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  1. Thanks as always for the review and feedback.

    However I think you've got yourself completely the wrong end of the stick. You couldn't be more wrong about Faith – she doesn't want to be, or see herself as, a man - or as in a male role at all! She's completely female and really, quite feminine with only very slight butch tendencies but she is absolutely *not* masculine. She's a lesbian Top – perhaps, though I dislike the label, a dominatrix - though in fact, while she is  sexually dominant she is solely Joyce's Dominant. In fact that might in some ways be the alternative title of the story! But beyond that she is a woman who loves women; and one woman in particular. In fact the idea that she's playing some sort of male role would really offend her. Moreover she certainly sees herself – and Joyce sees it as well – as a romantic. I frequently describe them as lovers for a reason. I think you've misread or misunderstood the whole premise, and one of the central themes of my story if you can't see that it's a romantic love story – a kinky one certainly – but one in which Joyce's seduction and ‘conversion‘ are based on her falling in love with, and coming to accept the feelings she has for, Faith; and to treasure the way those feelings are reciprocated by her lover. And at the same time what Faith feels for Joyce – feelings that Faith has had for a long time – is equally deep. She may be Joyce's Dominant, and at times a harsh, demanding lover but Faith is quite as much in love with her submissive as Joyce is with her Mistress. Their relationship is a night/day/yin-yang/push-pull thing in which, without the dominant there is no submissive ave neither can find what they want and need. They both need each other equally and their love for one another is completely interdependent.  So Faith is not intended to be some uncaring, ersatz male, interested only in taking what she can from Joyce. Yes there's a lot of sex – kinky and frankly unrealistic – because in the end this is supposed to be, from the outset, a written sex-comic – but the sexual content is both meant to be entertaining and erotic, and also to express the intensity of the two protagonists’ physical love which in turn is a reflection of their deep and deepening emotional, romantic love.

    So while you’re right that I've tried to create a sort of inverted 50's romance – with a relationship that would have been completely frowned upon at the time – there is definitely no element of gender roleplay intended. That 50's housewife paradigm is just a conceit. And you shouldn't look at Faith’s use of dildos as being wanting to be male – the ability to penetrate Joyce is more about domination – and, at the same time, pleasure for Joyce – than anything else. As for her being patient or otherwise: in the early stages it was all about keeping Joyce off balance and disoriented, and vulnerable - receptive to seduction and susceptible to domination; and then later it's meant to reflect the urgency of their ongoing passion.

    I have to admit that I'm a bit disappointed that you've managed to come to  these conclusions, because to get to a point so far from what I’m trying to portray must mean my writing has failed.

    I'm afraid your hope that Faith becomes Buffy's step-mom (and Kendra becomes her aunt) are going to be disappointed - I'm just not interested in exploring that. And in my romance story Faith just isn't interested in any other women - that's really important to me.

    I also struggle as to why on earth the consensual relationship of Tara, Kennedy and Willow would attract your disapproval? What in their conduct could you disagree with? That they are engaged in a form of polygamy? It may not be how you would choose to live your life; nor how I would either – but it seems to make them happy! And I just want to portray these characters finding happiness. 

    I'd like to do something more with Satsu – another Intermezzo scene – though I'm not yet sure what!

    By the way Buffy only has 2 ex-girlfriends – Faith and Willow - so no deal there either I'm afraid.

    Anyway thanks again for your thoughts. 

    1. CloverReef


      I’m just going to stick my nose into something that’s none of my business to point out that the reviewer did say “I didn't read through the whole thing exactly word-for-word“, so chances are, the fact that they missed so much of what you were trying to portray had more to do with that, (and maybe a few little personal biases) rather than any failing on your part. You responded well and with tact, Salamandaslash. Kudos. 

    2. Krulos


      I understand what you mean, I think, Salamandaslash; so sorry I didn’t reply sooner. been really really really busy with attending a vocational school- and I guess I sort of lost track of the conversation, to ColoverReef: thank you for reminding me of this, and thanks for your defense, it is appreciated, but totally unnecessary.

      To Salamdaslash, and to Faith Lehane in that writer’s work here as well, despite her being a character; you’re right, I think… I have misread Faith as far as how feminine she is in this. I guess you mean to have her as sweet and loving as she shows up in “Change of Seasons” but a bit more into the sexual side of her life; am I right, Salamdaslash?

      My point is that if Faith marries Joyce, she inherits the job of “mother” to Joyce’s daughters- that’s how it goes: you marry someone, as a woman, you inherit the job of “mother” to their kids, or as a man, “father” becomes your additional job- that was my point about Faith’s new “family”.

