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Everything posted by Mr_Fairplay

  1. It all comes down to the girl and what kind of relationship you have with her, if she's a good friend then even though she's taken and rejected you, she'll at least try to set you up with her single hot friends, if she's the bad kind then you're shit outta luck, if she's the evil type she'll cheat on her boyfriend and fuck you (but if she cheated on her bf, chances are she'll cheat on you too), and if she's the good type, she'll set you up with someone better. Pros: you are friends with hot girls who can set you up with other hit girls, or at least they'll make you look good. Cons: possible heartbreak and blueballs. Again, depends on the girl.
  2. Some people argue that guys in the friendzone are potential fuck mates, they say that women put them there as backup options, while many disagree with these guys, there is a sliver of truth in that assumption, think about when a woman cheats, who does she go to first? The guys in the friendzone, she cries over her boyfriend, they offer a shoulder to cry on and sometimes the guy in the friendzone ends up balls deep in the girl. My point being, it's different for everyone. Now here's what you can do, keep up your confident nice guy approach but also act like you're indifferent to her charms, women are good at detecting whether their charms are working or not. There is a very fine line between acting uninterested and head over heels. You need to be like, "OK, you're cute, attractive, funny, smart, *insert any quality that you like*, but why should i choose you?" Douchey approach? Agreed. But it works, so if you spice it up with the nice guy charms, BINGO! You got yourself the perfect strategy. I've personally used this on 3 girls, and each and everyone of them showed me great results, didn't even come close to the friendzone. That's what they say in kindergarten, fucking lies.
  3. "The story of BOTH our lives"
  4. I know, i'm a genius, hahahaha.....dude, this is like universal, it happens everywhere, the nice guys end up in the friendzone while the douchebags desecrate someone they deeply care about, if only some of the nice guys grew a pair every once in a while, no douchebag will ever screw over a nice girl and the good guy will always get the girl. And for the record, i'm not giving up, in fact i'm just getting started.
  5. Well, @thismy, i haven't been using social media actively for over 6 months now, other than an occasional status update or a picture, i don't feel like using Facebook and Twitter or any other type of social media. In response to the bemoaning tweets from girls, the Katt Williams sums up pretty nice what needs to be said, look him up on YouTube, search The Pimp Chronicles part 1, the one where he's wearing a green velvet jacket. My frustration is a result of a lot of things, mainly the changes Kayla has gone through, i know people change but her change has been like all of a sudden for me at least, could be wrong here. The only guy who's remained static is Jack, he's almost the same from what we saw on Day 1, and Tara, my God, oh sweet Tara, she's naive to say the least. She needs a nice guy who treats her nice, like Jack does Kayla, but she always gets attracted to the douchebags i.e Carson. The reason? Well, douchebags possess a certain level of confidence the nice guys don't, look at the first chapter, Jack is hesitant to introduce himself to Kayla the first time he sees her but Craig wastes no time to swoop in. Now on to Carson, why was Tara attracted to Carson? Because he possessed somewhat the same degree of confidence Craig possessed, so why was no one else other than Tara attracted to him? well, because the other girls were already in committed relationships with the nice guys, and how'd they get there? by having their hearts broken by douchebags before, after which the nice guy comes and picks up the pieces and the girl realizes there are some genuinely nice dudes alive as well, and more than often they are stuck inside "The Friendzone". I'm pissed at Kayla, because she may not have done something yet, but very soon she will, like push Jack away, which she has already started by refusing sex. What you think is gonna happen next, it started off with no sex, now when Jack's gonna want to try to talk, she's gonna say something like "Not now Jack", understandable that she went through the threesome, but when that happens, it will be months into it. Jack's gonna be more than pissed then. I could probably come up with a theory on what Kayla's gonna do next, but i have no idea how girls think and if i did, i would be in a loving, committed relationship instead of using my hand. In addition to all that, i have a really sore throat with a bad cough, my throat feels like someone rubbed it vigorously with sandpaper, on top of that my lungs hurt from all the coughing, i took some meds but it takes some time for them to work.
