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Tcr last won the day on February 11 2022

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  1. And now...  for the next five weeks, tough days ahead...  Lots of bad memories...  Not sure how much writing is going to get done on any of them now :(.

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    2. BronxWench


      @Desiderius Price I found out on Thanksgiving Day 2012 that my dad had end-stage cancer. He and my stepmom flew up from Texas on December 5, 2012, and he died January 11, 2013.

      I still catch myself thinking I should text my dad about something, or call him. But if he were here today, we’d be having a cup of coffee together, something we started doing when I was a toddler (mine back then was a few drops of coffee in warm milk, but it worked!) and did almost up until he died. Cocoa was only for when I went ice skating, and Dad would be watching from the rail at Wollman Rink.

    3. Avaloyuru
    4. Tcr


      I hate working nights, never get to answer people right away... :(…

      DP: Regarding morselized penis...  Disturbing...  Yet, once again shows how reality can be stranger than fiction...  And I have a great number of strange things the cops would suspect me as a serial killer for...especially with my search history...  And apparently being a writer only goes so far when researching Nazis...  And rape...  And getting away with murder...

      BW, I'm sorry to hear that :(...  It's good you have the great memories, though.  Still, I understand...  And sure, let's be tough together :).  :hug:.

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