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Everything posted by Snake_King

  1. That makes two of us.
  2. Part of the problem on my end is timing due to the various things going on in my life. Another part is finding the creative energy to just sit down and write it all.
  3. I hear you. At times, it feels like I’m more of an idea man, myself.
  4. Well, maybe Aang from ATLA since I don’t see him getting a harem very often. As for OCs, nothing comes to mind at the moment. Sorry.
  5. Yeah, dimension travel might be best so as to not have to explain time travel. Glad you picked Jack, and Mowgli might work a little better in his own story.
  6. I hear you, and you understand what I meant about the time period thing, right? After all: The Jungle Book: 1893 Mulan: 500s AD Aladdin: 800s AD The Black Cauldron: Dark Ages Beauty and the Beast: 1770s Sleeping Beauty: 1300s Snow White: 1500s Pocahontas: 1607 The list goes on.
  7. Sounds good, although we may have to rewrite some of those Disney princesses so that they take place in the same time period, otherwise we’d have a mess explaining time travel. Not to mention, write it so that we’re avoiding a trope that I absolutely, positively HATE; NTR. I can see how the dimension-travel would work for magic using, and I can see the “being raised by a mystic” thing would work and help things make better sense.
  8. True, although I was mainly taking into account the fact that most Disney properties tend to take place in their own world. Still, this is fanfiction and anything’s possible. Anything else you’d want to be changed or added to it?
  9. Well, since this answers your question for protagonists as well, here’s what I got. Years after coming to the man village, Mowgli is now 18 and going to an Indian school with Shanti as his best friend whom he has a mutual crush on, but a part of him still longs for the jungle. Then one day, he comes across an Indian mystic with the book you mentioned. The mystic gives Mowgli the book and because of the things he learns in it, his dreams end up warping the world around him. When he wakes up, he finds Shanti, now much more curvaceous and buxom, pleasuring herself with his cock, which is now much bigger than it was previously. The animals he used to know are not only still alive, but also humanoid and gender-flipped into busty female furries. The women of the village and the jungle are now also part of his harem, with him being the only male around, and skimpy clothing being the norm as well as open sexuality. How’s that?
  10. Candidates for heroes or harem members? I did have one potential idea for Mowgli if you’re interested.
  11. Alright then. I actually thought of a fanfic version where it’s actually a mish-mash. Protagonist: Jack Darby from “Transformers: Prime” Premise: He gets the book and inadvertently warps the world into one that suits his fancy. As a result, he gets a harem made up of buxom and curvacious versions of female characters from not only his own world but from other worlds as well. These include: Korra from “The Legend of Korra” Katara from “Avatar: The Last Airbender” Arcee from the Transformers franchise Aela the Huntress from “Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” Ayesha Clanclan from “Outlaw Star” Wonder Woman Hinata Hyuuga from “Naruto” And any others that can come to mind. Plus, skimpiness is now commonplace in this new world, as is open sexuality. How’s all that?
  12. Well, one last question before I do. Is this original or can it be a fanfic?
  13. Well, it depends. What kind of world is the story set up in? Is it a medieval fantasy world like Lord of the Rings, a modern fantasy where the magic happens in the big city, a world where magic hides in the shadows of the modern day, or a type of futuristic alien world where magic and science coexist with one another?
  14. Sounds like interesting story concepts, and I can see them going in all kinds of directions. Not to mention, it sounds like you’ve thought it out well. However, I wouldn’t be able to write it at the moment due to how busy things are.
  15. Ah, so it wouldn’t work out for him if he tried to keep it, as the book has a seeming mind of its own. So how would sex factor in? Okay then.
  16. Sounds like quite a story. The only question is why would this man give the protagonist the book? I mean, if it has that kind of knowledge and power, why would he give it away instead of using it for himself? Maybe he could be a god of chaos or demon in disguise who gives the protagonist the book to spread mischief and chaos to see what happens? Could this include reptilians as well, like lizard-women and naga-like aliens? To be honest, I’m not really into seeing a dude fuck a girl while she’s pregnant. It’s okay if you’re into that kind of thing, but I’m not. Talk about your growing kids.
  17. Sounds interesting. Just how “alien” would these aliens be? Also, what kinds of things would be involved in the sex?
  18. We’re listening.
  19. Gotcha, and apologies if I came off as rude.
  20. Free to watch or have to pay? If pay, I do know other websites that stream could stream it for free. What I meant was that I haven’t really had time to check it or other anime shows out.
  21. I see. I think I’ve heard of it, but haven’t been able to check it out.
  22. Who’re you asking to do it?
  23. Alright then.
  24. Will he do anything or just be someone in the background?
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