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Tcr last won the day on February 11 2022

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  1. Okay, so personal rant coming up…

    I was reading A few posts off site that a couple friends had shared and I felt absolutely disturbed by them.  It might be a few years back and all, but...  

    To have published authors who readily compare fanfic to home invasion (because (imo) free publicity is certainly the same as having someone break in and take everything), immoral  (... not touching that idea...) making them want to 'barf' (excellent wording, btw), and referring to it as adultery... 

    Are you serious?  I understand the idea of not liking it (I don't agree, but that's a personal thought process and one I can't force on others)...  But really?

    Sorry, just a little growly over this...

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    2. BronxWench


      Exactly, and we also inspire. Some authors, like Lois McMaster Bujold, put fan fiction on the websites. They understand that people can fall so deeply in love with their worlds that they need to fill in the blanks, cover things the author might not have addressed, or merely hinted at. Neil Gaiman writes fan fiction. Orson Scott Card has written fan fiction for an Issac Asimov fan fiction anthology. Andy Weir wrote a fan fiction that the original author, Ernest Cline, liked enough to publish.

      So for those of us who write fan fiction, celebrate! We are creative people with lively imaginations who ask “What if...” :D

    3. Avaloyuru


      Oh for Pete’s Sake!!  Unfortunately the authors I’m aware of are not as famous as the ones already mentioned in a few of the previous comments; regardless, as I read through articles written by these published authors, so many of them comment on how they got their start by writing fanfiction.


    4. Tcr


      I actually read something about Gaiman openly admitting that even his head canon isn't really canon and that fans are open to interpreting however they want.  I'mpretty sure he was in favour of fan fiction.  Lol.

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