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Everything posted by DirtyAngel

  1. mix and match names of people I know. First name of one person, last name of another. I know someone who named his MC after our cat LOL
  2. Ok, so still confused. So the girls gossiping in the library that Dale overheard were talking about Morris and not Dale? So like there’s two, Dale and Morris, who the girls are trying to out as gay?
  3. Chapter 7 is up, Steve just did the Beta so any typos are his fault So far the story has been a fictional story that pretty closely paralleled my life, here its mostly made up, but not all. See if you can guess whats true and what’s fantasy Oh, and I’ll never tell LOL, that would be cheating
  4. LOL, those darn plot bunnies hide every where
  5. Own it Bronxie, I have endevored to be the best Succubus possible
  6. I actually like the nickname which annoys her no end
  7. It's my mother in law’s pet name for me
  8. I like it here. Been to a few sites where either the moderators only slam people who they don’t like and everyone else gets a pass, or where there is literally no moderation and you just put up with the stupid crap. Gets annoying fast too. But I haven’t really seen much of that here, and when it does pop up you guys deal with it pretty quickly. I think the Mods do a great job here. Ok, enough sucking up
  9. OMG, worst date ever! I can honestly say I never had a date have explosive diarrhea, just so you know, thats pretty much on every girls turn off list, though there may be a few it works for LOL. Sssssoooooooo thinking Dale is in love with Jarrod cause he’s got a half naked girl playing with his junk and nothing, sit’s nest to Jarrod and we have lift off do I see some M/M in Dale’s future and just so you know the date got multiple ewww, and icks and one emphatic “What the hell is wrong with that boy?” <----Steve
  10. ok, 2000 years ago there was no electronic technology on this planet so maybe all the electronic noise we create is messing with the alien’s technology and they have to wait until the person they want to beam up is in a “quiet” spot.
  11. hunt them down and annihilate them! Burn them so bad their offspring need silvadene1 Crush them and enjoy the screams as their friends and family flee before yo in terror! mwahahaha… too much?
  12. Well holidays are over, was a pretty great year’s end considering how it started. But the trials of the tear just pulled us all closer together and here’s to hoping 2017 will be a bit calmer :)


  13. thanks guys and I’m not older, I’m a classic
  14. thanks DP, I am officially old but not to old
  15. Hmmmmmmm, I’m gonna tease my loved ones less...damn, broke that already…. I know, shit, I’ll swear less….damn…. ahhhhhh, eat more cake?
  16. Happy New Year everyone. I hope this finds you and yours as happy and excited to greet the new year as my little family is, It’s been an eventful year past with some really emotional extremes: my beautiful baby girl, Steve’s illness just to mention a few. I have to admit there were times I wasn’t sure I’d make it. But with the support of friends and family we persevered, and that include everyone here; there were a lot of shoulders I cried on here and I can’t tell you how much that helped me keep my sanity together so for all the AFF family, a very heartfelt thank you from us all and especially me. I hope everyone’s new year is a good one, so with that let me wish you again HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  17. can’t do any of the fun positions without us
  18. at least you have something to burn for warmth
  19. Ho ho ho Merry Christmas hope Santa was good to everyone
  20. From RESCUE25 on December 23, 2016 Oh yes. can definitly see the hoofprints ofm the dymanic duo here. Very nice story. Thankfully no cliffhanger just a well written story. Would ask for another chapter to see what the attorney did to the PD but would rather see another chapter of SITG. aww thanx rescue, not sure we’ll do another chapter, let everyone’s imagination deal with the PD, it was actually just a way to mess with them having sex From Sniper014 on December 25, 2016 Enjoyed this story. Agree that Mike is a nerd and great that he did not feel pain. Like that Tiff was a doctor in training. Reminds me of the statement that Liz was going to be training to be a doctor before the lastest set back with Sreve. Like the small cliffhanger that Mike told Tiff that Santa had a surprise for her on Christmas Day. Also like the way that you did get Santa in the story as the one who witnessed the attack on Mike and have Tiff a ride to Mike's on Christmas Eve. Would like to see a second chapter to see what the lawyer does to the NYPD. Is a great story and keep up the great story telling. Magus made the Tiffany character, he likes kind of mixing me and Lizzie up when he does LOL and Santa is supposedly the one who bumps into Mike at the beginning of the story too so we actually kind of went around and around on the “surprise” Steve wanted to have him propose to her but I told him it was too early in their relationship so we just sort of left it out there like the police thing to let the reader fill in the blanks
  21. So using that Laundry day excuse to get comfy around the house
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