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Posts posted by VotedforKodos

  1. Seeing how much Akeno enjoyed the whole thing could even make them curious about submission and masochism. After Akeno submitted, Rias would probably step up next, to try and protect everyone else, as the bigger sister figure. I figure he breaks her down until she sincerely begs for it in front of the rest of the ORC. I also had a thought for Asia and Xenovia being most curious about the masochism, since they make a point about them feeling guilt. A combination of punishment through submission and moving on by breaking down.
    Another thought that came to mind was about Saji, particularly once he gets the other Vritra Sacred Gears. Namely, with 2 dragons in the area, there's a hierarchy issue. One of them has to be the alpha, anyone beyond that is omega. No betas, no attempts at taking over. Unless they're as equal as Ddraig and Albion, one establishes supreme dominance and the others submit completely. Given the general superiority of Boosted Gear and that at a certain point Saji already admires Issei, the answer is obvious. The catch being that the alpha gets to mate, and has full control over if any other does. So Saji has no chance at the Student Council, particularly Sona, without convincing both the girl in question and Issei.
    And unrelated, but since this is here, I noticed another DxD topic down below and figured why not repost the ideas:

    Issei's harem is already well-established. At this point, with most of them, all that's left is to do the deed. But Issei's a virgin, and that means it's not going to be much fun for the girls for a while. Fortunately, several have older female figures who can "bear the burden" of training Issei to make sure the younger girls enjoy themselves. And if they happen to enjoy themselves as well, so much the better.

    Kuroka's doing it because she personally wants to, but also because she wants to make sure Issei can give her cute little sister the ride of her life right out of the gate, no matter how much she has to help him practice. As for the rest...

    Lord Phenex has been insufferable and boring, with the Phoenix Tears issues that have been going on. More importantly, the marriage was one to ensure the continuation of pureblood lines, not so much one of emotion. If Lady Phenex can find a little excitement, and ensure her daughter enjoys her first time with Issei, wonderful. Grayfia and Venelana are in much the same situation. Sirzechs and his father have been so occupied dealing with Khaos Brigade, they don't have a lot of family time. Frankly, Grayfia has been spending more time acting as Sirzechs's maid than as his Queen or wife. On top of that, they already worked to tutor Issei on a bunch of other things he needs to know as Rias's husband, why not the rest? But most importantly for all three, Issei has something their partners manage to lack: passion. They've all been together long enough that the men no longer have any serious reaction to their wives' appearances; Issei always reacts and always appreciates their appearance.

    Probably start with someone Issei wouldn't oppose, so either Grayfia or Venelana. Then move on to the others.

    Bonus thoughts: Venelana still expects him to call her mother, even during sex. Grayfia alternates between the role of a maid and an older sister. Lady Phenex tops, hard. Not violently, but she is very definitely in control the entire time. Grayfia and Venelana take the time to teach him how to manage a threesome, because they know he'll need it. Issei, being a horny teenager from Japan, has seen things that stretch beyond what the older devils have frequently encountered (i.e., not a single one of them has ever seriously heard about or considered anal).

    Double bonus for what started out as education evolving into full-blown affairs. Sitting down for a Gremory family dinner where the only female member of the family without Issei's cum inside them is the one he's basically married to. Kuroka is probably still going to be trying to get some of those nice dragon genes, so possibly multiple pregnancies? Hoping that the children take after their mothers more.

    Saw a DxD topic, didn't want to make a new one.

    Inspired by a recent hentai translation:

    Issei is born with a different Sacred Gear, probably Divine Dividing, which he awakes much earlier than in canon. We also know from canon that Sacred Gears evolve depending on the will of the user, and that (aside from the meta reason that publishers won't allow it) the reason Issei flinches back from going too far with any girl for most of the series is the trauma from when Raynare killed him. So let's have things happen before all that, which hugely changes things for him.

    He learns about the Sacred Gear while still fairly young, and winds up focusing on getting stronger and better, rather than winding up the kind of pervert he is in canon. Still a pervert, just not openly, and not the "watch porn with friends" kind. But his hormones show themselves in another way, which is the start of Albion falling into despair. The evolution of Divine Dividing that his repressed perversion provokes is more suited to a succubus than a dragon. When in contact with a person, the closer and more intimate the better, he can drain and absorb some of their strength. But because he still essentially doesn't want people to get hurt, and also still wants a harem, the effects on the victim are temporary and very pleasant, addictive even. His perversion and good nature caused his Sacred Gear to evolve a function that is essentially a harmless version of the White Court from the Dresden Files feeding, which makes him stronger instead of just sating his hunger.

