lincoln knocks up all his sisters! hope they have enough money for it
  12. read the newest ch loved it! hope darcie ne next!
  13. i love your sandman story and im sure i’ll love this one
  14. everything about this story is great plz continue it!
  15. this was a good chapter and a good story
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