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Everything posted by LadyTsunadeSenju

  1. Laid up with my k ee again, expect some crack fic...

  2. Laid up with my knee again, expect so.e

  3. While fan fiction is a great hobby and has been proven training grounds for some authors (Not Twilight or 50 shades) but some darn good fantasy writers, I think if someone is THAT obsessed with a fictional charater that they will spew off a crap ton of profanity and hatred at a total stranger who did nothing to them, perhaps they need to rethink their mental state. That just isn't healthy.
  4. Thank you guys so much. I have had some flamers before, when I first started writing band slash waaaay back in the day, anime people are just way OCD lol. Potter fans are pretty wild, I have a friend who retired from writing altogether because of the fandom. Broadening horizons is a term these people are not familiar with, and it why I stay out of it. I was never able to get into Potter and my ex burned me out on any comic fandom. I still write Inuyasha. That fandom is slightly easier to handle. Though it is horribly cliche'd with hot springs mating and mating marks. Write anything remotely nice about Kikyo and you'll get crucified. No lie. I think I said to someone last night, "So these people are okay with Naruto/Bolt yaoi incest but not OK with some Sasuke/Karin s&m. Seems legit."
  5. I just deleted the comment, the guy (or girl) followed me here from Wattpad. Most of the flaming through email he does there. He/she finally got banned from the group we were in together over there. I am not the kind of person to annoy mods with silly little rude trolls. I save that for when I feel someone in in danger.
  6. Time for more serious fan fic projects..

  7. Naruto has the worst fandom, I swear. Maybe not, and they aren't all bad but OMFG there are so many obsessive idiots out there. Not everyone who writes the fandom is interested in the bubble gummy teenage romance of Sasuke and Sakura or Naruto or Hinata! Those matches were nothing but fan service to end an anime series that had dwindled into a bunch of plot holes and twists pulled out of Kishimoto's ass last minute. Oh and the unanswered questions that were brought up earlier in the series. I don't even like Naruto himself, I do like the other characters who aren't annoying and Mary Sue/ Gary Stu beyond enoyment. And as stated above I didn't care for the show. I do borrow the characters to write though because some of the best characters got next to no play at all so we could all be treated to filler, loop holes, and the weird obsession everyone had with Sasuke and dragging him back to Konaha for their own selfish reasons when he clearly didn't wanna go. (Thats called kidnapping in this world) Admit it, he gave up at the end after what, 14 years? Anyways, I write what I write, don't like it don't read. I see no reason to send me hate mail and freak out just because I refuse to write sweet bubble gummy and cupcake romance between pairings that I don't believe should have happened or even work logically. Geezus effin Christ. I am working on a request piece and when it's finished I am going on hiatus for a while. Work, school, and my novel demand priority. I may still churn out a piece now and again, but not so frequently. I just needed to get that off my chest, lol. Are there any other fandoms this bad?
  8. I end up making unofficial sound tracks to my stuff to, my youtube is full of private music channels
  9. Im afraid I am just OD'ing on my new Jiraiya/Kushina pairing obsession that I have developed. I'm looking for any excuse to write it. But that said as far as it being sensei/student, you can teach an old dog new tricks, you know
  10. Seriously the madness must stop. For the tenth time this week I have to talk myself down from a songfic! I listen to all kids of music..lately the song "Try Me" has me wanting to write mafia Itachi Uchiha. And "Trap Girl Rollie" doing some Sakura/outlaw Sasuke bit. A plethora of country songs and metal spinning out ideas I know would flop as bad as my last fic. *sigh*. But I'm a creative sort, music inspires me and I read more into characters than most fans. Anyone else suffer this madness?
  11. I regret that Inuyasha seems dominated by emo teenage virgins who write the same cliche hot spring mating season stories. Or worse those high school stories where Kikyo is a slut, Kagome is a nerd, and Sesshomaru is a God. Inuyasha is a trouble maker and Kouga is a jock. I rarely see it deviate from this and I've even seen it written in 'gangsta' speak. I regret Naruto writers can't do more Jiraiya actually being a human with emotion and not comic or sexual relief.
  12. Boy I had a terrible idea for this but it would be so OOC/AU I'm not sure it would be reasonable to try it.....
  13. I need glasses, I thought it said 'too much stupid for one woman.' I hope someone does this, I love Asuma smut
  14. Its a one shot..well, that was the plan...but I'm working on a short piece involving Kushina/Jiraiya because while Minato is awesome as a person he's not that great in bed. I did this in a request I did (Its Just a Sexual Thing) but I liked the pairing so much I decided to toy with it. If you think you'd like to see it I'll finish and post it.
  15. I am not sure if I will continue this piece or do something else. Writing aHole naruto came too easy >.> I shall keep you posted Warlock, I will be giving away a few copies when I am done to people willing to read and review, if you would like
  16. I would be willing to write Kouga/Sango and maybe Ayame/Inuyasha and I can mention Kagome but I really dislike writing her and I am afraid I'd end up bashing or not doing a very good job. Perhaps I can make mention of it and her relationship with Sessh is what drove Kouga to Sango, Yasha to Ayame? Would that work?
  17. If only it wasn't Hinata.... I love the idea but I just can't get past Hinata.
  18. Fantasy based. Quick synopsis: Magical creatures are banned from the human realm so they live in another realm divided into four kingdoms. But things are not peaceful there and there is a power struggles. I have an obsession with skin walkers and werewolves.
  19. I offend a good amount of people, I just got a "I don't like this" review. But the fic was a request so i won't be changing it. People know when they sign on to read a fic that unless it's a request or commission they have no say and they get what they get. Of course, some authors will, but I don't write for reviews really. If I were, I'd starve.
  20. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105706 Again i apologive for typos/ formatting weirdness. I don't have a beta thats reliable. Hope you enjoy!
  21. I will do. I am currently working on dinner and my big novel series but I will work on this piece as soon as my husband goes to sleep!
  22. My husband wants me to continue it... He is a professional Jiraiya cosplayer and I agree not nearly enough Jiraiya het! I like a little guy on guy from time to time because in Japan it was quite common for men to train boys in the art of love so I hear. I could see Jiraiya getting some Naruto action...but honestly...I like writing him with girls. I posted Sexual Thing as a one shot in case I don't get around to a sequel but at this time yes there is a sequel planned where he teaches Minato how to overcome his "Yellow Flash" curse. My husband and I are going to try and work on it collab this weekend
  23. http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105705 I don't have a regular beta so please forgive anything I missed. It is spaced kinda far apart because my tablet posted it as a solid wall of text. Enjoy!!!!
  24. *Raises hand* I'll do it... but be warned I am not going to be nice to Hinata.I don't like her
  25. I have a fan fiction that started off a plot bunny at an anime convention that involves Jiraiya having his way with Kushina whileMinato watches and is cuckolded. I have been looking for a reason to finish it. Let me get n with it and I should have it turned out by tomorrow night.
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