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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. Interesting. Funny thing, I actually saw a video about a week or two from WhatCulture, and it actually listed “The Industry is Dying” as one of the things people always get wrong about comic books in general. Here’s what they had to say about the matter: “Almost every, single year, fans prophecize the death of the comic industry. So the old argument goes, ‘Sails are declining every year and, sooner or later, Marvel and DC will just stop publishing books altogether.’ The actual reality, however, couldn’t be further from these claims with the industry arguably in one of its healthiest positions in years. There are genuine issues, and it’s doubtful the industry will ever approach the numbers generated by the Speculator Boom of the 90s, but it’s by no means apocalyptic. 2019 has already gotten off to a great start. Sales in trade paperbacks and collections rose as much as 5% this February according to Comicron. And with the increasing profile of the MCU, it’s likely that more and more viewers will turn into readers as the years go on. Of course, there are also those who seem to claim that the industry’s on its knees as a result of the Big 2’s burgeoning commitment to diversifying their stories. That literally couldn’t be any further from the truth.” Their words, not mine. Still, given the rotating roster of creative teams around these diverse characters and how they can’t seem to satisfy the audiences they’re trying to appease, I’d say that there may be some truth to at least some of the claims. So I’ve heard. Though I’ve heard some good things about the current Spider-Man run, including some genuine character development. Ah, haven’t seen those. I think the unwillingness in the harem genre comes from the idea that if he is willing, that makes him bad in the eyes of the audience, who would then view him as taking advantage of something he shouldn’t. Plus, if the girls/women are eager to get down and dirty with him, as in putting it on strongly, then the classic “never stick your dick in crazy” feeling plays a part in it. Still, I can see where you’re coming from with that prompt. I take it it’s in the “work on later” category?
  2. Kind of like with Naruko and Tsunade in Pact? That so? Kind like that challenge I wrote a month or two ago? That’s what I said. You mean this one? https://e-hentai.org/g/1162966/3973b49e12/ I see. Though that doesn’t mean that more than one person can’t write their own take on the concept. An MCU Peter/Carol fic or a “Peter accidentally rewrites reality with the Infinity Gauntlet and gets harem” fic?
  3. Yeah, just now looked it up. I’m a bit uncertain about the whole “Young Peter/Older Carol” thing, but what do you think?
  4. I’m sorry, the reference is lost on me.
  5. I’ll have to check that one out. BTW, I’ve been noticing something that’s been popping up in the fanfic community since Avengers: Endgame came out. Spoilers in case no one has seen the movie yet, but there’s a scene in the final battle where Captain Marvel & Spider-Man meet for the first time. He’s trying to protect the Infinity Gauntlet and she’s just taken down Thanos’ warship. He introduces himself in a flustered manner, and she gives this amused response: ”Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?” Now, we all know she’s referring to the Infinity Gauntlet, but taken out of context, that line comes off as a case of “Accidental Innuendo” on her part. For some, this comes off as a bit creepy since he’s a teenager & she’s at least 3x his age. Plus, as I said, he seemed a bit flustered when he introduced himself to her. As such, fanfics have been popping up here & there promoting a relationship between the two of them. Now, to be fair, both Carol & Peter did briefly date each other at one point in the comics, but in that world, they were much closer in age. What do you all think?
  6. I see. Funny thing is, it’s not showing up on my notifications anywhere yet. Remind me which one that was.
  7. The idea of death giving someone a form of PTSD? Alright then. Okay, but which challenge are we talking about?
  8. Possibly, but unless you’re omniscient, I don’t think any of us can account for what everyone would do in a situation, no matter how bizarre. Speaking of bizarre situations, you know how some writers of supernatural stories like to employ this trope? Came Back Wrong – a character comes back from the dead … but something’s wrong with them. Well, season 2 of American Gods provided a possible explanation. Namely, the character of Mr. Ibis (the Egyptian god Thoth) equates death to any traumatic experience one might have, so, of course, the undead would act and behave differently than they did before from when they were alive. What do you think? Is it different from the last one you showed me, where he’s misunderstood? Which TBL are we talking about?
