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Chester57 last won the day on March 30 2015

Chester57 had the most liked content!

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  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Joe! Take all the time you need with the story. We’re a patient audience. 😊
  2. Thanks Joe, Happy Holidays to you and yours.
  3. Glad to hear that it went well! Just rest your eyes and don’t overdo it.
  4. Best of luck with the eye surgery. Here it is into September and I’m STILL behind on chapters! Hopefully I’ll be caught up by the time you return. Please take care of yourself. 😀
  5. Happy Birthday to you, Joe! It’s amazing how you have continued with this for so long. Congratulations and just keep going! 😄
  6. Happy Fourth to you, Joe! Damn, been a while since I logged on here. I hate to admit that I’m still way behind with chapters but hope to catch up by the end of summer. Wow, ten years! I remember the start back on the Blue Site. Best wishes to you and yours.
  7. Welcome back! So you’re “feet dry” from now on? Best of luck with your shore duty --moving sucks, doesn’t it? Too bad you can’t post pics here any more. We’d love to see your wedding!
  8. As always, stay safe. Wishing you fair winds and following seas.
  9. Joe- Glad to help out. I hope your little guy gets well soon! – Ed
  10. By the way, Joe— thanks for your Best/Worst Movie list. I always look forward to that!
  11. Yeah, everything seems to be working (so far!)
  12. Season’s greetings and a Happy New Year to you sir! God Bless--
  13. Same to you, Joe. Hope you’re doing well. Jeez, I’ve got to do some serious binge reading to catch up!
  14. Okay. I can recall that Alan and Amanda were caught having sex by their parents back in Chapter 8 (one of my favorites). Jack rose to the occasion and gave an impressive defense of his siblings.
  15. Hey, Mr. Author— it’s Oscar time again. Got a Best and Worst movie list for 2019?
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