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Everything posted by MajorMarioc

  1. Says the man who dislodge a bullet by jumping from a plain...
  2. Cool beans lol I have family viseting who found out SOMEHOW that I was in the hospitalAnd if you saw this guy telling you what to do then you would have a temper too
  3. So time for a check in how is everyone how is the chapter comeing along and how is the hospital and pt I I've been useing a cane pt asshole been telling me to use crutches so broke them over me knee in front of him then lifted the little punk by the caller told the little dick I don't need them
  4. Just another way to show the full potential
  5. Good to hear you are useing a 5 year old to there full potential
  6. Lol the talk of live birth has stoped the foam dead in its tracks Oh and glad to see you are cutting back on the button don't want to overdo it
  7. Lmfao when i saw my first live birth i can tell you i was definetly not thinking of inadeduacy it was moor "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT"How is the buttondoing magus that's a great invention
  8. Giveing birth is something all men don't want to see
  9. Hey Samara how are you doing out there
  10. Glad to see you survived the surgery and legs still work and yeah i can beleve she hit you
  11. A strike team varys from team to team generaly speaking consists of around 5-10 men but can be upwards of 12 depending on the actual team and can even be as low as 2 and also varys from service to special service but the shadow group is made up of criminals and alphabet dogs so most likely we are talking 12 teams posible 10-13 man teams
  12. I want to apologise for suggesting that Amy might loose the chance to get pregnant I've been very paranoid lately (way moorso then usual) and when he said longterm subplot that freaked me out I care a lot about these characters I found this at chapter 62 on the other sight when I was on a mission in Mexico and then I had to track it down after that dident know how it was gonna end Back to the point I only said it so he WON'T do it begging that he dose not do that with my second favorite character My missions take weeks sometimes months of recon before engage (unless cercumstances chance) so get some free time and generally only thing we have is reading or sleep
  13. good luck surgery sucks ass hope it's a quick recovery
  14. He said it wad an important subplot and all we know is that it would be devistateing and that she got hit
  15. Omg you dident do that did you I don't want to ruin it if I'm right or put the idea in your head but Jane in her only child I just know it
  16. Loved it finaly got to read it going on to many walks latly go figure i loved the rescue and the asault was great but they left the armored vans to hide in ditch???? The new catian made the mistake of attacking the family too close to the house altho they now have alot moor intel abiut the bots and now the twins Hopefully you come back soon angel
  17. Cool need update Still climbing stairs on my ass arms so tired
  18. Lol so you weren't jokeing about all the deaths damnit lol we need a chapter 3
  19. The soup is ok just dont trust it never turn yiur back tgats when it will betrey you stick to chicken noodle The firefight better be big if they want to atack the house then they are going in hevy they have the satalight pictures of the slaver asault with over 500 dead and they know the reenforced walls david made on the house before his death my asumption they are gonna hit hard and fast most likely from the sea (spiders cant swim but can walk at the bottom of the water)
  20. Never trust alphabet men they will betray you sometime (I use them 👻)
  21. Lmfao Thanks crazy never expected that Manny well wishes lol
  22. I can "walk" again
  23. Thanks sniper means alot
  24. There was enough memory in the old computers to hold june max made hard drives with moor memory then the largest supercomputer in existence
  25. If it was me i would attack from the sea they know davids inventions priorto his death (basic tank heli drones) tha ks to the bugs in his lab that rick told him about before hiw death but they miht not beable to find the records and definetly dont trust intel from 7 years ago... altho amy was thee when rick was telling the story and herd rick mention the bugs in the lqb maby in inert bug is still active they use that to there advantige feeding false intel to the sg who they knew were on the other end
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