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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

  2. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I think Jack would have a case that he was hurt because the school and police didn't stop things soon enough. They'd argue that he could have avoided his beating by not acting on his own, regardless of what they did or didn't do. Even if they didn't arrest jack or read him his rights, they can go back any time they want to, it doesn't preclude them. Jack could file his own complaint against "Don", state that the police know his real name, and even if Jack didn't know the enforcers, he could put them with Don in the van. In short, if Jack wanted to pursue this, it could make the school look worse than it does already. He might be able to threaten them into allowing him back into the prom, but he wouldn't make any friends in the principal's office.
  3. Joe Long

    She is the One

    No. I should check in on him, as he should be on summer break from uni by now.
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I don't think Kayla would be prone to wander, but that doesn't mean Jack wouldn't jump to any (more) poor conclusions She has told him no sex for three months There is some strain in their relationship, and she had threatened him with breakup She has a job where she sees coworkers and customers that Jack doesn't know much or anything about Jack is severely doubting himself right now. He is not confident of the future. It would not be a stretch for Jack to get suspicious of Kayla, even if she's done nothing. One thing I hate about sports broadcasters is they always assume there must be a 'story'. Every event must have meaning, something for them to explain. They seem not to accept the idea that events can happen at random, with no ulterior motives. Sometimes there just is no 'why.' In that way, anytime Kayla doesn't call or stop over as often as Jack wants, or says she's busy or not available, will he brush it off or insists there must be a 'why'?
  5. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I take Kayla at her word. She said Jack is a little messed up in the head over sex and she believes putting him in 'time out' may be what's needed for him to reset. Now, that doesn't mean things always work according to plan. Also, I get conflicting answers when googling about age of consent int he state of their residence. There's a close in age exception, but it seems to be for minors, leaving the 18th birthday as a bright line than can't be crossed. Perhaps Jack will pedantically look it up and confront whine and beg Kayla.
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Amanda makes another move on Jack? They snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie or something, and she kisses his cheek or runs her hand up his thigh. He hasn't had any for awhile, so of course he gets hard even if he fights it
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    You know, just when I start to feel proud of my own writing, I come here and read another chapter of SITO and think, "I am not worthy." Jashley does the exposition so well, be able to go on for a few paragraphs just dumping thoughts, and yet it works.
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    You're right, it's part of Jack's character. He is a 'White Knight', but I don't think it's something he decides to do - he's driven by the thought of others in need and that he's the only one who can help. To the degree that it's a character flaw. He can't control himself. If if he tells himself, "Stop!", he goes. I've been reading up on the sixteen standard personality types. I'm an INTP, but I could have told you I'm the quiet analyst (of course) https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types Looks like the "White Knight" is INFJ's "Diplomat" https://www.16personalities.com/infj-personality Really though, it is most important for INFJs to remember to take care of themselves. The passion of their convictions is perfectly capable of carrying them past their breaking point and if their zeal gets out of hand, they can find themselves exhausted, unhealthy and stressed.
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Oh, I love that site! But to this point, when Karen gave her speech to Jack I suspected that the author's personal opinion may have been more her's than Jack's, and made the comment that "perhaps jashley has been reading some Elizabeth Nolan Brown." Today I saw that ENB had written another article which was a good illustration. Jack's reaction was based on the public perception that is given to us by those in power, which may not be the reality that Karen spoke to.
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    This was prostitution! Human-trafficking if you wanted to get really nasty about it! http://reason.com/blog/2016/05/02/homeland-security-la-police-team-up-to-a
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Yes, I think that Rhona has a crush on Jack, and his being taken is one of the things that makes him off limits for her - but also that she's a college graduate and he's only a high school junior. Rhona has a difficult personality. There's not many men who can take her (for more than a roll under the blankets) and Jack is one of them. She wants a relationship and puts a high value on them, including Jack and Kayla's. She sees it as a big character flaw in Jack to casually broadcast in public that they may be broken up. Jack wasn't taking his relationship with Kayla seriously enough for Rhona's tastes, and therefor wasn't the man Rhona thought he was. Once again, disappointed by a man.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I think Kayla will consider it. My wife has told me, "I love you, but right now I don't like you." I think Kayla will have that type of moment. Sympathy for his condition, disgust at his actions. She will have to consider whether it's worth staying, if he doesn't show signs of changing. I don't think Belle will react well at all if she finds out Jack thought she was a prostitute. And Matt... I don't see any way that law enforcement is not drawn in. I think Don's security reacted without thinking through the consequences, and now find themselves desperately needing to lay low lest they get hit with felony assault. They may very well want revenge for being put in that situation (as well as likely out of business.)
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    This may well be Jack's breaking point, but I fear it has set events in motion that are now beyond his control. Even if Jack does nothing more than lay in a hospital bed, things will continue to escalate before they calm down.
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Pipe bombs, body parts messy. I heard a rumor there might be more deaths before the tale is over.
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    That's exactly what i thought. The 'muscle' was there to prevent anyone from trying what Jack did. They were reacting, not thinking. Things may get messy.
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Thoughts on the chapter. Technically, there was a little too much 'telling' for my tastes in explaining the time jump. jashley is usually very good at breaking the fourth wall, speaking directly to the readers. It was funny at first but seemed to go too long. Otherwise, everything was the normal level of splendid. I miss Rhona. She needs to get over Jack sometime soon. The end was tough to read. I know what it's like to be obsessed and act compulsively. Kayla threatened to break up with him, but Jack acted anyway - and paid dearly for it. I'm sure Kayla still loves Jack, but she is also probably disgusted with him at the same time. I expect she'll be there in sympathy while seriously considering leaving him. Also, the story has, except for Coach Walburn's suicide, been very internal, almost never spilling beyond Jack and Kayla's families and friends. The police will have to investigate Jack's beating, and he will need to tell them why it happened. Don knew he needed his muscle to keep anyone from even trying what Jack did, and once he acted there was little else they could have done - but Jack's injuries demand the police be involved. What happened to him be in the news, and the ring may become public knowledge. The ring might want further revenge on Jack. And, not just Kayla, but what will all the rest of Jack's crew think? Belle will be like, "Wait a minute - you wanted to save me because you thought I was a prostitute? You fucking pig!" The other's reactions may not be much better.
  17. Joe Long

