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Everything posted by MajorMarioc
Adams dose not seem to be a bad guy he seems moor like a beurocrat takeing credit for the ops his teams run the head abc asshole always is 'imparcial' if something is not by the book then it is wrong he sees max as a killer for the sake of killing adams is a paper pusher and is to confortable to be dirty sadly tho money corupts the best of men i have no idea how it will turn out but it would be to obvious to be fbi if i had to say it was a abc man who is head i would say cia better recorces for intel then fbi cia dose moor ops off us soil to and dont forget sg is a former cia shadow op turned rogueI have had to manny conversations like this to think that his statements about max are anything moor then just higher ups bs
The line sarah used to call dir adams was not the same frequency the same frequency that jeves was picking up was from the major (who after being attacked by the sg sent by mother) he turned his sat phone back on so max and crew would come get him alice got the phone off mothers team thats how they got the frequency the line and frequency used by dir adams was one set up by charles
Keep in mind the targer for bitg was around 30 and gitg was roughtly 10 chapters before it ended so with 60 now the target we will get much longer book
The director is not useing a satphone they were picking up the major who turned his satphone on about the same time as alice so they were tracking him never director adams that was on a secure line they set up thrue the house networkLike i said before i like the major for some reson and feel he is a relatable charactor
Im going with the blender effect from the fingertips starting with all the veins or bones first turning the bodys into floating jeliton of there screaming foarms keeping them alive and awake in just that instant to feel every sinle piece of there bodys torn apart and finaly organs just instantly liquified and caught by the clouds of nanites that sedated the girls first so he could fuel his rage wothought any restraint to harm those who he keeps alive Doctors can be the worst monsters imaginable keeping the victims alive
Dust in the grass "legion flew like a sandstorm" Or storm in the grass
No no destruct switch he created the nanites and never thought a chonchesness was even possible they were nothing but beneficial to him I guess tecnicly his dad started the nanites wich makes it less likely there is a shutoff switch
Yay gold star 😊
I stood today wear is my gold star
Lol good knews i am able to move my knees again so its good news
Why is everyone hurt right now
He was not close enough to the asault teams gunt to disable them think of it like this a hammer in a gun pushes a buton and the bullet goes flying but if something cloged tge hammer from ever makeing contact with the buton then the gun can not fire legion is made of billions of nanites he can do anything within range but he cound not reach the men in time to stop the guns oh and every download so far they were wounded mika was not wounded she bled out instantly killing her she did not have time to download because the explosive rounds the soldures were useing and he did not just graise her
Lol first girlfriend is fun but honestly movies... Idk what the hell is going on in hollywood i mean some are good but oh my god... Ill stick to montypyhon
If i get hit again i have very high chance of looseing my legs i want to stay out there just not an option they removed 4 bullets from my back still another 6 rattleing around in there number 3 had complications now i cant get shot lol im not 21 anymoor lol almost made it to 25 damn goodluck getting out of the abc clutches not a funloveing group of people but yeah i want to keep fighting been born raised trained im a warrior miss the smells miss the sweat miss the adrenalin miss the bullets... And pain the feelimg of pulling someone out of hell and helping them walk away i will never regret it i regret complaining about back pain if i hadent they wouldent of found the bullets and now i can wiggle my toes so its a good day
Fantaatic chapter thought legion would go blender on people Presinol life sad times hear i have been in the hospitol for a bit dr strongly suguested i retire so yay i picked my replacment now and have taken a job as a trainer it already kills me to be away from the bullets im a warior born and raised need to fight need to be shot at so yay love it
Need next chapter need to know if legion takes the one who shot mel apart like a blender or how manny of them downloaded if they hit tge kids or if any strey kids died the pool was hit after all and adults were there dose the major shread the yellow spider or dose another member of the strike team just before the body of the mechanical matinencebot pushes him off the cliff as they bolth fall the major hrabbing a rope last second lol need to know
Cliffface is a great insergant position noone ever expects the cliff even if max and co were not kids cliff would most likely not be covered only expirienced and skillfull striketeam takes a cliffface it ads its own chalanges but also the benefits of an unpredictible side are unbelevable advantage I find myself relateing to the major... Idk why lol
I just had surgury on drugs sorry the legion baby means part nanite Oh and all nanites right now will be atempting to get to mika everyone will feel the heartbreak and imediate panicked worry and overwelming rage of legion All self aware spiders all machines all the warbots and flyers can be simultanipusly overriden and controled with the hive mind of legion
a nanite infused legion baby grown like a clone with combonation of bolth june and max dna but for alice moor strey cinthia dna from her old brush amy saved grown in an incubation chamber inside may and alice
the dogs... I CALLED IT THE BEACH lol thats how i would of went in
Yeah government loves to do that lol i tend to just avoid bases whenever possible disposible income and a hotel gold membership helps
Lol welcome back people getting worried
Glad to see you found it bobby you will love were he went with it if you havent read it already
Keep rereading it all so boared
God im so boared i had sirious relaps back in a hospitol bed board lol love brain surgury need you back magus need to know what happens next