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Posts posted by Mal

  1. Greetings from the Black!

    Hi everyone, I’m back / here, or something again! I know its been a while and for that I do apologize. It seems like all I do lately is miss my self imposed deadlines… In this case, I have one good excuse and one not so good excuse… First, let me put everyone’s worries to bed. I am fine, and the family medical emergency which kept me from writing for about a week has been resolved. The effected family member is doing better and getting stronger every day. We (my family and I) all have high hopes that a full recovery for the person involved is not only possible, but is well underway. So that is excuse number 1. I had a big family emergency which drastically cut into the time I had to work. Excuse number 2 isn’t nearly as good… but here it goes… As some of you know I struggle with mental health issues from time to time, and while I wouldn’t say this was that… I went through a period of about 2 weeks where I found it nearly impossible to motivate myself to work. As you will see when you read this chapter, it is something different and introduces a new character ( I won’t revel who here), but because I was doing something kind of new with a kind of new character the story didn’t come as easily to me as chapters of BDH usually do, add to that a general feeling of malaise and the writing of this chapter just sort of dragged on…. I missed many self imposed deadlines which caused me to feel worse and it wasn’t easy to pull my shit together…. All I have to say is thank goodness my editor is a very patient person!

    Okay, enough of that. I want very much to talk about this chapter! But I also don’t want to give anything away. What I’ll say for now is that this chapter is a prologue and it introduces one of the two remaining women who will join Alex’s harem. In this chapter we learn even more of Alex’s back story… the whys and more importantly the hows behind him pulling off the bold kidnappings on that first night 46 days ago. Also, if you pay attention, you’ll be able to figure out a pretty detailed timeline of how and when things came together. The last thing I’ll say about the chapter at least before people have had a chance to read it, is that it adds a lot more details about Arcadia and how it works…

    Chapter 48 will also likely be mostly a prologue. But I may jump down the timeline and give you guys a surprise at the end. I haven’t really decided yet. It will probably depend on how things come together. But the main thing the next chapter will focus on is to further develop the new character and to give you guys more insight on how many of the women in Alex’s harem came to be captured. Depending on how many pages it takes to finish this prologue story, I may end up back in the harem and back on the normal timeline. There’s a cliffhanger that needs wrapping up there, and then I want to do a time jump to get us to the point where I can bring in the final celebrity. If you guys remember from way way back, this last celeb will be the one you guys voted on, and who I told you would be one of two celebrities. I can’t say for sure when she’ll be unveiled, but it is coming very soon. 

    This is the part where I’d normally address your comments, but its been so long since I’ve done properly done this that I’m not exactly sure where I left off. I know its been a long time since I’ve done this, but rest assured the I’ve read all your wonderful comments and I love hearing from you. Because its been a while, I promise you guys that I’ll be bouncing in the next few days and if you have a comment or a question you’d like addressed post it up. I’m going to try to be around and respond to them. And next time I post a chapter, I will make sure I address any comments that I haven’t gotten to. 

    Thank you guys so much and I can’t wait to hear your responses to this chapter and to the new celebrity!

    Till next time,


  2. Hey guys, just a super quick update. We had a family health emergency last week. Don’t worry, everything is fine, (more or less now). There’s just some recovery to be done, but this event did cut into how much time I had to write. The end result is I’m now looking to finish chapter 47 sometime in the first week of December (I hope), and plan to post it during that second week.  I’ll also respond to the comments when I post the chapter.

    Ok  that’s it for now. Just wanted to keep you guys in the loop.

    Till next time,


  3. Hey guys, sorry I haven’t gotten a chance to address all the comments from the previous chapter. Unfortunately my job, my RL (which to be fair barely exists), and my work on the story has taken up all of my time recently. I’d sit down to do it now, but I have to make a choice. Spend 2 hours writing up responses to all your wonderful comments, or work on BDH for that long. Normally, I’d just do the responses since I have the entire month to get the chapter done. But, in this case, I go on vacation next week so I really only have this week and maybe the first couple of days in the last week of Nov to get it finished if I have any hope of posting it before December 1. 

    Seeing as right now I’m on about page 5, I am, unfortunately, going to have to  choose to work on the story instead. As I said in my previous post I really want to spend all of December working on my original. I’m really hoping I can get a lot of good work done on it while things are slow here. So, I’m just not going to be able to work on addressing comments this time around. I really hope that doesn’t dissuade anyone from commenting or asking any questions you have. I promise after I post in November I’ll address comments at that time.

    In the meantime, I hope you all are enjoying chapter 46. Please know that I’m hard at work on 47 and that I am very much looking forward to reading any and all comments or questions you may have.

    Till next time,


  4. Hey guys, after a several very long days in a row at work and a couple very long sessions working on the story, Chapter 46 is finally up! I’m really happy with how it turned out and I am very excited to see what you guys think of it.

    Moving on. Because I again had a busy month and didn’t get what was supposed to be September’s chapter posted until November, that again means I haven’t gotten any work done on my original. Because of this, I have had to make a difficult choice. I won’t beat around the bush, but don’t worry, BDH will continue. Basically I plan to go to work right away on BDH 47 and hope to have it finished by late November or early in December, hopefully the former. But either way, I’m going to be taking all of, or whatever is left in December to fully devote to my original and won’t return to work on BDH until January. That means there will not be a chapter posted for December. I know that sucks…  But here is the good news, because things are usually so slow here in December, it is my hope that I can get most of the first episode of my original finished. So hopefully I can finish it and have it up for sale sometime in the early months of next year. As always, that is subject to change depending on how things work out. Work on my original project isn’t like working on BDH because I am inventing brand new characters, which means the scenes don’t flow as easily as they do with a more established work like BDH… Anyway, rest assured that I will keep you all posted on the progress. I’ll likely do a post in mid to late December just to fill you guys in on the progress I’ve made. 

    I’m pretty tired right now, so I’m not going to do my usual thing and comment on the new chapter. I’ll let you guys do that for me :) .   I also don’t want to give too much of chapter 48 away. But I will take a quick moment to say a couple things about the upcoming chapter, just because I like to tease you guys… Lets see. Chapter 48 will A) reveal the identity of the mysterious supermodel. and B) it will take place almost (if not entirely) outside of the harem. I think that’s good enough lol :) .

    I plan to come back tomorrow or the next night to address all the comments since my last post. But, I did want to take a moment to comment about something A girl likes this story, mentioned. She mentioned that I had written over 200,000+ words so far. That comment got me curious, so I literally opened each chapter one at a time and recorded the word and page count of each chapter and added them together.  The results surprised me… ALOT! For the record, as of Chapter 47, the total word count for BDH is <drum roll> 348,524! And the total page count is: 661!  Just freaking amazing! Anyway, I’m going to post the chapter now, and as I said I’ll be back on sometime in the next couple days to comment on the comments :) .

    Till then, happy reading!


  5. Hello everyone, I just popped on for the as promised thorough response :).

    First things first, I wanted to apologize for not getting the chapter done for September. There are two primary reasons for that. As some of you may remember, the first few months of a new school year are a very busy time for me. September in particular is usually the worst of those months and this year that was especially true. My job kept me very busy with some very stupid problems…  The second reason was simply the chapter itself. It may not seem like it, but I found this chapter really difficult to write. Even though I knew what I wanted to do and where I was going with it, the words to describe all of that just did not come easily. Well…. that isn’t entirely true. The last section with Alex, I wrote in about 2 hours…  That part was easy, for some reason and it ended up requiring almost no editing or rewrites either :)

    As for the chapter itself, there were many things going on, all of which I felt were particularly important as we move toward the end. The relationships between Emma and Cara and between Margot and Felicity needed page time…. As we approach the ending, it is important to remember how these ladies feel about each other and how we got there. I also needed to show the aftermath of what happened to Ari in the previous chapter and how she will get to where she’s going in an upcoming chapter…  Then, of course is the scene with Alex. I obviously can’t say too much about it other than to say that none of that moment was something that I didn’t see coming. From early on, maybe not right in the beginning, but at least by chapter 30 or so, I knew that Alex was going to have an accomplice and that someone was going to be a celebrity. I also, had always planned for Alex to end up asking Emma to marry him. Its something that is very critical to the plot. Someone in the comments pointed out that they had problems with how much power Emma was getting. But I would argue that there couldn’t be any drama as we move towards the ending if she didn’t have any power. The balance between Emma and Alex as the story nears its conclusion is essential to the ending.