  9. You mean “solace”. He’s not going to be a jerk, is he? Also, those 2 originals you were talking about, are they the ones you’ve discussed with me about? The Overlord & reversed-standards stories?
  10. I think I know what the two lewd fics are, but what’s the fanfic?
  11. Don’t sweat, it happens. Awesome!
  12. I’m fine. You? As for the stories, it’s slowly coming along, but it’s impeded by current IRL stuff at the moment.
  13. Yes, and I acknowledged that and said it was something we talked about and I decided to write it. Not much, busy with life and the stories are slow to make. You?
  14. Hey everyone, I don’t normally do this, but there’s a couple of hentai I’d like to recommend. They admittedly do involve rape but hear me out. They are Kamyla and it’s sequel/spin-off Shin Ban Megami Tantei Vinus File (let’s call it Venus File for short). Kamyla – it’s about a group of three sexy policewomen, the busty fighter Agatha, the snarky sharpshooter Koyomi, and the tech & forensic-savvy Lily, tasked with taking down a criminal organization that deals in sexual slavery. The criminals have come up with a new mind control drug called Kamyla, and end up using it on the policewomen, with the fighter of the trio, the busty Agatha, being the most affected. However, the women are resourceful and end up fighting off the drug and turning the tables on their would-be masters. The criminals are stopped and most are taken down, though the mastermind gets away in all the commotion. Venus File – this follows two female detectives, Karen and Rio, and their male assistant/apprentice, Masafumi, as they work to take down another group of sex traffickers. Karen’s a former trained sex slave who’s in danger of falling back into that lifestyle with the traffickers, and Rio has a grudge since one of the traffickers caused her younger sister to die of an OD during an attempted rape. In the end, Masafumi helps them get out of being turned by the traffickers, and the bad guys are taken down and arrested, but at least one of the crooks is killed by the unseen mastermind in an attempt to tie up loose ends. In both Kamyla and Venus File, the sex is good, isn’t too long or too short, and it actually goes somewhere. Plus, the women have personalities and are clever and resourceful, though they still end up being raped. It’s disappointing that the main baddies got away in both, but their operations are disrupted all the same. What do you all think?
  15. It’s not a bad idea, as having an end goal would give it a nice structure, and having an overall antagonist to work against would add to that. However, giving the nature of what I had in mind, I’m sorry, but the whole “he doesn’t realize they’re onto him until later” thing is a bit of a no-no here. The idea is that they’re onto him and he DOES know it AND they’re fine with sharing him already due to the Inifnity Gauntlet making his desires a reality, something he doesn’t initially realize until AFTER he wakes up after using it. As such, the “add a girl and bed her” approach is a must for this, I’m afraid. Also, the girls I picked for this are ones that Spidey’s had a relationship with at some point or another in a canon comic, main universe or alternate continuity. As far as I know, he’s never interacted with American Dream, Shuri, or America Chavez (the latter of whom has drawn the ire of many readers, if what Praetor and Red_Light_Zone have told me is true), let alone had a relationship of any kind with them. That being said, I’m not against the idea of an overall story arc being added to this. Again, though, it’s all up to the writer who decides to take this challenge.
  16. That’s up to the writer who decides to take this.
  17. This is just a clarification for some people, but since this keeps being brought to my attention, I have to say it – I have not seen, nor am I interested in seeing, Star vs The Forces of Evil and Loud House. I’m not trying to be a jerk to those who have seen them, as I may check those shows out at some point, but not now. My interest lies elsewhere. Also, while I haven’t seen those 2, I have seen Gravity Falls and I did enjoy it from start to finish, though I’m not going to gush over it like some other people have.
  18. Lately, I haven’t been receiving notifications in my email for when someone PM’s me or if I’m being quoted in my threads or for when someone comments on my threads. I asked a friend on this site, and it looks as though they’re having the same issue as well. What’s going on?
