I've started ignoring votes one way or the other. People, especially Naruto people, are far to competitive and obsessed with this fandom. I don't even know what to say about it. You should try going to conventions with these nut jobs. They are the ones that bully cosplayers, start crap for no reason.
I admit I am serious about cosplaying Tsunade and she and I share a lot of similarities. Physically and mentally. So I own that shit. My husband and I are cosplay celebrities around here. But we have never bullied, shunned, talked down, insulted anyone about their cosplay. In fact, we go out of the way to be friendly and we have even helped people improve their cosplay. Maybe they were amateur, maybe they didn't have time/money. Same with fan fiction. Instead of tearing people down build them up, offer to beta ,or writing tips... Eh I'm ranting.
Bottom line, I'm going to write Sasuke/Karin and if LaLa don't like it she can (and I quote the Rock) shine that bitch up, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up her candy ass. I'm going to write Naruto slightly ADD and when he's not with Karin, I will write Sasuke as gay. It is FICTION.
I'm off to bed now. Night yall