    I haven’t begun writing chapter 46 yet, but I have a pretty good idea where the focus will be. First off, I plan to develop and expand on the relationship between Bella, Dove and Chloe. I also want to do a little work with Ari’s journey. Finally, I plan to have the big moment where Alex proposes, and have a scene where they work through his momentary loss of control. I had planned for this chapter to be a time jump, but I’m not sure if / when that will happen now…. I’ll have a better idea after I finish this chapter how that moment will come together. Aside from that, logistically, I plan to  start work on it right away. It is my hope that I’ll have 46 written by the 21st  and published by the 26th. I know that’s a short timeline, but I didn’t get any work done on my original work last month so its likely the only way I’ll be able to work on it this month is to set a very grueling pace. Hopefully, October will be a quiet month at work and I can get a lot of writing done.

    Ok, that’s about enough of that. Let me briefly move on to all your wonderful comments.

    First off, I won’t be individually addressing each congratulation on hitting the 200k mark. On that though, I want to say thank you! So very much, thank you!  I never imagined when I first started this story that it might have such a fantastic response. I honestly didn’t know if anyone would even read it. Now, by my calculations the story grows by over 7000 dragon prints each month. (Just as a friendly reminder, a dragon print is a view counter that tabulates based on people viewing new chapters from each individual device). So there is no way for me to know exactly how many views the story gets because if someone logs on and looks at chapters from more than one device, the site counts the views from each of those devices. But, I think it is an excellent way to measure the success of a story. And, quite frankly, I couldn’t be more blown away by the response my story has had. So, I wanted to thank you guys again! I want to thank you for sticking with me and watching me grow as a writer and just for loving my story and for taking the time to read it and offer up your comments and questions… I means ever so much to me every time I see a new comment or a new question. I know I’ve said it before, but I would have given up on this story long ago if not for you guys, so thank you again for keeping with it, for motivating me and for your amazing support! You guys really are the best! Thank you! One last time Thank you!

    Okay, on to you guys:

    A girl likes this story: First off, I never meant to imply that I didn’t believe you were a real girl. The post where I asked you questions I made several attempts at humor… Which is a difficult thing to pull off in a forum post. I was trying to be funny… I guess I should just stick to writing sex ;). … I also wanted to thank you for answering my questions (and yes its perfectly acceptable not to answer any or part of a question, I never want you or anyone else to feel uncomfortable). I appreciate that you took your time to respond and that you did so in a pretty thorough manner.  I think its kind of amusing that you skim or even skip the sex since that is usually like half the chapter ;) Also, there’s often a lot of plot and character development sprinkled into those scenes. But I certainly agree with you that its the relationships that are the most important thing. Even if you read someone only reads this story for the sex, the connection that the characters have their individual stories only add to the hotness of the sex because you know them. Its hard to balance the sex and the plot / character development but I think they are both equally important. As to your comment about Alex and not knowing whether you can believe that he really cares for the girls anymore… I think its an important dynamic as we approach the end of the story. I’m not sure how many people noticed it, but Emma and Alex are very much alike. In the beginning Alex has all the power and Emma none. He is in control and she (if you look at the very early chapters) has little to none. Slowly, they’ve begun to equalize. Alex still has more power, obviously, but one of the things I’ve found most interesting as I write this is how the dynamic between them has developed over hundreds of pages. And this momentary loss of control that we see in Alex is just another moment where the balance between he and Emma becomes even closer to equal…. I think it will be very interesting to watch this as the story ramps up towards the end…. I really hope you guys enjoy it :). I have a big idea in the works for Ari. I really hop you guys like it. Because I do think she is unique and I do think she’s smart ( she did sort of manipulate Alex into making her a cat), but was that because he wanted her to be a cat, or because she wanted him to make her a cat???? Very interesting to consider, especially with what is coming up for her… As for Emma, wow! I couldn’t have had a different take on her. She might have a distant presence on social media, but I think that’s more about a desire for some modicum of privacy and not because she doesn’t care. I would argue that makes her more relatable in fact. Now, I will say that she has some very high goals and that sometimes she might come off as a little uppity because of that, but I also think that is because she is kind of distant on social media not because she is cold… just my opinion obviously.  I hope that addresses everything, if you have any other questions or concerns feel free to pass them along.

    Sazbi: I’m guessing that chapter 45 answered most of the concerns in your comment. Lets see… I think its an interesting idea that because Emma has kind of taken Taylor under wing a little that there could be something to develop between her and Chloe… That is a pairing I don’t think we’ve seen either… interesting…. I can’t comment on Ari you’ll just have to wait for 46… But I will say your comment on that you thought it was funny what Emma did to “trigger” Alex made me laugh out loud. I found it funny too, but probably not for the same reason. I’ve been seeing a lot of corollaries between Emma and Alex lately…. and…. what is it that Emma really gets off on…? :) 

    ArcherNexus: It is true, I have the hugest crush on Cara Delevingne. For a long time it was Emma and before that… well the list is expansive… But anyway, yes, I am super psyched about Carnival Row. I haven’t had the funds lately to reactivate my Amazon Prime account so I haven’t seen it yet. But yes, one of these days I do intend to watch it and I am looking forward to the steamy scene I’ve heard so much about…

    Romavictrix: I’ve never seen Lucifer. But I’ve had a very specific ending in mind for this story for a long time. I obviously can’t go into what that ending will be. But I will say that I agree with your assessment that in a large part what Alex does is that he brings out desires in the celebs that they would have otherwise denied due to social constraints. 

    Juan: I think I mentioned it before, but the darker ending at the end of 44 was one of those moments where the story just sort of took over and that scene is just the magic that happened because of it. As for internal dialog and conflict… well my opinion is that a writer could have the hottest, steamiest sex scenes on Earth, but without those things… without character development and struggle that story would ultimately be pretty damn boring. You need the drive, you need characters to clash not only to make the story believable, but also to make the things they do (yes that includes sex) more memorable and important.

    Well: I never originally thought that Taylor’s punishment scene would fill 3 full chapters, but I am happy with the outcome. It was a great way to resolve a significant portion of her story line. And while that isn’t the end of Taylor’s development, I think it can be safely said that at this point her believably as a truly depraved slut is unquestioned. I’m glad you liked the scene between Emma and Ari and I hope that you’ll enjoy what I have in the works for her coming up… should be interesting. As for my book… I don’t want to go into too much detail as its still early but… Lets see... Its about the corruption of an innocent girl by her roguish stepfather… and the family drama that will rise from it…  I guess is the short version that doesn’t give too much away… As for the dare game idea, I don’t have any plans for an kind of games at the moment. We’ll just have to see what kind of stuff I can work in… since I plan to wrap up BDH around chapter 60.

    King: As I said above, and you may disagree with this, but I think the story would be terribly boring if Alex had complete and total control over everything that happened. If there was no push back from the girls if there was no conflict the story wouldn’t have any meat, it would just be sex… and that sex would start to get very boring without the plot that comes along with Emma and a few of the other girls gaining a little bit of power. I know its hard to see sometimes since I know a lot of people read this for the Mdom and force fetishes, but a good story has to have moments that challenge you or they just get drab and predictable and that is when the story dies… There will be 2 more characters added before the end. I’m hoping to bring them in sometime int he next 3 to maybe 4 chapters and I hope to announce them sometime in the next 2-3. We’ll just have to see. I can’t comment on the punishment room / breaking stuff other than to  say despite Emma’s deepest hope the punishment room has not seen its last scene just yet ;). (And yet, I know exactly who the final 2 celebs will be).

    I guess that about does it! I hope you’re all reading chapter 45. I can’t wait to hear what you all think!

    Till next time,


  6. Chapter 45 is up!

    I’m short on time, so I won’t be responding to all the comments tonight, just wanted to say thanks so much for 200k dragon prints and I hope you enjoy the new chapter. I’ll be on probably tomorrow for a more thorough response.

    Till then,


  7. Hello again, 

    I’m back tonight for the promised update!

