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Joe Long

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Posts posted by Joe Long

  1. I can't say that I had ever heard of Five Guys Burgers and Fries before.

    By the way, Joe is absolutely correct about Chipotle's always being packed solid. The one near me usually has a line outside waiting for them to open. :tongue2:

    Haven't been to Five Guys yet. A few years ago some co-workers were raving about it, but weren't any real close to the office. Later they opened one near the house, but I'm not sure how much I want to spend for a burger. Big or little, bacon or not, cheese or not. Cheeseburger for $6.89 but their webpage doesn't say the size of the patty, or if there's one or two. If it's a third pounder single, or better yet two quarter pound patties, then I might try it. I do like all the free toppings I saw on their website.

    Now I have been to Chipotle. I've been spoiled by the $2 tacos and pupusas at several local Salvadoran dives, which makes Chipotle a little overpriced for my tastes, but I like the food and go occasionally when I have some extra cash. As Chester said, recently I was leaving a dentist appointment just before 11 am and saw a Chipotle's in the shopping center. It wasn't opened yet, but had half a dozen folks waiting outside.

  2. If I remember, at the beginning, Jack was a sophomore who is now becoming a junior. And as for the drunken stumble and Chinese water torture, when were those discussed in the forums?

    I am aware that as of the current chapter Jack is a rising junior. His 17th birthday is coming up momentarily, to be celebrated with a trip to the cabin accompanied by two hot babes (only one of which is his girlfriend).

    However, as I've mentioned before, where I live (Pa) Jack would be a year behind. I checked several Facebook pages recently to make sure. In recent years the cut-off date has been changed to Sept 1 - meaning that anyone from age 5y1d to 5y365d on Sept 1 can start kindergarten. That's then age 6 for 1st grade, progressing up to 17 for 12th grade. Everyone on schedule is 17 on Sept 1 of their senior year. Some turn 18 on Sep. 2, others wait for Aug. 31 of the following summer.

    So I was suggesting that if Jack were two years older than his twin siblings, and having all three in age appropriate grades, it wouldn't take anything away from what we've read so far.

  3. The hardest part of this story for me to logically get my head around was not that Alan and Amanda were banging each other, but instead the whole triplet thing. I still don't see where it adds to the story, and early on thought it may have been an ad-hoc adjustment in the story to get around what was popularly believed at the time to be a Blue Site age restriction of 16.

    If Chapter 1 would have started with Jack age 16 soon to be 17, beginning his junior year, and his younger twin siblings Alan and Amanda, recently turned 15 and now freshman, I don't see where it would have detracted anything from the story, and would have not required a suspension of disbelief.

    If there is something in the future that hinges on the three being triplets, perhaps Joe will choose to clue us in.

  4. Is it possible they look alike because they're siblings? I mean that's as far as I read into it. Siblings can loom very alike. Or they can look different.

    It's been several months since I read the early chapters, but that's been my impression - not that Alan and Amanda were identical, but that they had enough similar features that when seeing them together one's first impression is to assume they are siblings.

  5. And in regards to how Jack, Alan, and Amanda came to be...all I can say is that I am not ignoring how odd something like that is. Not to give anything away but the logistics of how it works will be addressed in the future. Much like the pipe bomb, Chinese Water Torture, and the drunken tumble.

    in chapter 100...

  6. Sorry, my experience with the corporate environment tells me it is a good bet that those who act like they own the place normally are the ones partying with the boss after hours.

    Yes, but I'm claiming it's more likely to be done by the less talented employees, when they can't rely on working hard and knowing their stuff. One of the reasons my Korean friend came to the U.S. was because over there the guys who got promoted were the ones who gave the most gifts to their boss.

    Rhona appears to be a good employee, so what else might cause Frank to cut her slack? It might be a passive enjoyment of her company.

