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Everything posted by CuriousWriter

  1. Heya, just checking how to next chapter is coming along. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
  2. The slow way of corrupting Naruko’s mind is pretty fun to see. Hope you get into more bondage fun times. Lordy knows Naruko all snug in leather sounds kinky af.
  3. I like the clit rings and such ideas, but I do think the bullying is perfectly fine. Sasuke doesn’t understand anything but force so it fits him. He wants a slave, Naruko is too willful so he has to go rough on her.
  4. Haven’t read the chapter yet, will when I can. But on the idea of lightning training, if Naruko gets metal piercings on her nipples and clit, the targeted hit on those would be good training too. plus some kinky fun after she starts to like it.
  5. The use of genjutsu was good. Simple, but a good start for what Sasuke could really do to her. Like say screwing her but making her think the Hokage or Iruka is watching her. She’s begging but they just watch. Soon, she wont tell what’s a genjutsu or not with sasuke if done enough times.
  6. I’ve seen that done before. I believe having all those memories popped back would lead to a black out orgasm that would be heaven and hell all at once!
  7. So speaking of Doujins, what ones would you think would inspire OP? Personally, I feel some of the Taimanin stuff would really do well here, at least training wise. Just seeing Naruko in one of those outfits? yummy! Personally some Genjutsu fun would be nice as like I said, so underrated. Just putting trigger words into Naruko’s head that would say cause her to diddle herself or cum when Ramen is mentioned would be hilarious!
  8. The kyuubi chakra has nothing to do with the Rinnegan though. Madara actually had the these and genetics to mutate them at the end of his life. Danzo did nothing but bootleg an eye and the cells. His genes weren’t right. But I get ya, let’s not go super crazy though, that’s just power wank. We want a different wank ;P
  9. Nice! Glad to see there’s a spot to chat on this one. Like I said, i’d love to help with ideas if needed!
  10. Agree that the slapping felt a bit much. Genjutsu is so underrated and would be good to use on Naruko to train her properly. Clamps were nice and the blindfold too. as for above talking about eye evolutions that’s not how it works. No need for op out the gate. Let it evolve naturally, though the piercings idea sounds hot to be fair. the sentences came off a bit clunk, too many periods between and the dialogue was silted in some spots, but it was improved from the last chapter. Keep up the good work on that front. I would also put through maybe having her practice on a dildo just in case Naruko gets toothy. Maybe a genjutsu that strokes her pleasure center in her mind with how sloppy or skilled she does a bj.
  11. CuriousWriter


    i have a question. Im assuming the uchiha do not rebel? also, what is her ninja career going to be like or is she only trained enough to be fit?
  12. CuriousWriter

    Naruko's Milk

    same, has a fun satire feel to it.
  13. i kno right?
  14. i do to. ive been working on some other projects to be honest thou.
  15. not rly, my mojo’s gone down for a while now. plus busy with rl.
  16. nah, they dont have the drive for that. she’s the key. resistance isnt rly her goal thou. she just wants bank.
  17. nah, I have a different idea that’s a little more hotter lol. if i get to it, u’ll c.
  18. hm, I do have a plan for that, but its a bit different then what ur thinking. whoa that’s pretty twisted of her. How this idea come about?
  19. hahaha hm, futa-tsume is always hot, but not into NTR rly. now that’s a summon. wha?
  20. hm, the gloryhole thing is fun when u dont kno who it is ur sucking. lolz
  21. Oh that is just hot. Seeing her mouth bubble over with bbc cum as she goes cross eyed. Sexy. a bit meh to be honest. ah, i am thinking up a modern themed fic at the moment. with a twist. this one however feels too thuggish.
  22. hm, she’s conditioned pretty fast to be honest. what a slut lol. how would naruko’s time go? Bee and Naruko has always been a hot idea to me. wish there were more on the two.
  23. no no, i was talking about the tentacles. i was thinking she finds a scroll in one of orochimaru’s old labs. n i do have plans w tsunade. let’s just say naruko isnt the first blonde girl sarutobi’s ‘trained’, lolz. alright, let me hear it.
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