  6. Honestly guys, i'm a little fed up from the story, concerning recent events at least. And don't even get me started on Kayla...speaking of which, i found a rather befitting song for her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ048znpl6k The band is called Framing Hanley, they're breaking up this year sadly, but they did put out some decent music though.
  7. Sweet, thanks man.
  8. Hey guys, i'm new to this thread, not new to the forum itself though, been here for a month or so now. Anyway, i've been hearing a lot of praise for the big man himself Mugasfang, and i'm curious to read his stuff, can anybody (or mugasfang himself) tell me what's the chronological order of his story? I really wanna give his stuff a try.
  9. Oh boy, looks like all of us came back from hibernation, huh? I'm just kidding. I agree with the assumption that Jack's dickish behavior is a combination of everything that he faced, first the threesome, his performance, the reaction of the girls...Kayla turning sex down is just icing on the cake, it's not the cause itself merely it is a small part of many. When the summer saga began, Jack wanted nothing more to relax, chill out, hang out with Tara and Kayla and fuck the latter's brain out (multiple times), but what he got instead was an emotional shit storm, a cluster fuck if you will, Jack's been through a lot in the last chapters and now he's nearing his breaking point, the annoyance is just the first sign of that.
  10. I know it's been a while since anyone posted a theory, but something just occurred to me, Joe had a crush on Brad, he also is in a relationship with Belle and by the looks and general consensus of it, he's crushing on Sam as well. Let's say it's Brad who comes back, will Joe show a reaction?
  11. Welcome Bashful, glad to have you here,
  12. @Joe Long, sent you a PM, check it out man.
  13. Thankfully nothing like that happened...that i know of...that i can remember. I had a chance once, chick flat out asked me " wanna see my tits?" my answer was, "Fuck yes", ended up making out and groping.
  14. And especially under any circumstance, attempt activities that'll complicate, fuck up and in some cases break up even adult relationships.
  15. So, Tara thinks it's her fault, Kayla thinks its her fault and Jack didn't stop her, and Jack didn't wanted to do it in the first place but now wants to move past it so life can go back to normal...whatever normal is for these guys?
  16. So, lemme get this straight, Kayla did not want Jack to go through with the threesome? Jack didn't wanna do it in the first place! He even had problems when he was doing it! Come on, Kayla!
  17. With the current scenario, Kayla will be keeping an eye on Jack, his hormones will rage but he'll try his hardest to control them and stray faithful to his girlfriend. That's if they have a talk and Kayla's insecurities somewhat go away, or they don't have a talk and she's getting really insecure, she senses Jack's discomfort and mistakes it for attraction, blowing it outta proportion = highly likely. Personally, i blame Kayla, it was her fucking idea, she MADE Jack go through with the threesome, and now she's acting all pissy at him like he did something wrong, "oh, my boyfriend had sex with another girl before my very eyes", Yeah, because you fucking made him!
  18. Liking other people is ok, acting on those urges is not. Yeah, at one point in a person's relationship he/she's eyes wander, sure they look at other people and they may appreciate what they see, they may even have an initial reaction of attraction, but what matters is that it remains just that, it doesn't go any further than that. Yeah, happened to me tons of times, but i was always single.
  19. If Jack and Kayla end up together (which i hope and pray to God they do), it will be a good ending, it will be a happy ending. As far as i know, the concept of The One implies the person who is perfect for you, a person who is there for you every step of the way, a person who loves you, cares for you, protects you, cherishes you, a person who is your soulmate, a person who you're destined to be with, forever. So, considering that definition, i don't think Kayla and Jack will split, sure they may take a break, but they can't be away from each other, hell THEY are each other's soulmates, they're crazy about each other, that's why Kayla's hurting so much, no matter what they'll end up together (God, i sure hope so)...unless, Joe decides to get sadistic, i mean George .R.R. Martin level sadistic. I came up with the theory because i'm trying to keep a good sense of realism, because in real life shit doesn't always happen to your plans and expectations, sometimes the person you love the most ends up hurting you the most, and leaves your heart ripped out to shreds, so yeah, that's why that theory. I'm also going to present two theories concerning Brad and Jeff. Brad= Instead of Jack and Brad stand off, it's Joe and Brad stand off. The truth about Joe's crush comes out, it gets ugly Jack tries to save Joe, gets hit. Jeff= Jeff comes back, Kayla wants a threesome with him...i haven't thought what happens afterwards...Jack goes through with the idea reluctantly, it even a bigger disaster than the previous one, Jack and Kayla split (hey, so maybe that's how it doesn't turn out to be a happy ending). Again, i'm not saying that's how its gonna happen (although Brad/Joe standoff will be really interesting) and God i hope it does NOT turn out to be that way. So, i guess i'm trying to eliminate unlikely theories by coming up with them or something equally stupid.
