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moss gypsy

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Everything posted by moss gypsy

  1. "...sometimes we walk like we were shot through our heads, my love. we write our song in space like we are already dead and gone..." --Marilyn Manson (Disassociative)

  2. "...I'm so tired, I can't sleep. I'm anemic royalty..."--Nirvana (Pennyroyal Tea)

  3. "...Angels on the sideline, baffled and confused. Father blessed them all with reason, and this is what they choose..." --Tool

  4. Read a sweet original piece by Samara Raine entitled "Releasing the Demons". Here's the link http://original.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600103917&chapter=1

  5. ^^ No problem. You really seem to know what you're doing. In ch. 5 when Madeline is thinking/writing about Katie after Christian had whipped her, Madeline comments on how the whipping must have scarred Katie mentally, then realized that Katie was already brainwashed because she'd told Madeline she was happy there. To this thought, Madeline questioned, "How could anyone be happy in captivity?" That was the line that stuck with me for some reason. Also, I just started reading "To Become" by Maal. Thumbs up on the recommendation.
  6. Pile driver? I barely know 'er!
  7. Cool, I will be checking back for updates ^^ Also, I know you said this was un-edited, and that you've recently gone back to re-work some of it. It might be cool if you had a beta to go over some of your stuff, too. I only noticed a few typos, like missing punctuation and a couple spelling errors. I was inspired enough to quote a line from Ch. 5; is that okay? I haven't used it yet--just saved it in my personal stash of inspirational quotations. But if I *do* use it I will, of course, include you in my A/N ^^ Keep up the good work!
  8. Thanks for posting. This was really good. Is there more in the works? Maybe the girl narrating becomes more submissive...
  9. 2c, 2b cannot be taught

  10. "...i wonder have you ever seen the sky and felt this weight upon open eye; illumination, new death sensation..."

  11. "...The dream sea has been poisoned, the stoplight flashes me red. Innocence suffocated in its sleep; Dr. Seuss is dead..."

  12. "...I'll see you all in hell or New Orleans. I will listen to the rain, be a stranger on that train..."

    1. Anesor


      Wouldn't there be better places than meeting in hell? That sounds so... final. :)

  13. howdy ^^ I have a WIP based in Joss Wheadon's Firefly/Serenity 'verse. It mostly involves Jayne Cobb and OC's. I'd love for someone to help me with whatever feedback they would like to contribute (critiques welcome: spelling/grammar, character development, plot development, whatever you have time for). Also, if you speak a foreign language, I'd love to hit you up for translations/notes (i.e. French, Cajun, Chinese). I've introduced five new characters to Serenity's crew--Jayne's former band members--who are hitching a ride to their home planet. So far, there is a lot of drug use. Pairings include but not limited to Jayne/OFC(s), but I have ideas for others as well. Also B-Mod (tats, peircings), SI (as in self-injury), spank, BDsM, voyuerism, graphic drug use... Drop me a line or some reviews if you're interested. Any and all help is greatly appreciated! ^^ You can read the softly titled "Retrovertigo" here: http://tv.adultfanfi...hp?no=600096492 Thanks! ^^
  14. "...naked we worship the night sky..."

  15. ^^ howdy. i'm space oddity, and i dwell among the various circles of hell (i.e. along a river in western kentucky). i'm not new to AFF.net; only the forums. They are quite inspiring, and a good way to kill time. ~check out my fic~ i'm a wannabe skater. i practice with the local flat track roller derby team on a weekly basis. ~sk8 or die~ my other hobby is music. i play guitar (rhythm, bass, some lead) and sing. ~music is life~
  16. "...I could disappear, live only in your tears. Just you whisper in my ear, and say goodnight to the world..."

  17. A dog walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "I'm looking fer the man who shot mah paw."
  18. i rigged the pyrotechnics at a famous country singer's show to blow up the stage.
  19. 13988
  20. My muse is a bard. He wears a guitar strapped on his back, and he eyes pretty girls with glassy blue orbs as he sings them steely songs filled with lust. At times, his rhythm is quick, and his voice is low and guttural as he growls and howls under the watch of a hard-edged crowd. When the nights are brisk and I sit, transfixed before campfire light, he is there, haunting the heated air with mournful minor riffs. In times of futile anxiety, his voice becomes lighter, softer, soothing me with lingering laconic lullabies. My beast is the silence when taciturnity takes the troubadour's tune, and his once mesmerizing melody slowly smothers under the weight of dead air... His quiescence gets in through the skin, settles within the synapses, and cuts deep, unforgiving, with a reticent blade.
  21. winner
  22. looking 4 avatars...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moss gypsy

      moss gypsy

      ^^such a fun way to waste time

    3. catchthis


      i especially enjoy the firefly one

    4. moss gypsy

      moss gypsy

      ^^ thanks. i <3 firefly. especially jayne lolz

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