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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Mike and Don at some point were dating sisters. We're guessing at some point when they were in college (we know Mike & Hannah met in college) they might have been pretty tipsy and were spinning the bottle or play strip monopoly or something, and the guys decided to swap sisters for a night. Then maybe it was fun and they tried it again. Mr. Moreno is apparently Hispanic, I'll guess Salvadoran, but it's been said that Tara doesn't really take after him at all. Maybe Mike's the real dad. I was skimming thru the early chapters and saw I forgot about "Becca Clawson...red hair...glasses" Actually, long red hair tied up in a bun. Cute but not stunning. Not trying to slam Joe, but it reminds me that these are things even in my own writing that could be mentioned more often. It's been a year and a half and nearly a million words. Sometimes the reader needs to be reminded. "She squinted at me through her glasses...She pushed her glasses up her nose...I looked around the courtyard and spotted Becca's red hair in the crowd". Oh, and "boobalicious" Jessica. So yeah, Thursday's half done and we're still waiting. BTW, bashful promised a chapter of something by the end of the month (3 1/2 days to go). Don't look at me, I have 13 days to finish my powerpoint for my presentation in front of industry executives. Oh, and today when I was driving home from work, after the exit which goes to Brow Ridge HS, I stopped into that sandwich store that jashley couldn't remember the name of, the one across the road from Chipotle and Five Guys, a few blocks from Gamestop...and there was this very attractive cashier who I hadn't seen before. Likely mid 20's, captivating smile and eyes, nice boobs, a couple extra pounds on the hips and thighs but well proportioned and she shook it well when she crossed the floor. And her name was Kayla. I didn't have my glasses on so I had to squint a little at her name tag as she was ringing me up. Maybe she thought I was staring at her tits but afterwards she did give me a nice smile as I was waiting in line for my burrito.
  2. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Oh crap. I get off work at 10 am Thu, then have to drive 3 hours. Forecast is for snow from 5 am Thu to 7 am Fri. Once I make it home, I only have two weekends left to finish the powerpoint of my conference presentation, so reading must wait until that's finished. And, at the rate Joe's going, this chapter might be 50k words.
  3. Two years ago I got a Windows Surface 2 Pro on eBay for $200 and it's been excellent.
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Smart ass. I figured out the first four words, then got stuck. And Google Translate says it's "capitolo"
  5. I have my stuff on a usb drive but I don't back it up often enough. I pray you don't lose anything already written.
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I could find anything, but the first thing that came to mind was "Harper". I had totally forgotten that her full first name was "Bellen", but "Belle Harper" sounds good and a quick Google search found no matches of significance.
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Back in the day, when they were all drunk and playing what turned into strip poker...
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Yeah, don't be shy and stare at the back of her head the whole semester. Introduce yourself and find something to talk about. You thinking Blanche & Don might be swingers? (could Tara be Jack's half-sister?)
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Well, be sweet and she if she's the one
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Got it...I had left the browser open for awhile, but when I got around to replying it decided I was logged out. Entering my name and password on request still only got me a 'guest' comment
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Wait! What? jashley says his name is Joe, that's who I was referring to. Sometimes it can be confusing with me around, so 95% of the time I will call him by his user name.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    . But Jack - we had sex last year! Can't we find something new to do?
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    But it's February! Everything will be iced over and the pandas will be hiding inside. Last year for Valentine's they had an ice storm and Jack and Kayla spent the night in a hotel room after their dinner.
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I like my tablet very much. I got a Surface Pro on eBay for $200, about half the list. Of course, Kayla might complain that he didn't want to pay full price, or that she was a new, not refurbished one. Oh, sorry, talking about my wife.
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    They passed Title IX when I was in high school, and our school interpreted it to mean that we couldn't be separate any more, and thus had us do coed gym classes. The only time any of use got to play soccer was in gym class, and we learned that if you hit someone upper arm to upper arm when they weren't looking you could send them flying. Someone did that to one of the girls and she broke her arm. We didn't have coed soccer anymore.
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    because they're girls
  17. pics were posted by DA in the shoutbox in the presence of the site admin DG, so I presume the site didn't have a problem with it.
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    When I was in school (a long time ago) we had 2 hour long periods a week. Slowly there was a shift towards 100% academics. Maybe it was "OMG, the Chinese are better than math than us! We shouldn't be wasting time playing badminton!" so now we sit in front of a computer all day and get fat. Sexual relations between teachers and students are dangerous and rare, but I could see a close friendship/emotional bond. How would Kayla react to watching Jack light up whenever he's with Ms. Karlow, talking theater? I get that from ym wife - "You should see the look on your face!" I contend that Kayla's dad fapping over Tara is much more probable than student/teacher sex. Chester's a red blooded man, Tara's a hot teen, and she's hanging around the house once in awhile. He gets on the computer, checks out her Facebook, her Instagram and Twitter...then some time later Mrs. Hanigan finds some dry crusty Kleenexes in the trash can next to the desk...and the folder of pics on the usb drive
  19. "My Girls" from the link. The story definitely started at the beginning. Took until ch19 to find out
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    and I really hold out hope that Kayla's Dad had been, uh, admiring Tara's Facebook pics. We still don't know what caused the problems between Mr. and Mrs. Hanigan over the summer. We haven't heard anything about how adults can also be messed up sexually.
  21. OK, 19 chapters, it's good, it's really weird and interesting, but I need to save the rest for another day
  22. in case you guys haven't seen in the shoutbox, DA gave birth this morning to Angie, 2 lbs, 4 oz
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