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Everything posted by MajorMarioc

  1. Planning and executeing a strike against a dugin and extremly fortified enimy is one of the hardest things in all combat senerios the sg needs to get as much intel as possible with the director now in direct control he is takeing his time no longer a time table to follow because he sets it if they get word 9that max is down for even a nap the they will make there move but as for riht now they are fihting an unknown army that consists of (with curent sg intel) war spiders, tank drones, copter drones, MILLIONS of flying handgranade drones, security spiders and matenece spiders all of witch they have an unknown number of and each day the numbers increase time between books in months we all want the showdown but look at it from there pov they cant attack the house that holds what they want wich is simply the war spiders they also need to do all servelence from neer a mile out all teams that crossed that line have been captured or killed lost so far at minimum of 6 men 4 taken alive Need to know what happens hurry with the next one please (ps love the names of the new girls)
  2. Lol could not expect the main character to die in the first chapter of book 3 at at its just unherd of clifhanger basterd why did i not waite till chapter 2 was already out just had to be the first to read it dident i im kicking myself for doing it
  3. Damn your cliffhangers thats so much worse then the one at the gym i cant beleve you
  4. That in the deep future
  5. Blood in the grass
  6. Brothers forever my friend
  7. And carry them in return
  8. I crawl its alittle emberesing but i do keep trying
  9. The waiting is the hardest part normaly i would be in a truck somewear in deep china or south america but im stuck at home bored out of my mind with nothing to do but reread tv or atempet for the hundreth time to clime stairs just to relize i left something at the bottom
  10. The Pete dream explains why his mom is so bitchy Altho i am really wondering how much biggr turners dungen would be if he got the property that max is building the school or was he planning something elce with it
  11. Maby Tatiana and Rick both die at the house and max is mortaly wounded at the school Emma is taken and the shadow group looks for the way into the house max decides it's time to take the gloves off and releases the hounds of war, During the fight at volstocks house eather jazz or tali mentioned that max broke jeves body was that just a teaser or will the boys be getting body's I think that the awakening for jeves and Albert would be a great scene all the kids new and old sitting around when they both wake up and they teach stella and carol to merge I to one, with legions help of course Alice teaching them how to aclimate to the real world vs vurtal observation jeves body of course having and maintaining a permanent link to the house and every camera it would be weird for him to switch to only a single 2 cameras instead of constant monitoring the entire house and his sencors
  12. It's all been a dream since Pete crawford got hit by a truck... max pushed him off the bike last minute
  13. Lol that is an interesting post
  14. Now I got moor to do most the time spend doing nothing my computer is up a very steep incline of stairs taunting me I bet that the only thing at the school dance was bolth girls went into labor and the stack is at the home dance and they go full force or managed to already infiltrate with a couple of the adoptive parents kidnapeing them then it's the one that shows up late or something trying to get in that way
  15. Thanks I like my own bed much moor then the hospital and finally cloths again
  16. Thanks for all your support its hard to accept that I am still hear but the kind words help a lot I am out of hear in the morning it's 1:33 am now and I will be out of hear at 8 am getting star crazy I can not stand this fucking bed anymoor or hospital food I swear to god how can you make eggs with no flavor at all or potatoes fucking potatoes how do they take the flavor out but w/e I will just be happy to be able to walk/roll around for a while till I can start running again miss exercise and being able to use my brain being lime this I might as well be a house plant don't do any good Need to know if why nadi screamed is because it was an attack or she went into labor as well but when her water broke blood spilled max's first born son I'm scared for him it sounded like both nadi and Emma were having contractions for a while so idk
  17. I am just wondering how long time laps it will be between book 2 and 3 will it be months or a year the twins won't stand for anything happening to any of them if nadi is hurt they will be out for blood she raised them before max all of the will be for blood and a child is a smaller target then an adult
  18. Sorry ignore that post I get bad moments sometimes Dr calls it survivors guilt
  19. I just herd the Dr's talking outside my room about how miracle like getting shot in the head with this short recovery time just doesn't happen now I've been freaked out for a while about the extent of my injuries and being paranoid is what keeps me and my men alive but I'm starting to freak the hell out if I did die in that room my helmit has a hole I can fit my closed fist three idk if it's normal to feel like this I mean I can limp and it's been like no time
  20. The one who dies is most likely becca but no idea really with how it is written I did notice a big error I noticed and had to reread "“No, I won’t run!” Stacey interrupted with a confident nod, ”I can either hold my head up or cower under what my father did the rest of my life. I’m not letting that bastard ruin one more day!”" Is Kara talking
  21. Being out of the country so much I technicaly still live at home never back for moor then a couple weeks at a time then gone for weeks sometimes months at a time was easier that way plus my family sees it as a way I can't be in town without letting them know. I will still be recovering slowly sadly still in a wheelchair for at least a couple weeks until I can walk properFantastic chapter great ending but god the cliffhanger is already tearing me already so great to see that first day of Kara being back in school and the great new character in the last chapter keep it up but dawn don't take too long for the next book need to know what happened exactly if was ___ or the ___
  22. Most likely shadows Got a date I will be released on my own recognizance still have severe trouble walkingsometimes while eating and stuff my brain is a bit rattled who knew lol but no moor hospital food and moor visits from new girlfriend
  23. Lol 63 is the magic number for magus lol gitg switched sights so everyone get ready for it
  24. So dose me denying it while laying in A bed make me a creepy young man I do see your point I am good at sneaking and looking in Windows
  25. Who you calling old I'm 24 and only about half as creepy as you giesers
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