      I do think that Divorce is something that people invented to carry out marital infedelity- that’s what gets my goat about it… and believe you me: I’ve had numerous real-world counseling sessions with a trusted advisor and mentor on the topic of others’ perceived immoral actions, and whether or not I’m obliged to stand up to them- my goal in this “story universe” of the “BtVS/AtS series” is to master my own tendencies and be able to be compassionate to people who misbehave- eventually to transplant that into my dealings in the real world- and you look at their *behavior* in the show: a good percentile of it *is* misbehaving!

      I understand what you mean, but here’s what and why I disagree with in the *behaviors* in the storyline you’ve been constructing; you *probably* already know my goals; what you may not know about me is this: I, like several monsters in world history, tend towards tyrannical leanings. Mine are rooted strongly in natural law and endoursement  of it. Sadly that tendency lends itself to a form of a tendency to *break* those regulations in regards to *others’* breaches of those regulations. I am, in a sense, by involvement in this fictional universe where in I cannot hope to harm the *people* who played the *characters*, proviso I remember the difference between say Sarah Gellar (NO, I do not remember her married name, but she’s gotten herself a family- very good for her) and Buffy Summers; and that the latter is a fictional superheroine, and the former is a real woman, actress, and wife and mother to her family, she played her character, and that’s the limit of the connection. My goal, therefore, is to master humane treatment of these characters, especially when they act up by fornicating, which’ll only mess with their feelings. Think about it: this is a story you’re writing, I know that, and so hopefully do the rest of the people here, a story I completely enjoy for all the drama, and I loved hearing Faith’s “inner position on her goals in that relationship” directly from the mind that’s writing her point of view here, so thank you from the bottom of my heart, Salamandaslash, that was most enlightening. I guess she wears those “toys” to sexually pleasure her wife, Joyce, as she sees her. My point is thus, Faith actually sees herself as Joyce’ dominant wife, partly because she’s been “screwing” her, but not in the mean way- you told me previously that she’s the heroine of this. I got the family connections from Faith and Kendra’s weddings to Mrs. Summers and Buffy’s aunt Arlene, and as you have it as “weddings”, it stands to reason why I’d naturally conclude as a reader that Faith’s now her ex-girlfriend’s stepmom, and Kendra became Buffy’s aunt.

      I fully expect that we’re going to come up with different ideas, Salamandaslash, that’s part of the fun of writing back and forth in the real world, I don’t know about you, but I’m completely enjoying this discussion!

      Perhaps some of Faith's background as Buffy’s girlfriend, or how she and Buffy broke up, but remained friends- or so it seems, a “background scene”, you know, a flashback scene, might be fun to read, or some of Jenny Calendar’s “girlfriend bond” with Buffy (she’s had a lot of female ‘dates’, or is “mates” in this story you’re writing, Ma’am (again, being polite), hasn’t she?); I don’t doubt that in this case, as the same with Tara and Kennedy picking up Willow as a girl at a bar and taking her to their dorm room to mate with her might cause what might be called “romantic jealousy” between Kennedy and Tara; as each has “mated” with Willow, they’d see themselves as “her wife” apiece, hence conflict- another reason I’m against extra-marital sex in *practice*, but as far as a *story plot* goes, it *does* render perfect recipe for drama, doesn’t it? I’ve used it as a mechanism many times myself.

      As a *story*, I think it’s turning out reasonably well, now particularly so because I grasp Faith’s inner ideas better; as a *comic*, it’s missing pictures, completely so- comics often are very visual, if it has to be written: the action is heavy in depiction-terms, and lacking in much else, aside from drama- usually, Miss, tales that involve sex involve either horror, or a tremendous degree of drama. I don’t know if Faith was a chaste girlfriend when she was dating Buffy, but if she wasn’t; her heart would be torn, as her inner emotions would read both Buffy and Mrs. Summers as “my wife”, or she’d read them both as “her wife”, hence tremendous emotional conflict within your story’s heroine- she’d be pulled everywhichway by her feelings and would have a deep emotional bond with both mother and daughter. This’d be a problem  with committing to one person that kind of commitment, which you said here that she deeply wants to give to her “wife” Joyce Summers.

      Honestly, I cannot have everything I’d like; I know that, and furthermore, this is far from in any way remotely about me at most- I have absolutely zero say about this, barring of course persuading you, Miss, to write what I convince you to write; my preferences are thus: I love the love, but hate the lust- that’s me… ironically, I know how children are made- I hate the deed, but love the product, the offspring. Again: contradiction: Yes! But that’s personality and perspective, nothing  less, nothing more.