    One summer I had two girls work for me as summer interns. It was mostly guys, I only ever had three girls, and these two were the same summer. They both knew their stuff, were easy to train and I thoroughly enjoyed being around both. In my story I talk about my two kind of reactions, and with these I had one of each.

    The one was 17 and just simply gorgeous. It was hard to take my eyes off of her and many times was simply dumb struck. She did catch me one time, as she leaned over my desk to show me some papers, looking down her blouse. She covered it up and backed off.

    The other was 19 and while not as beautiful I just wanted to throw that girl down and have my way with her. Barring that, I often chatted her up and we had long talks about baseball (but not my marital status.)

    With either, the only things that happened were in my head, but it sure was sad to have them not come back.

    Oh, the third girl? I'm not normally rude, but she was fat, ugly, obnoxious and stupid - but her dad knew low people in high places. I almost got fired trying to get rid of her.

  7. Rhonda, is she the bosses niece or something? She can get away with insulting him and no one else can. Sounds familial or blackmail to me. We have been told Jack has the best customer feedback in that stores history, and came to the attention of regional management for it, yet she comes in and starts teaching him things he must have been doing without thinking in the first place. Game Stop and Babages (sp?) are the same company and they are European owned, or were ten years ago. It is unlikely she or her family owns enough stock to get preferential treatment. Being related to a store or regional manager could accomplish the same thing though as could having slept with the boss to get the job while she was underage (cell phones with recording features have been around long enough to give her the needed evidence).

    Nepotism and Lewinksys are what the incompetent use to keep their jobs and be promoted.

    It looks like Rhona knows her shit. Frank knows she's good, and probably gets a rise from being near her. He doesn't have to be sampling the goods himself, he could more easily be tossing it off in the restroom or going home and banging the wife silly.

    So yeah, why give her job to some snot faced guy when he can look forward to her returning after school?

  8. Jack mentioned that he hadn't seen Sam since school let out. We can probably assume that means he has not been over to visit Amanda for a good month or more. Looks to me like summer-league baseball is more important to Sam than having a girlfriend. As far as Sam's sister goes, it is a little strange that Helena is never around as she is Amanda's leader and role model. Don't know about their dad-- maybe he's just a divorced workaholic. Yeah, a lot we're not seeing.

    But Sam also said his sister was driving and never wanted to get out of the car when picking up or dropping off Amanda. Sam does come over, but never leaves the back seat, out on the street. OTOH, if I was Amanda's dad, I'd be insisting Sam came to the door and knocked when picking up Amanda, and brought her to the dor when returning her, even if Helena was waiting in the car.

    I was an only child and didn't get my license until I started college. That helped ensure my love life sucked during high school.

  9. Does anyone else think that queen resembles a bitchier Nicole from "Being More Social"? She has the tits and holier-than-thou personality.

    Rhona is a cock tease - she doesn't want to be with a guy (maybe she's even a lesbian), she only want to play with them. She enjoys knowing she has the power to manipulate.

    Nicole doesn't want to form a relationship (because those lead to painful breakups) but she craves the physical intimacy to satisfy her insecurities.

  10. Always willing to wait for quality.

    The family went to the drive-in to see Ultron. The kids all fell asleep before the end, but when awake made enough noise I had a hard time hearing dialogue. I look forward top any specific comments you have about the movie.

  11. before me and my wife leave.

    c'mon Joe, you're a writer!

    I'd only type that if it's dialogue (but unfortunately my wife and daughter say that all the time)

  12. Amanda- Chloe Grace Moretz

    I don't suppose that Ms. Moretz has a twin brother? Alan and Amanda being identical twins is key to the story.

    those were the actors that the author jashley13 (Joe) himself had suggested

  13. So are there any (free) websites around allow one to enter descriptions of physical characteristics, then give a list of matching actors/actresses?