    First, let me address the new chapter. A long time back, you guys voted on a scene with Emma, Ari and Alex. This chapter first and foremost was meant to deliver on that promise. I was pleasantly surprised and excited with how the chapter turned out. Once again, I found myself in one of those situations where my free-flowing writing style took me in a very unexpected direction. In this case, the ending. I’m very interested to hear what you all thought of the way the chapter ended. Though it wasn’t part of my initial plan for the chapter to end on such a dark note, I think it serves very nicely as a build up for things to come. As  you all know, we are ramping up towards the end at this point. We are by no means there yet, but I think the little speed bump Ari and Emma hit at the end of 44 will definitely influence the way things play out from this point on. Perhaps it will be in a more subtle way at first. But as we get closer to the end game, I think, I hope you all will be surprised and excited for those things.

    Next, for the foreseeable future, I expect the chapters to come later in the month, as I won’t be starting new BDH chapters until the first day of each month. I will use the time between publishing the new BDH chapter and the end of the month to work on my new original story. But before I tell you a little bit about how that project is proceeding, lets talk BDH 45 and beyond. I have two more major scenes planned before the time jump chapter. The time jump chapter will, as I said before will be a long jump. Probably the longest yet. As for 45, it will encompass one of these two major scenes and hopefully will set up the other. I can’t say for sure how things will play out, since I now have the fallout from 44’s ending to deal with as well. But, if things go according to plan, 46 will then deal with the final planned scene and resolve the remaining plot points that are still floating around out there. 47 will then be used for the entire time jump. I will announce one of the two ladies at the end of 47, and the final girl will be announced in a very different manor with her very own chapter. I don’t want to say too much about this special chapter yet, but I will say that I’ve been thinking about this moment for probably close onto a year now so I’m very excited to finally be writing it. If things all go according to plan, the entire cast will be apart of BDH by chapter 48 and from there, we will really begin to ramp up towards the end.

    Now, my original story. The title is still a work in progress, but if you read my previous update post, you will know that I plan to release it in short episodes that will be around 50 pages each and contain their own mini story as part of a larger overall arc. I’m guessing each episode will have between 5-7 chapters, maybe less…. Anyway, after I finished up chapter 44 last month, I spent the rest of the month writing the first chapter of the first episode. That chapter is currently in a semi polished state, to be further refined as the entire episode takes shape. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I will say that it is an original story, obviously and that it will contain many of the same themes / kinks / fetishes as Billion Dollar Harem. However, the primary kink I plan to focus on is Step Fantasy with a lesser but still significant focus on Slut Training / Mind Break themes. I plan to mostly shy away from the extreme and darker fetishes (at least with this first episode), in order to appeal to the maximum number of people. Perhaps in future episodes or when I eventually move onto a new original work I will return to the dark side… 

    Finally, let me address all the comments.

    Juan: Thank you as always for your support. I’m very glad you enjoyed chapter 44 and hope you find 45 equally pleasing. I will try to keep you all at least semi updated on the progress of the original story. I obviously don’t want to divulge too much as discovering the story is half the reason to buy it :). But, rest assured that as it nears completion, I will let you all know where and how to find it should any of you want to check it out.

    Romavictrix: Thank you, Romavictrix. I wasn’t really gone, but I did have a rather long break in production after my two unfortunate tumbles. Thank you for your enthusiasm about the original work, I promise to keep you all posted.

    Joe: I’m very glad that you liked Taylor’s progression. I can’t say at this point she is complete, but I think she’s reached about the maximum level of possible slutiness. The questions for her at this point will be more centered around relationships and  winning back her friends…. It should be an interesting journey. As to Emma’s involvement in the punishment. As soon as I knew I was going to do a foot fetish as part of this scene, I wanted two things out of it. 1) I wanted the foot / feet in question to belong to Emma. and 2) I wanted that foot to be absolutely disgusting in order to humiliate Taylor as much as possible. I think most of Emma’s involvement was coordinated with Alex. He for sure picked out both outfits, and suggested the foot fetish. I picture the liverwurst part to be born in Emma’s brain though. He also suggested, in my imagining, getting one of the guards to provide a topping for her foot. But I like to think it was her idea to make it a team effort. 

    Zack: First of all, thank you so much for your very kind words. I often like to think my work is appreciated. But you never really know unless someone tells you or shows it in some way. When someone tells me how much they appreciate the hard work I’ve put into this or any of my projects, it really makes me feel good and encourages me to soldier on when things are tough. My financial situation is tough right now. Hopefully my original work will help me get out of the enormous hole I find myself in…. <fingers crossed> I’m glad to know though at the very least I’ll have one or two people lined up to buy it ;) . I’m glad you’ve been enjoying BDH. Is this your first post, I don’t remember seeing your name before (my apologizes if you have… )  I like to think the main reason my story is so different from the other celeb fan fiction out there is just the fact that 1) I pour my blood sweat, and tears into this story. (That’s not true exactly, mostly I pour wrist cramps into it and pent up frustration into it :) ) But I’ve always favored quality over quantity I never release a chapter until I’m happy with it and I try my very best to make each chapter different than any of the ones before it. and 2) This might be cliche and maybe even corny, but you guys, my readers / fans are the other reason this story has so much success. Without all your kind words, comments and criticisms, not only would BDH have died off long ago, but even had it persisted, it wouldn’t be half as good as it is now. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, and yes, I am doing much better since my falls. Thank you again for your support, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

    A girl likes this story: Oh! Come on, everyone knows there are no real girls on the internet… this must be some kind of trap :)  Seriously though, thank you so much for your support, and assuming you really are a real girl ( :)) I ‘d love to ask YOU  a couple of questions. (I’ll wait till the end) First when I set out to write this story, my main goal was NOT to just dump two dozen celebs in a basement and have some guy screw them once and thereby turn them into sex crazed sluts…. I wanted each girl to have her own personality (that’s realistic, right?) ( I don’t know any girls….) And I honestly wanted them each to have their own unique roles. That’s probably one of the reasons it took me so long to bring in more celebs after the initial five. When I sat down to start this, I never thought there would be more than five girls. But as the story evolved, I realized there was room for more. Besides if I didn’t write a story with Cara and Felicity in it, I was going to lose my shit. I’m glad you liked the way each celeb evolved and that you like the punishments. (More on that in a sec). I find it interesting when people tell me Ariana is their favorite. In my mind, she might be the least developed of the characters (she’s one of the newest), and I really feel like she needs more attention to be fully developed… My favorites are Emma (obviously) and probably Cara but mostly because I find her unbelievably attractive. Now, if you’ll indulge me, a few questions. I’d love a “real girl”(‘s) perspective. (Also feel free to email me your response if you don’t feel comfortable posting it. Alternatively, ignore this all together if you like. I’m merely curious)

    1. As a man (checks) yes, as a man, I know what is appealing about a story like this. (Hot female celebrities in wild, steamy sex scenes have been my fantasy since…. well ever since I starting having fantasies….)  I’m curious what a girl finds appealing about this story? Feel free to be as vague or specific as you like. 
    2. As a girl, do you find any of the more graphic / violent parts difficult to read? I mean, you made it this far, obviously you had to have encountered some of the darker stuff… Do you sympathize with say Felicity, Taylor or Ariana when they are handled so brutally and inhumanly in those really dark punishment room scenes. Or does it…. (how to put this delicately) tickle your fancy ….   I guess the base question here is do you read a story like this for the plot or for the sex?
    3. What does a character like Alex make you feel? Do you like him? Sympathize with him? Love him? Hate him? Do you think he has any redeeming qualities, and if so what, in your mind, are they?
    4. (Last one) You said Ariana was your favorite character. I’m curious what makes you feel a connection with her? What qualities does she have that makes you identify with her? Or is it just that she’s really hot dressed up like a cat?

    Thanks again for reading along, A girl likes this story. As I said take the questions or leave em, I’m just curious. I hope either way you’ll continue to follow the thread and be entertained by the story.

    Sazbi: Yeah, I worried a little when I was writing 43 that people might think I was turning Taylor into a dog, but I was really just looking for a way to humiliate her even more. Personally, I think someone calling you a dog and making you bark and beg is pretty humiliating….  As for the whole pariah thing… I’m not sure that is going to be entirely true. After all, she didn’t directly assault Cara, all she did was cheat on her gf with her…. I think her social status is redeemable with some time and work. And, as you’ll see in 44 she’ll have at least one friend… As for the new girls and the new chapter, I’m excited to announce them and bring them in, and the new chapter is here! What are you waiting for, go read it!

