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Everything posted by crazychickhull

  1. Ok ok I hold my hands up I'm middle aged and creepy as hell. Or so my family say.
  2. There is no such thing as half creepy.
  3. Evil man you knew it wasn't up yet just yanking our chains again
  4. Be safe magus come back to us in one piece
  5. Does that go for women too?
  6. Yea I got a crazy mate like that broke his arm in three places jumping from the garden shed into the pool 3 weeks later he did something else stupid he let someone shoot him in the balls with a tennis ball launcher at point blank range. What a loon.
  7. Marioc Blake vampire unextrordinaire it is! Thanks
  8. Hey guys working on a story about a blind deaf vampire and can't come up with any names. Any chance you can help while we're waiting for magus?
  9. Angel dust I'm no normal girl hand over the beer and whiskey and the pretty girls and men. Great chapter magus
  10. Hot tub + football + chocolate = heaven.
  11. Rattle rattle on behalf of samara we want updates
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