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Everything posted by neo4812

  1. Just read casino night and loved it! Also on a unrelated topic are you having trouble signing into CAFF? I've reset and made a new account but I still can't log in
  2. That was very tasty! I hope we see some "boy stuff"
  3. you ok its been awhile since your last story
  4. this has always been my fav.
  5. this was a good fanfic. you write good loudcest
  6. fuck damn this was a good series! i cant wait for the 3 instalment. hope there’s a birth scene as well as getting some of the sisters pregers
  7. how do i upload a story on to the site?
  8. this story was great! why must you tease us with that ending?
  9. at this point Lincoln is like quagmire. all he needs a a Hawaiian shirt
  10. interesting premise. please continue. though if bart was smart he could find the genie in the same forest as a ten year old or would that not work?
  11. lilo is gonna be sore for a week.
  12. im not a huge fan of lilo being a slut but you make it work good job
  13. its done? wow i didn’t even notice. well at least it ended with a happy ending
  14. love the new ch! had to look up Christina. nice use of a very obscure girl
  15. wait really? i just made that up! i had no idea it was from a play!
  16. yeah! bring in that red haired bitch.
  17. damn ch 4 got sexy dark. just a question when is the next update of “just one rule”? im not being pushy im just asking
  18. well shit nani know. now that she dose will she stop it? no cause thats not how porn works.
  19. nice to see the other loud sibs break the “the rule” but darcy was quick to fuck. not even questioning what sex was, what is her home life like? aw well it doesn’t mater another great ch!
  20. so stitch’s cum is making there breasts bigger. ok thats neat. is nani preg or dose she need more fucking?
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