    ArcherNexus: I get that it kind of sucked to end the RP between Emma and Alex. But, I was trying to show that he didn’t need some elaborate fantasy to show her how he felt about her. In my mind, Alex genuinely cares for Emma, certainly above all the other women in his harem and he has to use small things to show her that. Otherwise she might grow too bold, or on the flip side too meek to do her job. By that same measure, Emma wants him to care for her. She likes to tease him and find new exciting ways to entice him. But ultimately, she wants to be with him as herself. I thought that by flipping it, going from the sexy RP and transitioning to it just being Emma and Ariana as themselves was a great way to show that. (However, I can perfectly understand your feelings. Writing Emma as that cute, naive girl was a super turn on). I’m glad you enjoyed the ending. When I sat down to write this chapter, that wasn’t something I was intending to happen. But as I said above, I don’t think the fact that it was accidental takes away from the effect. Alex’s darker side was bound to come out at some point and Emma was the one most likely to see it (outside of the punishment room) so it really just makes sense. I'm not sure exactly what it is you’re hoping to see for Emma moving forward. But I will say this, of all the girls, Emma’s future is the one I have most set in my mind. In other words her path has a pretty set trajectory and its unlikely that it will alter much from how I have things set in my head. I guess I only hope that what I have planned for her and for the story at large doesn’t disappoint you and everyone else…

    Ok folks… wow that took a long time… lol Anyway I really wanted to take a moment to respond to your comments and to address things moving forward so it was worth it. I would expect chapter 45 not to be released until near the end of September as I won’t even start it until next week. I may pop on to address some comments if we get a bunch in the next week or so, if not I’ll talk to you all again at the end of next month.

    Till next time


  8. Hello again friends!

    First, the good news! The good news is that chapter 44 is up and ready for you all to read. The bad news is that once again I find myself without enough time to give a run down or to address all the wonderful comments. On the bright side though, I very much want to do both of those things and while I doubt it will get done today, I should be able to get to it tomorrow. So, if your reading this today, please do check in tomorrow for the full rundown, an update on my plans and progress with the original story, and of course to address the comments.

    Till next time, happy reading, and I’ll see you all very soon,


  9. Hey gang,

    I just popped on for my promised check in. I’m sure by now most of you have read the chapter, so I won’t really say much about it. All I really have to say in regards to chapter 43 at this point is that it, (43) and the previous chapter (42) were some of the most difficult I’ve done since the pool party chapters. Writing chapters filled with basically non-stop sex really isn’t fun. Its tedious and almost kind of boring. That isn’t to say that they aren’t fun to read, and that they can be great pay off chapters for everyone reading along. But for me, the writing of those kind of chapters is just hard to push though. There is a lot of repetition, and little dialogue to alleviate the big bulky paragraphs of description… Just all an all not very fun to write. In this case it was worth it. This was Taylor’s big pay off chapter, the culmination of many many chapters worth of plot for her, and I think, especially in her case (being particularly slutty at this point), that such a chapter had to be filled with sex…  And as for the dog / barking stuff… I never really intended to make Taylor a dog-girl…. I  mostly used that stuff for a new form of humiliation.  While I think it could be interesting to take Taylor down that path, I’m sure many of you would agree that such a transformation would only serve to limit her character as beyond that point she would be locked into a role similar to Ariana and I just don’t think that would be in the best service to the story….

    Now, let me just say a little about the whats next for me and for BDH. For the rest of July, I plan to work on some original fiction. As I stated many months back, I would really like to create some fiction that I can market and sell. My financial situation at this point is so dismal that I’m sure it would make most of you tremendously sad if you knew even half of the truth… The only way I can see to change that is to create a story that I can market without being sued, in other words, an original story. A while back, I began work on such a story, but the scope and honestly the setting were just far too ambitious for a first attempt at this sort of thing. Therefore, I have put that story on the back burner, and embarked on a new project with a much more modest, yet still sexy as fuck, story. I don’t want to go into too many details at this point. But I will say that I plan to work on this each month after I’ve published that month’s chapter of BDH. I plan to work in small manageable “chapters” of about 50 pages each that I’ll put up for sale on Amazon as soon as they are ready. My current goal for this first story is to write 3-4 of these 50 page “chapters,” and then to see where the story and I am ready to go from there…  I’ll try to keep you guys posted, as its still in the early stages of development…

    As for BDH 44 and moving forward. I plan for chapter 44 right now to continue to evolve a few of the plot lines that have been developing in the past several chapters as well as for it to contain the fan selected scene featuring Emma, Ari and Alex. I can’t really say yet what plot lines I’ll be moving forward on… But I can say that I have a rough guide that I’ll be following moving forward all the way to chapter 50. Most likely, the next 3-4 chapters (depending on how long it takes to resolve certain things) will all take place in the next few days following the Taylor show. I then plan for there to be a fairly big time jump (maybe the largest time jump we’ve had yet…. I plan for the end of that time jump chapter to tease the final two celebrities who will enter Alex’s harem.  So hopefully sometime in the next 4 possibly 5 chapters you guys will know. After that, I plan to bring those characters in very quickly (much faster than the other ladies). By chapter 50, I plan for all the girls to be in place. Then I’ll begin ramping up towards the big finish. I expect this to take approximately 10 chapters. I know all this is a long way off… But I hope to bring BDH to its dramatic climax (pun intended) sometime right around chapter 60.

    All right guys, I’m going to sign off. I’ll try to pop on again soon to address any comments or questions you might have before I settle in to start work on chapter 44. So please, if you have something you’d like to ask or say let me know :) .

    Till next time,


  10. Chapter 43 is finally here. You guys know the deal and where to look if you want to talk about it… I’m really tired this time around so I’m going to keep it short and sweet. Enjoy the new chapter, and stop by my thread if you want to talk about it.

    Till next time,


  11. Hey everyone!

    First off, I wanted to thank everyone for the support and concern you’ve shown for my well being this past, tremulous month. It hasn’t been easy with the injuries I incurred from those two falls, but I pushed through it and its finally here, if a little late. That’s right, chapter 43 is here!

    I’m not going to do what I normally do and go through a big long spiel. For one thing, I’ve been up for like 24 hours and I’m extremely tired. For another, I’m just about out of time and wanted to get this up before I have to been done for the day. I’ll try to swing back on sometime in the next few days to give a little insight into this chapter and the next. But for now, enjoy the chapter and I look forward to hearing from you all again real soon.

    Till next time,


  12. Hey everyone! So I just popped on to give you all a quick update. Unfortunately, chapter 43 won’t be done by the end of the month. A couple of weeks ago at work, I took a tremendously klutzy fall of a set of stairs onto a concrete footpath. I skinned up both my legs very badly and sprained my wrist. That tumble left me sore and fatigued and as a result, the very next night, I took a second fall down an entire flight of stairs. Luckily, I wasn’t seriously hurt… I’m honestly pretty sure I could have died in that second fall if things had gone just a little differently. But because of that second fall, I had to take it very easy the past 10-12 days or so. I probably could have done some writing as I recovered, but I was very tired and sore and I didn’t really feel up to anything but sitting in one place and doing absolutely nothing… This means, as I said at the beginning, that chapter 43 won’t be ready by the end of the month. I’m feeling much better now, my wrist is still pretty sore, but I’m anxious to get back to work on the story, so that is just what I plan to do. It is my hope that I can finish it by early next week and have it ready for publishing by the week of 7/7… I know this is a disappointment for many of you, and I apologize for that, but I just want you all to know that I plan to buckle down this week and get it done. I’ll let you guys know if there are any further developments, but hopefully the next time you hear from me will be when I publish chapter 43 in about a week or so…

    Till next time,


  13. I Alright gang, sorry it took me so long to get back on and address the comments, but I’ve had some relaxing days off and I just didn’t feel motivated to do much other than sit at home and play video games :) .But I’m here now. First off, I’m really hoping you guys have been enjoying chapter 42. From the few comments, PMs and emails I’ve gotten so far it seems like most people are so that’s great! Also, I’m still working hard on chapter 43 and I still have high hopes to get it to you guys by the end of the month. Ok, let me address the comments so I can go back to work on BDH :).