  19. The idea is that the Infinity Gauntlet made his inner desires a reality, and so, don’t you think that one of those desires would be to have his dead loved ones be alive?
  20. Note: This doesn’t have to be based on any particular version of the Marvel Universe, as you can make your own if you want. Premise: The heroes have waged an all-out but losing battle against Thanos, who is about to collect the final Infinity Stone to add to his gauntlet. Most of the heroes have been killed during the fight, with a beaten and bruised Peter Parker/Spider-Man among the few who remain. With the aid of his companions, Spidey is able to subdue Thanos long enough to pull the newly completed Infinity Gauntlet off of him. Thanos breaks free of the other heroes and is about to attack Spider-Man, but thankfully, the Wall-Crawler has managed to put the gauntlet on in time and snaps his fingers, hoping to imprison Thanos for good and undo all the damage that the monster did. The Infinity Gauntlet does just that, but not in the way he expected. Peter then wakes up and finds that his world has changed in more ways than one, as the Infinity Gauntlet read his inner thoughts and desires and made them into a reality. Among the changes; both of his parents and his Uncle Ben are alive; he gets positive publicity from the Daily Bugle; the public likes him; he’s a member of the Avengers and in good with the super community; and most surprisingly of all, all the women he’s dated or shown an interest in have become even more voluptuous and curvy, horny for him, and have decided that they don’t mind sharing him. Harem: Mary Jane Watson Gwen Stacy (her death erased by the Infinity Gauntlet) Felicia Hardy/Black Cat Betty Brant Liz Allen Natasha Romanov/Black Widow Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel Debra Whitman Julia Carpenter/Spider-Woman II/Madame Web II Marrow Barbara “Bobbi” Morse/Mockingbird Cindy Moon/SIlk Silver Sablinova/Silver Sable Emma Frost Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat Anna Marie/Rogue You may add girls, but keep in mind that this is already 16 girls for one guy and the readers to keep track of. These are all girls/women that Spidey has been with at some point in the comics, and let’s stick with them for now without jumping on to adding other ladies from the Marvel Universe. Requirements: All characters are 18+ years old Peter is nearing the end of college All of the women he gets with are single at the time of this story Doggystyle Anal (anyone who knows me on this site will tell you that this is a big MUST for me when it comes to lemons) Keep the story simple Allowed: Paizuri (titty fuck) Breastfeeding Exhibitionism Public Sex Spanking (consensual) Degrading Dirty Talk Bisexual yuri between the harem members (I think in at least one continuity, Felicia was confirmed to be bi) Strap-on sex between the girls NO: Pegging Rape Cheating NTR Underage Sex Bashing If you’re interested in doing this or have any questions about it, feel free to ask in a comment or PM me. Thank you for your time and have a most wonderful day, everybody!
  21. It seems as though you’ve thought this out, though the only one I’m hesitant on is Jimmy with his mom while his Dad is still around. Aside from that, it looks good. Personally, I’d like to imagine a different animation style for this, since the style of the show is a bit dated and at times in the uncanny valley, which can be off-putting.
  22. That she was, and yeah, this mentality people have regarding gayness has gotten a bit out of control on the internet and has become quite toxic in some circles. Part of it comes from people who like to interpret EVERY little interaction between characters as shipping fuel. Now, I confess that I used to indulge in that sort of speculation-based-on-interaction thing as well, but ever since an incident involving a character I liked, I decided that it’s best to avoid shipping unless the story specifically addresses it. After all, are characters not allowed to be just friends? Another part might be that those people are just looking for an excuse to have fanservice and fetish stuff made canon. Sorry if that’s a bit cynical, but that’s just something that’s crossed my mind more than once. As for Elsa getting a love interest in the sequel, we’ll just have to wait and see, although they could just as well pull a Queen Elizabeth the 1st and have her decide to remain single for the rest of her life. Not that that would stop the fanfics from deciding otherwise. I understand, and it was just a suggestion. It all sounds good, and I look forward to seeing what you do next.
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