  20. People of Capua!!! Are we even certain that this story has a happy ending??? I know most of us seem to believe that this story does, in fact, has a happy ending, but in the light of recent events i'm leaning towards the possibility that something irreparable is going to happen or has already happened. Popular theory is Joe's (the one from the story) is gonna make a move on Sam, take that piece of info and add it on what we already know, Kayla's freaked out about the 3some and has refused sex to Jack, Tara feels guilty for driving a wedge in between them, Jack has been dealing with problems after problems for a year and i'm thinking he's nearing his breaking point, and Kayla also has issues of her parents to deal with, and on top of that someone we know is coming back, hmm? I don't know about you guys but this looks like a perfect recipe for a major cluster fuck, a really bad, irreparable cluster fuck.
  21. Joe might want to get it on with Sam, but there is obviously Sam's consent required over here, Sam might not wanna do it with Joe, whatever the fuck 'it' is. Joe doesn't seem like the cheater type, so at least he'll tell Belle about what he wants, wait!!!! Joe used to have a crush on Brad, what if he returns, and this time its just Joe and Brad., they face off each other, now that'll be something. Yeah, Kayla is going to be reminded that Jack and Tara did it, every time she sees Tara she's going to see those images in her head, and she's not fucking Jack anytime soon. I agree with @thismy that we probably got like a 2-3 chapters left, at this rate, i'd say a surprise will be waiting for them when they return, either this saga is ending with a cliffhanger, or its going to be the longest one yet. Well, at least i got my finals to keep me keep me dreadful company till the next chapter comes out...yaaay. Kill me, just fucking kill me.
  22. I'd also say Carson is a possibility as well, i mean he did pretty much break Tara's heart, so as to speak, so him returning could spark something. I agree with Jack and Kayla both loving Tara, being a person they both care about will be something that can expedite the process of recovery from the threesome, so if Kayla talks in the next chapter, i'd say there's a big possibility of them getting over it without anymore pain and shit and making more painful and awkward choices.
  23. Well, i think its about to get worse, i don't know exactly what but i see some problems beginning to brew, this chapter was just the calm before the storm before all hell breaks lose or shit hits the fan or quite simply everything gets fucked...badly, in the ass, with a cactus, that's on fire, with no lube whatsoever
  24. Chapter 34 is just the calm before the storm, IMO. If you think Chapter 33 was heavy, you better get ready because i have feeling that something big, something bigger than Craig fight, Brad fight, Walburn suicide, and The Twins is coming next and believe me when i say this, it's gonna change everything. Wow, i sound like a really bad trailer, anyway, anyone care present any theories or predictions? I'll probably through some of mine as well, but i wan't someone else to get the ball rolling first. I'm really conflicted in my opinions, on one hand i want to believe that Jack and Kayla can figure all this out, that this incident was just a small bump in the road, and they'll move and be back to normal. But on the other hand i think its something that'll take nothing short of a miracle for them to get over. Jack's personality is the fixer type, he is giving Kayla her space but pretty soon he's going to get impatient and will approach her and try to talk to her, they both are crazy in love that much is certain, so for the sake of each other, i'd say that they will try to fix this. They also love Tara as well, so they'll also fix that as well, either individually or together i cant say. I want to believe that this will blow over and the threesome was the only painful event concerning Kayla and Jack's relationship, but i have this dreadful feeling in my gut that something bad is gonna happen, plus there's the issue of the familiar face.
  25. oh, it's okay, don't let me keep you then.
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