    Romavictrix: Lets see. I like your list, but I have to say its not quite for me. Most of the girls there are of middling hotness (at least in the celebrity world) for me. Selena Gomez is pretty hot, but she just doesn’t have that wow factor for me. Jessica Alba and Elisha Cuthbert are hot, and it if was 10 years ago, I’d definitely feel better about them. Jessica Alba circa Sin City… wowzers…  I watch The Flash and I think Danielle Panabaker is pretty damn fine, she just wouldn't top out on my list. I saved the best for last. Alexandra Daddario I certainly approve of. I think she is super hot. She doesn't have what I would think of as a perfect body, (which is really the only thing that keeps her out of my top 5). But, I love her eyes... Those eyes I maintain could melt steel…

    Bill Friese: I like your list too. But again most of the girls there wouldn’t top out my list. For one thing, Demi Lovato has a pretty enough face, but, I really don’t care for her body type. Quite frankly, she is pretty far out of my top 20/25 or so… I obviously like Taylor and Ariana. Both are super hot and I love their body types even though they are different. I like tiny and petite almost as much as I like tall and slender. Taylor also has the light colored eyes that I really like so yeah. I think both Taylor and Ariana would be in my top 20, just not top 5… Finally with Elle. I think she’s pretty hot too, but something about her face… maybe its just a little asymmetrical… a tiny defect to be sure, but its enough to keep her out of my top 20/25...She does have amazing eyes though, I will give her that… Finally, to address your second comment, I’m really happy that it seems you liked the last two chapters. I loved my idea for Emma to cover her feet in sweaty liverwurst juices and make Taylor suck on them… I thought it was very fun! I’m also happy that you like the resolution to the Taylor-Bella-Cara love triangle. When I first started writing 42. I knew Bella’s turn was going to be interesting, but it didn’t honestly occur to me for her to take a revenge pee on Taylor until I started writing her turn. However, as soon as the idea came to me I knew I had to implement it… just too much fun. I loved the poetic justice of the situation. As far as Cara’s reaction. I had originally intended for Cara to take a turn just like everyone else. But as the scene developed I just thought it was out of character for her and changed it mid scene to what happened. 

    Joe: Funny enough, I don’t read a lot of celebrity fan fiction. Its nothing against those who write it, but most of the writing is pretty terrible and I find it so hard to get into a story when I’m correcting grammar and spelling mistakes in my head and finding tons of continuity errors… Most people who write celeb fan fiction just seem to be interested in the “money shot” so to speak. Where all they’re interested in is the smut, or even just putting the celeb in some horribly fucked up situation. But almost none care about developing the story or explaining how the celeb ended up in the compromising position, especially in mind break stories…  Honestly, a lot of my inspiration comes from porn. I see positions or situations and think to myself “how could I put a celebrity into something like this :) .” There are a few writers that I’ve read and liked though. There is a writer called Muhabba I think he writes mostly on CSL (Celebrity Story Library) but I’ve found he does a really good job developing a story and not just word vomiting porn onto a page… Another few good writers on CSL are Noopster, Dark_Swordsman, Blackjack and MiamiLyfe. I’ve read a few stories over there and liked those guys the best. 

    Well: Not at the moment. Currently all my focus is on Billion Dollar Harem. As you guys know, I’ve got a sixty chapter end game in mind, and I really want to start working toward finishing it. At some point, I’d like to start working on some original writing that I might be able to market and make a little money out of my work, but I really want to finish BDH, and not having it done really divides my attention too much to get much work done on anything else…

    Sazbi: Well, first thing, I’m glad you liked 42. I knew from the beginning that I didn’t want every one of the girls to participate. But honestly going into it I had no idea who would and wouldn’t be taking a ride on Taylor’s face (other than Margot obviously). Similarly, I know the Finale with Taylor and the guards and Taylor and Alex is going to be wild, but at this point I honestly have no idea how the whole thing is going to play out. Should be very interesting though. I would certainly say that Taylor is forever changed. Honestly, I would say everyone of the original 5 girls are forever changed, just in different ways. Taylor has probably been the most affected of the original group, however. I think she was boarder line prudish in the beginning, and now, she is probably the biggest slut in the harem. As to the Cara situation, I have big big plans for the Emma Cara relationship especially as it pertains to one of the two new additions. I can’t say more obviously, but a lot of the things that have happened and will happen between them has been well planned. You know, I didn’t think about Ari being affected by the guards. I mostly had her sleeping because I knew she wasn’t going to be taking part in the show and wanted an easy way to not have to explain what she was doing and how she was reacting… It does make a ton of sense though that she likely wouldn’t be able to sleep with them in the room though… I probably could have handled it better… :) 

    Alpa: Hey man nice to hear from you again, it seems like its been a while. Lets see, I have very mixed feelings about your list. First off, let me just say this about Sophie Turner. For me its like she’s either super hot or …. just fugly… I can’t explain it. Sometimes I see a picture of her and I just think why do people think she’s hot… Other times I see one and I’m like holy shit why is she not in my top 10! All that aside though, she does have beautiful eyes and Eyes are probably my favorite feature…. Maise is cute, but I just have a really hard time calling her hot. For me she looks like the cute girl who lives two houses down. She’s only hot because you see her a lot… but if you were to pass by her on the street and didn’t know her you probably wouldn’t take much notice. Emma obviously is amazing. I commented on Alexandra above. As for Carmen, I don’t really know anything about her. I had to google her to even know what she looked like. She looks pretty hot though, but without knowing her I’d find it really hard to say much more. I was never much of a Jeri Ryan fan or Star Trek Voyager either for that matter. It seems to me that Star Trek just cast her to save that series… However, I love love love Tricia Helfer. You’re right, on BSG she was fucking amazing. (Also a big fan of her voice work in Mass Effect 2 :) . The girls from Xena are ok, much better back in the day. I love the girls from Agents of Shield, but I’ll say that I honestly find Elizabeth just a little hotter than Chloe, not that they aren’t both super fine. Ellizabeth Olsen is also attractive, I just wouldn’t put her in my top 20/25… and I have no idea who Jodelle Ferland or Melissa O’Neil are :) . Dakota Blue Richards isn’t my cup of tea though. I don’t care for her body type at all and she just has a decent face… 

    Going to address Alpa’s last comment for everyone. There are two big reasons why I ended up releasing early and not just finishing up. If it was a matter of a few days, I would have just finished it up. But if I had delayed, it would have taken me at least 3-4 days to finish. Then, my editor would be back on vacation which would have added another week to the release date. Add to that after he got back and did the edits, it would have taken me 1-2 days to make the corrections he suggested… All told if I had waited, 42 wouldn’t have come out till close on to the end of June and I just didn’t really want to wait that long. I’ve kept you guys waiting long enough…   

    Alrighty guys, that’s it. Thanks as always for your comments, and I look forward to chatting with you guys more in the future. Remember, look for BDH 43 sometime near the end of the month, which will likely be the next time I’ll be back on to address comments. But rest assured, if you guys have something to say, I’ll do my best to respond.

    Till next time,


  14. Hello again everyone!

    I’m back, and with a Billion Dollar Harem update! That’s right, chapter 42 is finally here! Before I get into any update news, I just wanted to say again how grateful I am for the patience you guys have shown while I worked on finishing up Becoming Bitch last month. While I know that project might not be for everyone. But, I thought it was fun, and it was a nice distraction and change of pace from BDH. That said, chapter 42, after such a long break, basically wrote itself. Though I do feel like a bit of an asshole… Let me explain. My initial plan was to finish up the Taylor punishment scene in 42. Not only did that NOT happen, but I left the chapter off on a pretty terrible cliffhanger… However, having said that, I’ll try to explain why things didn’t get wrapped up. I found that fitting the entire punishment, that of Taylor satisfying all the women of the harem into one chapter to be impossible. I think I did a pretty good job of not making it too repetitive, but one of the sacrifices of that was (as you’ll all see when you read it), that every scenario took a few pages to resolve. I thought about making the chapter longer, more like the 25 pages of old, and just finishing everything up, but a combination of my editor’s schedule this month and the fact that it has now been over 2 months since I produced a chapter of BDH led me to the decision that cutting 42 short and leaving it off as I did was the best choice. I certainly think this chapter is plenty hot, and I hope after you all read it that you’ll agree I made the right choice. 

