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Everything posted by MajorMarioc

  1. Lol can't kill max he is in the future with willow sitting at the kitchen table
  2. Bread is a cure for a hangover
  3. Been browsing this sight lol lots of hairy potter stuff can't find any actual hulk tho lol all nerds know hulk has no sex drive lol thanks I'll check those out and keep your head down magus I didn't and now I'm boarding all day every day Unforceen conciquences
  4. She regularly visets now and I got a new roommate she wanted me instead of him I got a new girlfriend
  5. Lol I know just sooooooo board I'm an active man and I'm confined to bed other then pt
  6. Is the next chapter going to ever be posted it's starting to look like a mythical creature
  7. That's a great tradition
  8. It never feels good getting shot I think everyone can... or at least should say but pulling someone out of hell after taking the bullet makes you forget about it every one that gets to go home is another blessing each time you see that unknowing face look up at you hoping you are there to take them home makes your heart leap and honestly the ghosts of those that don't make it home are the worst thing I would not wish on my worst enemy but when it works it makes you want to go back out get them out of the hell they were forced into as soon as possible the best feeling in the world I've ever had was getting shot in the arm then carrying a 3 year old out of a burning building talk of retirement for me is off the table I know I'm getting better because I thought I might and that for me would be a nightmare
  9. My grandfather recently passed while I was out of the country so I understand what you mean and I have been trying to get better and spend time with them but viseting hours hear suck
  10. Lol a little weird I have a slight Irish accent but can stop if need be (sometimes it is) and now call my home Pacific northwest but now that you mention it I can't stop seeing it in English accent Need next chapter please soon I'm soooooo board after pt I'm sitting in bed just watching cartoons and seeding the net untill someone comes to viset (lots of time with my thoughts) Oh and I've been shot lots of times bad guys are moor trigger happy then enemy soldiers
  11. Thanks man I'm working on it not easy tho recovery is kicking my ass much rather breach a bunker in the dead of night then try and walk... But I guess I need to get better first, but hey not everyone can when told "I thought you got shot in the head" simply say I got better
  12. We all want to put a bet down on the baddies but getting shot hurts like the dickans and is not quite so easy to find them but is unbelievably satisfieing
  13. Eventually all men are creepy old men don't take it to hard
  14. Good days and bad days
  15. Rick believed he killed all the former bosses there is a small chance he herd of them but they said someone cleaned house and that's why the shadow group dropped off the nsa radar
  16. Great chapter thank you for the post
  17. Sorry post was extremely inappropriate please disregard I was not taking pain meds and was having very bad phisical therapy day Please don't kill off any of the core characters will be major upset for everyone but there are characters that would be major heartache would even change other characters perspective but not impact on the main story too much such as Stella orlike Gerald could even do others like Han and Wagner there are a fue like max and willow that still have future scenes but most are free game sadly and would tear me apart but one of the twins or even emmas twins (just saying as a possibility please don't do it)
  18. God I hate this shosso much just want to lay down in piece without my head exploding for 10 minute but no fucking throwing exn lodging pain piercing behind my eve just waiting till I get comfortable then throwing in moor pain making me screaminor making the nurses running to me worried I tore my stitches out again my favorite I'll looks at me like I'm crazy Dr's tal,ING outside the room just out of earshot thenot looking at me clearly talking about me god I just want to go home want to be able to fucking walk again hate this so fucking much
  19. Wish I was home now this is torture I hate this and god it feels like they aren't telling me something because I just feel terrible all the time and my legs almost don't work
  20. Lol 2 posts idk why that happened guess this one is updating my pt I keep tripping while walking not really in proving I am thinking the damage is worse then they told me it hurts to think
  21. Sometimes that silver lining is a pink lace thong and a pink lace nipple less bra
  22. Well she left him and I got a new girlfriend so I'm pretty happy with it also new roommate and my pt is progressing very nicely getting better by the day sure a fue hiccups but getting better soon will be able to get back out there do good work
  23. I am very happy I am not in the ground it's difficult to think about hurts my head and yes what most people on a porn sight would think is correct and don't think they will be together much longer as well as me having a bootycall when I am home so yes very good day
  24. Just had some fun with his girlfriend this is a good day makes me glad to be in the hospital
  25. kickass name
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