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Joe Long

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Everything posted by Joe Long

  1. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Thanks! We just finished our kolbassi, onions & peppers sandwiches, the cole slaw is done and the pork roast is still in the slow cooker for later
  2. Another enjoyable read. I like how the May/Phil situation is not resolved, as only those two (if they even do) know for sure what happened. For better or worse, other's perceptions of each of them will not be the same. Maybe a reason to avoid casual sex... Which leads into the next comment. Nicole has become adept at divorcing sex from emotional commitment, but Adam is not that experienced. She may think she's doing Adam a favor by trying to insulate him from her drama, but she's just kicked him in the nuts and ripped his heart out. Especially in what proved to be their final (for now) bout of love making, Adam was truly making love to Nicole. For him, it was the two merging as one. He loves the girl and she just dropped him into her friend zone. Adam had lusted over May, and had some sexual experiences with her, but it's fairly clear she's not interested in him. Adam's had the casual sex with Megan, when he really wasn't that interested in her, and now she's a free agent prowling the 9th grade for her next random cock. Which means Adam is alone. Sure Nicole still wants to be friends (and in the long run, maybe it is best - learning how to have a loving relationship not based on sex. Just look at my wife and I the last few years!) but she's depriving Adam of the intimacy he's had with her, even if Nicole won't confess what she feels for Adam. BTW, after all Nicole's scheming to hide what she and Adam were up to, I was expecting Mrs. Watson to open the bedroom door and find her baby boy drilling the tart from up the street - but this was a much better ending to the chapter. Deeper, and I never saw it coming. I'd be willing to proof read it for you before publication, and it helps that I can read your chapter's in less than the 2 hours it takes to get thru jashley's
  3. Pennsylvania has constables, but they serve papers for the Justice of the Peace aka District Magistrate (a local court, below county level). Down here in the states they've come to be known as 'resource officers' although I have no idea how they came up with that name. I was therefor assuming your constable was one who came into the school for the incident, not one who was stationed there.
  4. Joe Long

    She is the One

    yes, Merry Christmas to all'a yunz!
  5. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I missed the little hair bow reference. Good job! (although it might have been fun if Joe had left a little teaser) I read it as Kayla deciding she didn't want to finish the sentence, nervously fiddling with her hair bow. On my reference to the threesome, I still think Kayla has a little anxiety about Jack being attracted to other women (Tara, Rhona, whoever). Maybe it's just my personal experience, as that's the first kind of reaction I'd get from my wife.
  6. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Finished! Once the sex started near the end of the chapter, I had the sense that it wouldn't end on a happy note. Yes, I think Kayla will be upset for Jack not saying something earlier, but it might also bring back some bad feelings of the threesome, along the lines of "Am I not enough for you?" I still think Kayla has some insecurities. I also have a bad feeling about Arthur. There's something that doesn't feel right, such as when Kayla hesitated in responding. Like maybe Tara doesn't want Jack to know she failed at another relationship, that maybe she can patch it back up before Jack knows anything was wrong. Oh, and what was Kayla so obsessed with when she was in Junior High at her other school, that kids hesitated to be friends with her? Was she a 14 year old boy crazed nympho?
  7. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I'm midway thru, so haven't read thismy's spoilers, but I can empathize with Joe - a little over 24 hours before I can call it quits at work and head home for a 5 day weekend.
  8. Joe Long

    She is the One

    That's "Joseph Peter Long". How did you see my 'stache??
  9. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Kayla: "Joe Long, and who else?" Jack: "Eh, there's that-one-guy...acting hasn't been going so well, so I've been doing some writing online, and met a few guys" Kayla: "Wait, you've never met them in person, but you're inviting them to our wedding?" Jack: "Well, yeaaah...but they're really great guys, and I've told them everything about us!"
  10. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Right before the end of ch44, SITO passed the million word mark. Joe has written six full length novels in the past 18 months. 134.6 The Kayla Saga (ch 1:9) 114.4 The Jessica Saga (ch 10:15) 137.1 The Tara Saga (ch 16:22) 149.1 The Twins Saga (ch 23:28) 265.1 The Summer Saga (ch 29:37) 235.3 The Fracture Saga (ch 38:45) 1035.5
  11. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Fifty Shades of Grey iis notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism (BDSM). Originally self-published as an ebook and a print-on-demand, publishing rights were acquired by Vintage Books in March 2012. Fifty Shades of Grey has topped best-seller lists around the world, selling over 125 million copies worldwide by June 2015. It has been translated into 52 languages, and set a record in the United Kingdom as the fastest-selling paperback of all time. Now, if you think that's just in another class, SITO got 1.5 million reads at the Blue Site, through 19 chapters, before being yanked down. It's added another 26 chapters here (reading to start it's sixth saga) with a total of 370k views.
  12. Joe Long