    Besides that, there is a sliver lining to this story. I’ve already started work on chapter 43, and am close to 4 pages into it. As I said above, this is a very slow time of year for me and I have a chance to get a lot of writing done. Because of that I intend to try very, very hard to get chapter 43 done, edited and up on the server by the end of this…. that’s right, this month. In other words hopefully by the end of June, you guys will have another BDH chapter to enjoy. I don’t want to say too much about what will happen in 43, other than to say expect a wild finish to Taylor’s punishment, and some plot development with Cara. Because of the fact that I didn’t finish Taylor’s punishment in 42 I am afraid that the much anticipated Alex, Emma, Ari scene will have to wait until 43… I apologize to those of you looking forward to that.

  15. Hello again everyone!

    I’m back, and with a Billion Dollar Harem update! That’s right, chapter 42 is finally here! Before I get into any update news, I just wanted to say again how grateful I am for the patience you guys have shown while I worked on finishing up Becoming Bitch last month. While I know that project might not be for everyone. But, I thought it was fun, and it was a nice distraction and change of pace from BDH. That said, chapter 42, after such a long break, basically wrote itself. Though I do feel like a bit of an asshole… Let me explain. My initial plan was to finish up the Taylor punishment scene in 42. Not only did that NOT happen, but I left the chapter off on a pretty terrible cliffhanger… However, having said that, I’ll try to explain why things didn’t get wrapped up. I found that fitting the entire punishment, that of Taylor satisfying all the women of the harem into one chapter to be impossible. I think I did a pretty good job of not making it too repetitive, but one of the sacrifices of that was (as you’ll all see when you read it), that every scenario took a few pages to resolve. I thought about making the chapter longer, more like the 25 pages of old, and just finishing everything up, but a combination of my editor’s schedule this month and the fact that it has now been over 2 months since I produced a chapter of BDH led me to the decision that cutting 42 short and leaving it off as I did was the best choice. I certainly think this chapter is plenty hot, and I hope after you all read it that you’ll agree I made the right choice. 

    Besides that, there is a sliver lining to this story. I’ve already started work on chapter 43, and am close to 4 pages into it. As I said above, this is a very slow time of year for me and I have a chance to get a lot of writing done. Because of that I intend to try very, very hard to get chapter 43 done, edited and up on the server by the end of this…. that’s right, this month. In other words hopefully by the end of June, you guys will have another BDH chapter to enjoy. I don’t want to say too much about what will happen in 43, other than to say expect a wild finish to Taylor’s punishment, and some plot development with Cara. Because of the fact that I didn’t finish Taylor’s punishment in 42 I am afraid that the much anticipated Alex, Emma, Ari scene will have to wait until 43… I apologize to those of you looking forward to that.

    I want to take a minute to address the lists, and the comments, but I have been awake now for close on to 24 hours. I only stayed up so that I could publish the story to the site before I went to sleep. I promise that sometime within the next two or three days I’ll be back on to answer your questions and comment on your lists… :) 

    Till next time,


  16. Hey guys. Its Sunday so I’m back again with the final update to Becoming Bitch. The story is finally finished. Which means I’m ready to return all my focus to Billion Dollar Harem. I started work on it last night, and already have two and half solid pages. I think I mentioned this before, but this is a slow time of year for me, meaning i have a lot of time for writing. Its my fervent hope that I can have primary writing finished by 6/8. My editor is going on vacation, so if I can’t get it done by then, it will be closer to the end of the month before the chapter comes out. Because of this for the next two weeks or so I’m going to be busting my tail to get the chapter written by then. Assuming I can make that deadline, BDH 42 will be out sometime around  Wednesday 6/12 give or take a day here or there.

    I hope you guys have been enjoying Becoming Bitch. For a very long time now I wanted to write a very dark, very fucked up story. Something filled with depravity… I mentioned House of a Thousand Corpses, not because I’m a fan of horror or gore or that kind of stuff, but because of the weird fucked up nature of that movie. It was a method of telling a porn story that I really wanted to explore, and I think I’ve done so very well with BB. I know this fetish / genre isn’t for everyone so if you’ve been anxiously waiting for BDH 42 and have been disappointed this past month for only seeing a story that didn’t appeal to you, I apologize. But occasionally, I need a break from  BDH. I’ve been working on it for over 3 years now, and every once in a while it feels good to explore a new project. I’m very happy that with this side project I was at least able to complete it… Emma Watson’s Blowbang Spectacular still haunts me because I left it incomplete…. Maybe one day I’ll finish that too….

    Ok, enough of that. I’d just like to add that if you liked Becoming Bitch and want to ask a question or even just make a comment about it, I’d love to hear from  you.

    Now, I’ll address the comments since my last post before leaving you guys to your reading and your Kleenex consumption... 

    ArcherNexus: I wholeheartedly agree. As I said above, Nicole Kidman used to be one of my favorites. So hot back in the day… Glad you liked my lists. It wasn’t honestly too hard to throw them together since celebrity fantasy has been a hobby of mine for…. well a long goddamn time! lol!

    Joe: I agree about Lindsay. Its a damn shame drugs fucked up her life so terribly. I know I write about a lot of fucked up shit happening to celebrities, but I can honestly say that I don’t want to see any of them hurt and watching a young beautiful woman go through all the shit she did really made me sad. That’s the truth. (I was also a tiny bit sad that the drugs didn’t drive her to do one porno before she went way off the rails. Not that I would wish something like that on her :) ). I’m glad you enjoyed my list. I really liked yours too. I didn’t think about Rose Huntington-Whiteley before you mentioned her. I did a search of her pictures after reading your post and man you’re not wrong. She was so freaking hot in Transformers. The movie was terrible, but she was a knockout. Your Britney Spears comment made me laugh. I was fresh out of high school when she was in her prime and I always fantasied about her whenever one of her videos would come on. But your right, Oops I did it Again was the best! …….. Well……. I was also a huge fan of “I’m a Slave for You” Because well…. obviously…. Finally, glad to hear you liked Becoming Bitch. For me the story was never about the bestiality. It was more about putting someone like Dove into an extremely fucked up situation. BB to me is more about the humiliation and the mind break, which are obviously two of my big fetishes…

    Bill Friese: Great list man! I was a little too old for the Ashley Tisdale Disney era. I mostly became aware of her because of the way the celebrity fanfiction community became obsessed with her several years back. Kind of the same way Dove Cameron was and is now. But your right, she was super hot. I was also a big fan of Brenda Song who, correct me if I’m wrong was on the same Disney show she was on… I don’t remember… but I remembered the name after you mentioned Ashley… Anyway, both way hot. Adriana Lima also a personal favorite. Victoria Secret sure has a knack for finding and recruiting the hottest women on Earth. I’m currently sooo obsessed with Elsa Hosk, Alexina Graham, and Barbara Palvin. I think a story about a Victoria’s Secret Harem would be really killer. I was never that into Katy Perry, slimmer women are more my thing, but Paris around the time she had that horrible reality show… Yowza… she was smoking hot… Totally love your list bro. Good work!

    Juan: Ouch man… Your list… its killing me bro…. I have never been a Marilyn Monroe fan I honestly can not see what anyone ever saw in that chick. Don’t understand it, she was fugly as hell and well she obviously doesn’t have the body type that I like either. And Jennifer Garner…. yikes, a more boring Vanilla celebrity I don’t think I could name one :)…. I never understood what people saw in that chick… Grace Kelly, she was ok I guess… Maybe its the hair style she had in most of the pictures I’ve seen of her but she just doesn’t jump off the screen at me…. Now, Mila Kunis. She’s hot enough. Love her eyes, love her body but her face in general is a little plain. I’ll give her a pass though :) . But, I will give you this, there is one true gem on your list my man. Allison Brie…. She is a fucking knock out. Those eyes… yikes! I personally like her slimmer look for Glow than how she looked on Mad Men, but she is a stunner no doubt. She did a photoshoot, I think it was for Men’s Health magazine. She’s in this one piece black swimsuit or maybe its lingerie but anyway, shes draped across this chair and staring at the camera… oh my God! my heart skipped a beat… she is hot!

    Alrighty guys I think that’s enough out of me. I’m going back to work on BDH right now. I hope I’ll be back in a few weeks with a new chapter. I may pop on here once or twice to address any comments that pop up, we’ll just have to see how many there are… Till then!