    She is the One

    May 6th I believe. Ms. Cartwright & I are planning on seeing it next weekend, but I'll have to schedule some Hulu time this weekend for "The Dark World" and "Winter Soldier"
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I can't believe Jack didn't memorize the phone number or write it down on a piece of paper. Headlines - "High School Student Beaten on School Grounds" The police will be wanting to interview Jack Harrison.
  19. Joe Long

    She is the One

    A good example, but I don't think I'd ever seen or read 'prom' used that way. Stuck out to me, but I was making light of it. Joe's obviously not from where I'm from.
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Notes to jashley - “We’re going to prom!” Is prom a verb? It seemed very strange to never see a preposition placed before it. "...the prom." Mrs. Hannigan, with heretofore unknown sexing prowess Yeah, I do believe this is something we were unaware of She hasn’t acted like a fucking fried to you That's the only other typo I spotted
  21. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Nut I could relate. I'm not nearly as bad now, but that inner voice being so obsessed with something, even when the conscious mind tries to speak reason, I would do it anyway, telling myself, "No, no...no" the whole time.
  22. Joe Long

    She is the One

    They just switched classes after semester break, and hadn't gotten to Valentine's Day yet.
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    (I haven't finished the chapter yet) [MILD SPOILERS] So I'm reading and thinking, "Wow, Joe must be really getting behind, it's near the end of April and the story's still in January...when all of a sudden, "Two months later..." Haha
  24. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I get a tingle running up my leg.
  25. Joe Long

    She is the One

    The author hasn't explicitly stated, other than the 'burbs of a major metropolitan area of the northeast (where it does get snow). However, I was able to pick up on several names and places used in the story, and am reasonable certain it's a place where I lived for many years - but I'll never tell.
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