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  1. Title: Who’s Afraid to Suck Shang Tsung’s Toes? Summary: Shang Tsung mysteriously returns from death and forms a special bond with his creation, Mileena. Based in part off of Ermac’s MKX ending. This is the sequel to my previous story “Man-Eater: Redefined” Fandom: Mortal Kombat Rating: Adult ++ Content Warnings: Anal, Fingering, HJ, Oral Link to story: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090070 I posted two chapters because the first one is kinda boring and just talks a little bit about Shang’s origins. In the second chapter, you could say that my ovaries exploded. Sorry… Toe sucking will come at a later date because I am just a very slow writer… My archive penname is different from my forum profile name. It is Alkaloids & Evil. Happy reading!
  2. I’m not trying to be funny or a smartypants but one of the themes for the forum profile is called “FantasyBreast.” I will admit I clicked on it out of curiosity I think it should be called “FantasyBeast” without an “r”. I don’t know who is in charge of fixing such a minor typo but I’m just letting you all know...
  3. The primary fandom is Mortal Kombat...Is that what you mean by where it's set?
  4. I have a complicated question: I would like to use an author's concepts in my writing-- H.P. Lovecrafts's Cthulhu Mythos Deities. They are basically gods that he came up. I wouldn't necessarily reference a specific work, just some of the names of the gods. I would obviously put a disclaimer in my story about this, of course, but would this make my story a crossover?
  5. Seriously, whoever came up with the little animated image for the "cat pokes", it's too damn cute!

    1. DemonGoddess


      heheheh, that was manta :) Glad you like!

  6. Does anyone have any good suggestions for overcoming writer's block? Maybe banging my head against a wall or jumping off a building?

    1. JayDee


      Scientific studies have shown that while jumping off a building has negligible impact on writers block, it has considerably greater impact on the ground.

    2. UglyTarkatan


      Thank you for the valuable information. I think I'll just stick with banging my head against a wall :)

    3. ChrissyQuinn


      You could try going for a jog. Or a long bath. I usually just get really drunk and watch something I enjoy.

  7. Is anyone else as diabolically addicted to coffee as I am? I seriously can't function properly without it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BronxWench


      ::covers the Keurig's podholder quickly:: Shh! He's very sensitive, and like the puppy, thinks he is a Thing Of Good.

    3. BronxWench


      And nekos survive on tea. This is known.

    4. DemonGoddess


      ::looks at the IV hooked in to the coffee maker:: who? me??

  8. Hello everyone, just wanted to get my story out there for people to see. I'm new to this website so I hope you'll check out my story and let me know what you think. I tend to write a little bit more than others so hopefully my story isn't so long that it puts you to sleep. Author: Drops_of_Evil Title: The Catharsis of Mileena Summary: Mileena is resurrected by a mysterious force that endows her with the gift of pyrokinesis. Other characters who will join the story later are Kitana, Jade, and Tanya. I leave out quite a bit of details for now, such as who or what brought back Mileena from the dead (the same goes for her lover, Baraka). I will expound on that later in the story. Feedback: Just give me the cold shoulder...No, I'm just kidding please let me know if you love it or if it makes you want to vomit. Fandom:Mortal Kombat Pairing:Baraka and Mileena Warnings: Anal, Bond, CBT, D/s, Dom, Fet, Fingering, H/C, HJ, Oral, Rim, Spank, Violence, WIP (chapter 2 is PWP) 3somes later Solo or chaptered story: chaptered Url: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600089589 Again, thanks for reading!
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