    I’m Back to the Black,


  17. Alright guys, I’m just on real quick to herald the announcement of Chapter 4.. The title of this chapter says it all. Dove makes a desperate attempt to escape Carl’s kennel and in the process falls further into depravity.  Saying much more would give too much away, but I will say that this chapter, while short, is the perfect lead in to the big finale of chapter 5. I’m in the process of editing and getting Chapter 5 ready now, and I see no problem with it being done for next Sunday. After I finish with the edits, I plan to jump right into work on Chapter 42 of BDH. Things are slow with me right now, but a 15 page (or so) chapter still takes time to write. I’m anticipating a release in early to mid June. 

    Ok, Let me just respond to the few comments, and I’ll be off. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this chapter.

    Well: I’m assuming the comment about Emma putting on weight has to do with potential drama and how she might lose her position? I can say with certainty that 1) Emma will remain the smoldering slender goddess that she is right now. and 2) rest assured, there is drama to be had with Emma. I can’t say anything about the form that drama will take, other than to say part of what I have planned for her has to do with the ultimate ending I have in mind for BDH.  The shorts the girls wear, are those tiny gym shorts that barely come down to their asses as is. While I suppose those dresses could be sexy, and certainly provide for easier access, the shorts they wear now actually show more skin… As to night wear. I imagine most girls either go nude, or wear panties to bed. I suppose I could see them wearing oversized tee shirts to bed as well…

    Joe: Interesting question. I’ve never done a top 5 of all time, and I can say for sure if I were recasting BDH today, the line up and the roll out would be much different…  I suppose the easiest way for me to answer this question would be first, to say that I grew up in the 90’s. So many of my all time babes would have to come from the 90’s and the 00’s. Perhaps, the best way to answer it would be with two lists.

    BDH w/ 90’s and 00’s babes:

    1. Christina Aguilera (circa 1994)
    2. Kiera Knightly  (circa 2003)
    3. Megan Fox (circa 2007)
    4. Kate Beckinsale (circa 2003)
    5. Natalie Portman (circa 1999)

    BDH w/ my top 5 of All Time

    1. Emma Watson (circa 2013)
    2. Christina Aquilera (circa 1994)
    3. Cara Delevingne (circa 2013)
    4. Kiera Knightly (circa 2003)
    5. Felicity Jones (circa 2014)

    I made these lists pretty quickly so I might have left out some worthy people, or not placed them in the exact order they deserve… but that is a pretty close approximation. Other notable mentions from the 90’s 00’s era include: Shannon Doherty and Jennie Garth (circa 1990) Had a huge crush on Brenda Walsh and Kelly Taylor (the characters they played on 90210 waaaay back in the day...)  Kim Basinger (circa 1988) It was a terrible movie, but she was sooo hot in My Stepmother is an Alien. Cameron Diaz (circa  1994) When I first saw her in The Mask, I was smitten. Olivia Wilde (circa 2009) She was soooo sexy on House. Angelina Jolie (circa 2001) Its hard NOT to include this bombshell in any throwback babes list… Mila Jovovich (circa 1997) I so very nearly included her in the first list of BDH babes. I had a huge crush on her after Resident Evil and The 5th Element… Jennifer Love Hewit (circa 1997) When I first saw JLH in I Know What You Did Last Summer I was blown away. She was my top babe for a long time. But I think the others on my list beat her out. Jessica Alba (circa 2005) I was never as huge of a fan of hers as most people, but its hard to deny she was very hot, still is really… Her dance in Sin City… is a moment that will be forever etched on my brain…. Nicole Kidman (circa 1999) I can’t tell you how much I was enthralled by her topless scene in Eyes Wide Shut. She was so hot back in the day…. Britney Spears (circa 1994) I was always more on team Christina, but there is no denying the other side of the 90’s pop rivalry was also sooo freaking hot back in the day… I’m sure I’ve left some out. But that is a pretty good list…. Hope that answers your question.

    *edit* I forgot to add a few important babes: Lindsay Lohan (circa 2004) The old Lindsay of the Freaky Friday / Mean Girls era was just WoW hot!  Reese Witherspoon (circa 2001) Reese was nearly unbelievable in Legally Blonde. Shannon Elizabeth (circa 1999) She was sooo freaking hot in American Pie. Christina Applegate (circa 1990) I had the biggest freaking crush on Kelly Bundy from Married with Children. Yowza! Oh, yeah, and two more Sarah Michelle Gellar  and Alyson Hannigan (circa 2000) I’m ashamed to admit I never watched much Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but its hard to deny back in the 00’s both these babes were to die for!

  18. Alright Gang, its Sunday so I’m here to update Becoming Bitch. That’s right, chapter 3 is here!  In this chapter, we see Dove’s dog-girl training continue as she learns to fetch, and obey verbal commands from her new master. The chapter culminates in a most fucked up way, as you might imagine it would… I am very proud of this chapter. I think this is some of the most fucked up and depraved shit I’ve ever produced and honestly, I think its some of the best writing I’ve ever done. I know this fetish might not be for everyone. But for me, this is more about the humiliation and the depraved nature of a psychotic redneck than it is about the beasty stuff… Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it, and please let me know what you think. I know this shit is kind of over the top, but I really wanted to explore a dark and twisted situation and I think this story does that very well… 

    Also wow! I’m so happy to see so many comments while I was gone. Please, if you’re loving the story (whichever one it is, let me know), I love hearing from my fans.You guys give me so much motivation to continue doing this stuff. I’ve said it before, but let me just say it again, I do this for you guys,  and without you, I’d have given up on this a long time ago. Ok, let me just address your comments and I’ll get of here.

    ArcherNexus: No problem on the quick reply. I just happened to pop on to check the story count and saw there was a new comment and thought I’d reply since obviously celebrities are a topic I enjoy discussing. Valerian and the City of a Thousand planets was honestly a huge let down for me. I had such high expectations from the director of the 5th Element and it really failed to meet them. I think the project was maybe just a little too ambitious, and  the quirky stuff that worked so well in the 5th Element fell a little short for me in Valerian… As to Cara though, I thought she was the one bright spot in the whole movie. She was so sexy, that scene at the beginning with her on the beach… wowza is all I have to say… She is just an absolute bombshell. Saoirse is one of those girls that has grown on me over the years. I can’t point to a specific moment when she began to skyrocket up my list, but between her build, those brilliant eyes, and her amazing accent…. she is just the total package. For me, there is very little separation between Cara and Emma and then between Felicity and Margot, but those four are, in my humble opinion miles above all the other competition. The rest of my list as you said, changes all the time, 5-15 is really a toss up on any given day, but the top 4 pretty much stay rock solid for me… / Yes, the story will end approximately around chapter 60. That’s quite a wish list...I honestly can’t tell you if one of them is the mystery girl, but I will say that I have considered some of those babes for stories before. I’ve long considered for a chapter of The Orb of Janus, doing a mirror mirror type of story where two similar looking celebs are paired up in a “Twinning” situation. I’ve considered Nina Dobrev and Victoria Justice to be perfect candidates for that. I also want to write a Lesbian Rom/Com with Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson…. but we’ll just have to see if any of those projects ever come to fruition…. Finally, I started Billion Dollar Harem in March of 2016 and I always considered that to be when the story takes place.

    Juan:  Believably broken sluts is what I try to strive for in every story I write. To me, there is nothing hotter than a classy, sophisticated woman like Cara or Emma, or basically anyone at the top of my list succumbing to their baser nature and becoming a cock-craving slut. A scene with Chloe and Taylor you say… interesting idea. Not two of the girls I’d say would naturally come together… but certainly an interesting idea considering how broke they both are. It might be something for me to keep in mind. Though as I begin to ramp up towards the end, I have several very specific scenes in mind, so we’ll just have to see how that might play out what between that, the up coming fan-selected scene and the much touted sex competition… Who knows, maybe randomness will pair them up for the competition… wouldn’t that be interesting.

    Well: I imagine that Ulu and the other guards had quite a fun time dressing Taylor for her big scene. I suppose it is interesting to think about the details of that moment, the humiliation Taylor must have felt as the guards stripped her down and dressed her up… Very hot thought indeed… 

    King: I hope you’re enjoying the new chapter of Becoming Bitch. I honestly think its the most twisted thing I’ve ever written. The Ari-cat / Emma / Alex scene should be quite hot. I already have a few ideas for how it will proceed. But first, have to finish up Taylor’s big show ;). I’m looking forward to adding the newcomers. It’s at least 3 chapters away from happening, probably more like 4. But, it will be a much more rapid introduction than most of the other girls experienced. As to your question about the end. I do have an ending in mind. Currently my thoughts are that it will take to around chapter 60 or so to finish everything I have in mind. But it wouldn’t surprise me if the story ends around 62-63…. 