    When I started working on my own cast list I found it difficult to google "actress 18-24 big boobs". In fact, I found that many actresses these days aren't very well endowed (see Watson, Emma). Like Joe described Rhona, I had written Katie as someone who's breasts drew attention. Just now I see that Rachel Hurd-Wood (who Joe selected for the role as Belle) is a good match for what I wrote, at 5-7, with an attractive face and a real nice set of tits. (and I was looking for an excuse to post a boob pic)


    Meanwhile, I had found Milana Vayntrub (pictured up-thread as Lily) who I fell in love with despite her being 5-3. That puts her barely taller than Hannah, and then I also realized Milana looks alot like Kaitlyn Dever (my choice for Hannah), except, of course, for the tits. That works into the story - the other girl bearing a resemblance, but not underage, not a cousin, and has something to grab on to. I think I'll rewrite my earlier description of Katie to match Milana, for when I release the updated version.

  14. Well, you're definitely not a head-banger - those songs give me the impression of a deep thinker.

    I think I still like Bowie's version better, and 3 Doors Down was probably my favorite song on the list that I didn't previously know (6 of the 10)

  15. So, for your pleasure, here are my Top Ten Favorite Songs of all time:

    You know I Love You Man! when I pause the NFL Draft to listen to some of these songs...I can remember when "American Pie" was new and I had memorized all the lyrics.

  16. I am so stealing that pic. She is beautiful.

    Try not to stain the pic.

    While I was googling for a photo that emphasized her breasts, I found a video of her doing an interview for an LA radio station. I'm falling in love https://youtu.be/GLQCmrX6ypA

    and check out "Sperm Bank" (edit: didn't know that was going to imbed!)

  17. Hope it doesn't come to that. Women who give ultimatums had better be prepared to live with the consequences. Recall that Jack has said that the job at GameStop turned out to be an important part of his life.

    Unlike Nicole from BMS, who enjoys and defends being a slut, I don't think Rhona gets off on being WITH guys, instead I think her thing is controlling guys with her sexuality. She can wiggle her boobs, get a guy to pop a boner, and bask in the power that she wields. Jack will be a tough nut to crack, making Rhona try even harder, and Kayla can't help but notice. Jessica could be avoided, but Jack will have to work with Rhona, at least until the end of the summer.

    I saw Katie once a week at the bowling alley. A normal girl, not a seductress, but still hard to keep your eyes off her face and her tits (think Lily from the AT&T commercials). It took girlfriend Hannah awhile to come to terms with that.


  18. The first thing one of them told me was that eye sight was the second thing to go.

    Once you're past 50, the joke will change to
    "When you get old, there are three things you lose...the first is your memory."
    "What's the second thing?"
    "I forgot."

    As for super hero movies.... I do not tend to judge them. I mean they are meant to not be taken seriously. If I want a movie that is meant to be taken seriously I look for a GOOD Sci. Fi. Poor Sci. Fi. is the same as super hero stuff. Shut down your brain and watch it, if you can forget it is a movie and connect to the characters for the last 1/2 the movie it has done its job.

    I seen much more of the recent TV shows than the movies.

    I will say, that although they are super-heroes, the best stories are those that explore the characters, showing their struggles as they have to decide how to react to their situations. We can all relate to that. Agents of Shield has been good at that this year. I haven't seen Man of Steel but from what jashley wrote and other have commented hear, it seems to have the same moral dilemmas. That is why I thought Ron Moore's re-imagined Battlestar Galactica was one of the best shows ever.

  19. Jack is not to be blamed by ignoring those girls

    Yes, Jack is supposed to ignore them, but Rhona will see him as a fresh meat challenge and pounce. We will be witness to Jack's inner struggle and how well Kayla handles the situation ("me or that job!"). We know that Kayla still resents Jessica, 8 or 9 months later.

  20. Happy to see a new powerful character,seems to be the type which falls for guys who dont fall for them.poor Jack :)

    Yes, Queen Rhona knows when she gives a guy a boner and isn't afraid to tell them that she knows. She will unmercifully tease Jack's cock.

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