      I love your ideas for her (Faith), but, as many fans have cast her into my belief system, I’d be her, I guess, stepbrother is the proper term- as we’d be adopted siblings not remotely biologically related, or so it seems. I cannot condone where she’s *looking* for a relationship to which she can give herself as “wife” and a loving one at that; but I do grasp her goal to be involved in that.

      I think, and guess here, that that Faith has drastically mixed up lust with love, and hasn’t any clue whatsoever on how to *show* love- for instance, she makes overt sexual advances to Joyce when she meets her, uses crude language towards her about mating with her; these things are what mixed me up about her, so I’d guess that she’s a bit of a “tragic heroine”- bad past, but out to give herself in a loving relationship… and the “bad past” thing is hinted in the show too, same with looking to amend herself!

      Don’t you worry; I too fail at writing adiquitely from time to time, and I love your cultured method of writing, but that’s why we’re in these “writing clubs”, to aid ourselves in mastering our skills- no matter how late in our lives it is- and I find that refreshing, really!

      About Satsu: having family drama might be a good element, especially if, and I don’t really remember, if she’s Ling’s adopted daughter- and a radically different ethnicity- think a lady Samurai having been orphaned and then adopted by a woman of Chinese ancestry- the ethnicties hate oneanother intensely, but the two might be the best of friends, and all the events in her home with her mom, and if Satsu brings a girlfriend home- that kind of thing… late getting up for school, temptations to lie, cheat, and/or steal, in reference to tests, or events of bitterness between mom and daughter; all those little elements that add family drama.

      The desire to marry is the desire to become a family- human nature; so a good amount of domestic drama would come up from time to time- I’m already cooking up a little story *somewhat* based on your storyline here, but distinctly *NOT* your story, but mine, as per what you told me in our discussions: to write my own story… this one is like yours in that Kendra and Faith “marry” Arlene and Joyce, like you have done, but basically Kendra’s trying  to rescue her sister-in-law from the lifestyle weakener of smoking, and like in  the series, these two are *supposed* to be superheroines., so it is set in the actual Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, but a bit different.

      You don’t need to be disappointed nor upset, if anything is an obstacle it’s the length per chapter; it kind of makes it harder to figure out where I am per reading- but that’s more me than you- it’s something *I’ve* got to deal with and amend, through continual effort; as I said, or tried to: I really had to skim the story due to time limits; that led to that. I really don’t have a reason to complain about your quality of work- the *behavior* of the characters I do *NOT* agree with, but that’s part of why I am here: to tame myself… like in Season 7 both Faith and Spike submitted to restrictions to their freedoms; they didn’t trust themselves and as they put it “I got dangerous for a while”… we’re all undergoing treatment for some disorder of some sort, every single human being currently in this life, from conception to natural death has some obstacle to deal with- stories like these that you’re writing to me are a means to an end; one that I sincerely hope shall be a good one about my treatment of neighbor.

      To be able to read the story I’ve been focusing on the inherent drama between the characters mostly; but to me sex is a catylist to get the drama going- why I’d conclude the “tearing of the heart” if someone has say “a wife and a mistress living together”- he’d be in constant trouble with one of them at least- that’s kind of the Chinese written word for “Trouble”, a guy living with his wife *and* his mistress at the same time- both women would be always after him… not like you have a sort of “BDSM marriage” going on between Faith and Mrs. Summers, or is it in this “Mrs. Summers and Mrs. Summers”; but I can envision what’d happen if say Mr. Summers finds out his wife, or as you might see it, ex-wife, married a woman his daughter’s age, and an ex-girlfriend of his daughter’s; another element  for drama: Faith’s feelings about this relationship of being married to her ex-girlfriend’s mom.

      Partly I cannot escape casting myself in my neighbor’s shoes- human weakness, that… direct result: I’d think that if Faith wanted  to wed Mrs. Summers, she’d want to also take on all the jobs that role entails: including  “Mom” to her “wife’s” daughters- see how I got the conclusion here?

      Perhaps some of Dawn and Janice, maybe Dawn brings Janice to her home, and Faith is introduced to Dawn’s girlfriend.

      Or some of Buffy’s new role as Dayna’s “property”; some of those events; maybe Faith was briefing Dayna on methods of domination, per say.

      I can’t wait for more, but I do guess I’ll have to!

      Sincerely, I’m happy with both messages; you take what you can get in this situation wherein you’re dealing with other people, and be grateful for it;


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