    Futanari: Welcome to my thread, Futa! Thanks for joining the conversation. First off, thanks for the compliment. It means a lot to me that you’ve enjoyed my work. Sorry about the cliff-hanger. Normally the new chapter wouldn’t be so far behind such a dramatic moment, but I was really close to finishing Becoming Bitch. I’ve been working on this new story for about 5 months in my spare time, and with it being so close to done, I just decided to delay BDH 42 and finish up Becoming Bitch. Right now, I’m aiming for a late May, early June release for chapter 42. We’ll just have to see how things work out. I obviously love some of the names on your list. I don’t know much about Molly Quinn, but after looking her up, I’d have to say she has a pretty enough face, but the full-figured body type has never really been my thing. I’ve also never really found Emily Osment to be all that attractive. I kind of missed out on the whole Hannah Montana thing (too old sorry lol). But, I love Anna Kendrick. She’s not really near the top of my list, but I find her very attractive and I think she’s actually a fairly talented actress. As to a story staring a Futanari, I’ve always wanted to write one. I started a story on CHOYA where there was a path with Kylie Jenner that eventually was going to have her as a futa. She actually transforms at the end of the last chapter I worked on, but I never followed up on it. I have too many writing commitments as is and I find the open ended nature of CHOYA very hard to keep going… I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a futa story at some point, maybe in a chapter of The Orb of Janus, or some stand alone thing…. who knows….

    Ok gang, that about does it for me. I’ll be back next Sunday with the fourth chapter of Becoming Bitch.

    Till then,


  19. Chapter 3 is up. In this chapter, we see Dove’s dog-girl training ramp up. It culminates in a particularly humiliating way as Carl’s true intentions for bringing her there and the depths of his depravity are put on display.

  20. ArcherNexus: Good question. When I first started Billion Dollar Harem, Emma was indeed my undisputed favorite. But around the time I started considering her for a spot in my story, Cara Delevingne really began to grow on me. So much so that about 9 mo – 1 yr ago I couldn’t deny it any longer. She had replaced Emma at the top of my list.

    My Current Top 5 Favorite / Hottest Celebs:

    1. Cara Delevingne
    2. Emma Watson
    3. Felicity Jones
    4. Margot Robbie
    5. Saoirse Ronan 

    Saoirse recently replaced Chloë Grace Moretz at the number 5 spot. And as I’m sure you can tell, I have a thing for blondes and particularly a thing for girls with accents! 

    Anyway, I wanted to pop on to answer this because peoples favorite celebs is a topic I enjoy discussing and it occurred to me that I never really shared my favorites with you guys…

    Alrighty, I probably won’t be back till Sunday when I briefly pop on to do the update for the new chapter of Becoming Bitch.

    Till next time,


  21. Hello again gang!

     I just wanted to pop on and give a quick update. I just uploaded chapter 2 of Becoming Bitch. I hope you guys have been enjoying it. I’ve put a ton of work into it over the past 4 or 5 months, spending time to work on it in my spare time between chapters of Billion Dollar Harem. Becoming Bitch will have a total of 5 chapters, and primary writing on all 5 is already done. I’m in the process of editing, but I plan to upload one chapter every Sunday until all 5 are up. My plan is to spend the first 2 weeks or so of May finishing up Becoming Bitch and getting it ready for posting. After that, I’ll begin work on 42 of Billion Dollar Harem. We’ll have to see how writing goes, but I don’t anticipate having it ready until the first week or so in June. I know that probably disappoints many of you, but I’ve been wanting to get Becoming Bitch done , as I’ve been working on it so much these past few months. I will say, if editing goes well / fast, and primary writing on 42 does the same, I might have it done before the end of May, but I’d rather make a conservative estimate than give you guys false hope.

    Alright, I’ll take a quick moment to address some of the comments.

    Sazbi: Glad your enjoying the evolution of Emma Watson. I too have been very pleased with how her character has developed. As to her and Taylor’s dress, I have to admit as I was sitting there writing those descriptions I was like “wow this is so fucking hot!” But I have to give some props to my editor, it was his idea to add the dominatrix hat to Emma’s ensemble. I’m also very glad to see you’ve been enjoying Becoming Bitch. I have to say this is easily the most fucked up thing I’ve ever written. Its disturbing, but also so fucking hot. I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the upcoming chapters, especially as the story progresses and the situations Dove finds herself in become increasingly fucked up.

    ArcherNexus: Again, I’m glad your enjoying Emma’s evolution. I can say it was absolutely by design that she becomes more like Alex with each and every chapter. It is part of how I envisioned the story progressing basically from the very beginning, and, I don’t want to give anything away, but also in how it will end. I again don’t want to give anything away, but thinking that Emma’s story arch is stagnant from this point on would be a huge mistake. I understand your concern about Ariana. The one thing I’ll say about her mental progression would be that the way I envision it is more that Alex brought out an aspect of her personality that was always there. She may have been resistant in the beginning, but the punishment she endured when she first arrived in a weird way gave her permission to act in ways she secretly always wanted. I can’t really comment about the final two girls, but as you know that announcement is coming soon. Finally, I really appreciate the positive comments. It really makes my day to hear that someone has enjoyed something that I’ve put so much work into. Also, thank you for addressing King’s concerns. Your comments were on point.

    Joe: Interesting story about the Liverwurst. I was at home with my parents one day, and my dad had just opened up a package of Liverwurst. I’d never seen it or more importantly smelled it before that and I can honestly say it was the most disgusting thing I’ve had the displeasure to experience. When it came time to write the Taylor punishment scene, I knew I wanted to have a foot fetish moment and I thought the idea of Emma soaking her feat in sweat and Liverwurst juice was absolutely the most disgusting way to humiliate Taylor even further.

    Romavictrix: First, thank you so much for the praise. As I said above, it really makes my day to hear that someone is enjoying something that I’ve put so much of my life into. Sorry about the cliffhanger, lol, but it wouldn’t really be drama without the occasional cliffhanger. Honestly I haven’t been doing a lot of work on the book. I ran into a bit of writer’s block with the story I came up with, and I’ve been kinda trying to brainstorm ideas on ways to make it work. I haven’t given up on it, but its pretty likely that I’ll be focusing on finishing up BDH and maybe doing a side project or two as I try to figure out how to work on the novel. I can’t obviously address the Daddario comment, but I will say that Felicity Jones is probably 3rd on my list of hottest celebs. I think she is absolutely underrated. 

    Juan: Interesting question. I think Taylor is probably sluttier. Meaning that she wouldn’t balk at doing pretty much anything, sexually that Alex asked. But Chloe is probably more submissive. There might be a few things she would be a little hesitant about doing,, but she probably wouldn’t fight even in that case. I’d also say that it would depend on the bedroom. In Emma’s bed (without Alex) I don’t think there is anything Chloe wouldn’t do if told. 

    King: Thank you so much for the positive comment. It means a lot to me to hear how much you’ve enjoyed my work. As to updates. I typically try to update once a month. However, this month is a little different as I’ve been anxious to finish work on Becoming Bitch, a story I’ve been working on behind the scenes for like 5 months. In the future, I’d expect to see updates roughly once every month. As Romavictrix said, there will only be two more additions. The fan community was allowed to vote on one of those and that vote narrowed down that addition to either Alexandra Daddario or Gal Gadot. The other will be selected by me. I’ve already chosen this last person (but haven’t announced it yet). I can say that it won’t be a wrestler. I honestly find wrestling (no offense) really dumb, so its doubtful that I’d ever feature one in a story. Finally, about Ari, there is so much going on in the harem right now, that I haven't had a moment to add a scene with Aricat and Alex. However, an upcoming chapter (not 42) will feature another fan selected sex scene that will feature Aricat, Emma and Alex. So you’ll have that to look forward too. 

    Well: Lets see. First thanks again for the positive comments. I really do appreciate it. The guards were responsible for dressing Taylor before Emma arrived in the restroom that morning. I’m sorry to say I can’t say anything about Project Arcadia at this time. Its a major plot point. Worry not though, all will be revealed in time. I think the biggest slut ever title is still up in the air, but I will say Taylor is certainly in contention. 

    Alright gang, that’s about it for now.

    Till next time,


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