    She is the One

    At least my name sounds real!
  13. Joe Long

    She is the One

    depending on Kayla's birth control efforts, that could come sooner than later
  14. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Emily. Please, make it so, Joe! and Kayla's mother's maiden name! You've teased us, we're still waiting!
  15. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Yes, where has Miss Cartwright gone? I miss her.
  16. Joe Long

    She is the One

    That got a laugh out of me, looked like Joe was throwing us a bone.
  17. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Excellent comments - get a username! You're right, Kayla's "someone" could very well be referring to Jack's unusually aggressive sex. However, there were some descriptions of the scene before that leading the reader to conclude they were vulnerable to being caught which led me to think otherwise on my first read, and then immediately followed Kayla's inexplicable "I'm not on the pill!" Why is she freaking out now and not all the previous times? Then the author poked his nose in here long enough to say it will all be explained!
  18. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Oh Rhona is really hot for Jack, and she is testing him, but Kayla's in such a mood lately she'll beet Rhona into a bloody stump. I used to do sort of that thing when I was in college - if I asked a girl out but she said she already had a boyfriend, and if she seemed worth the wait, I'd hang out in the friendzone, occasionally being flirty or suggestive as a test. There was this one girl Janine who was in a small class of mine, maybe 10 or 12 in a workshop setting, and she had the table right next to mine. Drop dead gorgeous and we hit it off. After a short while I asked her out but got the , "Thanks, but I already have a boyfriend." We were going to be together inc lass for the rest of the semester, so I kept on being nice and sometimes flirty. The last day, when everyone was packing up to go home for the summer, I went down to her dorm room (she'd given me the address) to give my best wishes. When it was time to go I hesitated, then asked "Could I have a kiss?" When she said no, I followed up with, "Well then, I guess sex is out of the question!" It got a good laugh from her and we parted amicably. I thought I spotted her in the stands at a football game that September, but I was with the woman who would later be my wife. Other than that, never saw her again.
  19. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I smell a red herring
  20. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I don't get the ending. Like thismy said, I was so much more expecting Kayla's parents to walk in on them, especially how the bed was banging the wall and Kayla was screaming "Wow! I think someone’s" Unless she was lying, saying the one thing that would get Jack out of her the quickest. But it didn't make sense because Jack's been banging her for like 15 months. I'd have to go check the SITO Wiki to see how many times he came in her before, but I have to think it's often. Wasn't she already on the pill? If so, why not now? And, Kayla has been really bitchy lately, lashing out at all the other girls who any her. Either she was seriously PMSing, or I was wondering if she was already late and not having shared that yet was aggravating her.
  21. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Keep it simple! Doesn't require a big conspiracy/criminal enterprise. Rhona has complained about lack of money keeping her from having her own place, as opposed to living at her parent's or her brother's places. Rent, even for a 1-bedroom, in the affluent suburbs of a major metropolitan center in the northeast corridor would liekly take at least 2/3 of what she's making at Game Stop. So I'm thinking she got into the business in college, and now she's a mid level manager. She does really like Jack, and now that she knows that he knows it exists, she's trying to put a happy face on it. "It's OK if no one was forced to do it!" for when he eventually finds out she is involved. See? That's simple and easy to believe, and it only involves Rhona. BTW, why is she still working at Game Stop? She's 23(?) and has been graduated from college for at least 6 months. Did she major in Art History? Women's Studies? Although I know a young lady who's that age and just out of college, and still waiting tables. Very smart, but doesn't have a career yet. This week Sunday Night Football was all that mattered
  22. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I seriously doubt Rhona is turning any tricks now, but she may have in the past, while she was in school, and could now be a mid-level supervisor, explaining why she's been hanging around the high school.
  23. Joe Long

    She is the One

    Growing up I hated salads because I never liked any of the dressing (French, Italian, Russian, Thousand Island, etc). When I was in my mid 20's I went to the cafeteria at work and the lady offered me a salad. I turned it down and explained my dislike of dressings, to which she replied, "Try this" and gave me some ranch. I was hooked. 30 years later it's still the only dressing I like. I've never used it on pizza, but my daughter has and says it's great. I've done no shopping, but on Thanksgiving my wife presented me with the budget and I nearly croaked. I got her the money, then saw which utility payments I could skip. Then she told me she wanted a laptop. At least they cost a lot less than they did a couple of years ago.
  24. Joe Long

    She is the One

    I don't recall any hints about their politics, but I'd suspect they'd try their best to be happy and accepting of it on the outside while being torn on the inside. To get to the real life subtlety of the matter, for many it's one thing to say that you have no problem with gays, but another to actually, up close and personal, watch you daughter kiss another girl.
  25. Joe Long

    She is the One

    There are people that know everything about Harry Potter or Star Trek. We know everything about Jack & Kayla's world.
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