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Everything posted by crazychickhull

  1. Yes thanks major I paid my respects
  2. Is it better to put too many tags if your not sure what category they fall into?
  3. Ok I have questions: 1: How did rin and sinjou meet anyway? Seems a lot of history there the way they interact or is that explained further in the episodes? 2: it seems to me rin and archer clash a lot does he resent being rin's servant? 3: who is berserker master? 4: in the movie/episodes it all seems to be sinjou based is there any episodes where it's mostly rin so I can get into her head? 5: there is a lot of violence and blood in the shows would you want that in the story? 6: would you want sex in the story? If so I'd need a list of everyone's kink and sexual orientation. I'm still not sure if I want to take this on but it is intriguing now I've watched a bit. Give me 2 days to absorb everything I can as I'm still in the middle of writing my own stories. If you click on my name then at the bottom click on send me a message with what I asked for we can discuss it more. I read back.on what you wanted and it just might be doable with a lot of effort if you willing to put the time in. I usually write conflict stories that ask questions And are thought provoking.
  4. maybe but I'm guessing the worst of the worst that needed putting down? Soul vanguard just watched half the movie I dint know if I like rin or not gonna keep watching though it's got me hooked what chemistry there between them wow!
  5. I can't even list how many injuries I've had running. Not that I'm comparing it with what some of you guys do. You make the world a better place. Should be able to start writing chapter 5 tomorrow
  6. Know what you mean I once had an iron railing straight through my pelvis.
  7. Very nice thank you
  8. Hey guys if you want a quick read to pass the time I'd appreciate your input on my story http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107454&chapter=1 You can post comments on my forum http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/59875-crazychickhulls-crazy-corner/page-4 Constructive criticism is encouraged. Thanks in advance
  9. When it's done tell everyone chapter 6 is up see if anyone notices or says anything lol.
  10. Your on chapter 3 magus I meant mine. Sorry chapter 4
  11. So chapter 5 might be a while about a week.
  12. I have teen nieces who think I have an elastic purse. So I totally empathize. Take your time writing you know we all understand and we will wait
  13. You are so mean can't wait! Nice to be fussed over bet they are taking advantage of you. Maybe taking your card out for a walk without you?
  14. Any ideas on how max will do his "new toys" reveal? Maybe demonstrate a new gun on the guys they've captured could scare the crap out of them enough so they will talk. I hope we get a full detailed interrogation. Maybe nadi pops into Max's head halfway through and takes over the interrogation and is more ruthless than max.
  15. Hey magus how is your convalescence coming anyway? Hope your girls are making you rest. Same with you major how are things going? If your bored come chat on my bblog. Co Jimmy you didn't add enough e's to the word creeeeepy
  16. Hey magus how is your convalescence coming anyway? Hope your girls are making you rest.
  17. Me too. Sorry Soulvanguard but you lost me. The nearest thing I get to manga is Akira and cowboy and ghost in the Shell. Too many sub plots
  18. Soulvanguard try here you might find a topic to fit I don't think I can really help.http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/forum/441-all-other-subdomains/
  19. Sounds like a dream I had
  20. It would take a lot of setting up and back story. It would also be a lot of chapters. If it's for general reading you would also have to set up the world for those who don't know the story as it's a niche market you are delving into. Unfortunately I don't know if my knowledge is good enough to tackle this. Maybe one of my colleagues who read this can help you or point you in the right direction
  21. I guess so yes. I read your forum I don't know if it's for me but I'll read it. I can usually judge a good outline
  22. I was bored and it popped in my head what can I say. When the ideas come write 'em or lose 'em. That's the way my head works anyway
  23. Thanks magus beat me to it saved me job. Also chapter 4 is up guys enjoy
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