    Thus, Issei's quest for strength goes on, both training and seeking to fuck to grow. First partner, I'd say Kiryuu, AKA the only girl as perverted as him. Not much strength to get from her, and I don't see much of an emotional attachment building between them, but she's perfect for being the horny first girl who Issei practices everything on and who is always up for anything and everything. Needs to practice giving and receiving oral? She'll be there. Want to try anal? She'll bring the lube. A bit of BDSM? As long as it doesn't leave visible marks or scars. The 2 things she refuses to do, though, are other guys, or run a risk of getting pregnant. At least while there's no way to support a child. If he were to become involved with any certain obscenely wealthy devil, though, that's another story, her secret fantasy: she says no, "begging" him to cum outside or use a condom or whatever, and he "refuses" and "forces" her to get pregnant.

    Then probably those two girls from the kendo club. He has to learn to handle multiple girls at the same time eventually if he wants to have a harem, and they're more likely to go along with it since he doesn't have the same shitty reputation and makes an effort to better himself.

    Then he catches someone's attention, the usual group of Fallen Angels, Leviathan's descendant who decides the Hakuryukou makes for a good tool. Someone that starts the supernatural stuff coming crashing down on him, hard. Of course, if it's the same kind of date with Raynare as in canon, by the end, with all the touching that went on, she'd probably be a quivering mass of orgasm waiting to happen, and wouldn't be able to kill him.

    The rest is basically smut with power-up as the justification. All those rumours about Issei in canon, all the stories about the perverse things he does to the females of the ORC, are true in this story. Just no one would believe it. He twisted Raynare around into a pet that will do anything for him at a word. Sona is contemplating trying to steal Rias's new servant away, and her peerage is happy to help. Once he found a way to weaponize the pleasure, every member of Riser's peerage he fought wants a piece of him. Irina is in more danger of falling than ever, and he is more than happy to help Xenovia with her baby goal. And Grayfia...she wants to continue being a faithful wife, mother, and maid, but the constant emotional distance with Sirzechs and the tingling after that trip to the hot springs with Issei are breaking her down.

    Plus, if he can get any kind of regular sex with Grayfia, Serafall, and/or Gabriel, he's set for power. And Ophis, of course.

    Bonus for Vali being Rule 63'd and having Boosted Gear. Whether the rivalry is resolved is debatable. They insist that they're trying to defeat the other with sex, but probably they're just fucking each others brains out.
    Rias always insists that she's in charge of Issei's chastity, so she would object to this on principal. But the chastity thing only covers women. In other words, Issei can get all the practice in he wants, just as long as it's not a woman.

    Fortunately, he hangs out with Ophis, who technically has no gender, Gasper, who is arguably more of a girl than most girls he knows, and Kiba, who willingly used Azazel's gender-swapping gun to nurse Issei when he was sick.

    So starts Issei's sex practice with the technically genderless loli, the trap, and the temporary gender-swapped guy.
  2. There's always backstory available. In this scenario, Issei had to get involved with the supernatural somehow, and he could have had any number of previous adventures, complete with happy endings. Past encounters with Hexennacht and Walburga, the Hero Faction, Kuroka and/or other individual members of Vali's group, trips to Kyoto that include meeting Yasaka... Plus those could all change his behavior to a degree, not so much his core priorities, but at least how he acts and how people perceive him at school. Then that opens up making him more accepted and regular girls being more available. Well, regular girls basically means the two kendo girls and Aika, and since Aika is as perverted as Issei, they can easily get along and be frequent fuck-buddies.

    For Akeno, I imagine her stepping forward first, thinking she'll be the dom, overwhelm this "little boy," and be in complete control of the situation, thereby saving everyone else. Only then it turns out he's not the naive little boy she was expecting, and he takes total control, forcing her into complete submission. The rest of the club finds this out when they come in one morning and find her bound, gagged, blindfolded, and dripping cum.

  3. Tough to say. On the one hand, a slow build-up almost seems like a waste of the setup. On the other, just leaping into mind break would seem almost gratuitously evil of Issei, and there'd be plenty of people (Sirzechs, Grayfia, Baraquiel, among others) who would be angered by it. But some images just stick around.

    Everyone else being forced to watch as Issei deflowers Rias in front of them, unable to help their king since it was based on her agreement. Reversing it, with Rias being forced to watch as he takes one of her "cute servants." Koneko being broken down into a sweet and docile kitten. Asia, still full of faith and love for God, being torn down until she replaces God with Issei in her mind. Kiba's punishment for the whole Excalibur situation. Xenovia stating her desire to have children and being immediately taken up on that. And, a personal favorite, Akeno diving deeper into lust and masochism, to escape the guilt she feels when it gets pointed out that she potentially could have prevented all of it, if she had just gotten over her daddy issues and used light to defeat Riser. And throwing in Gasper, something where his dick gets tied off while Issei fucks him, while someone else does something else to Gasper, like giving him a blowjob or having sex. Repeated tied-off orgasms until Issei decided to remove the tie, causing Gasper to positively explode.

  4. Well, cutting out Issei would wind up cutting out Asia, too, since the only reason they went to save her was because of him. As for whatever artifact, there's plenty of weapons in myths that leave wounds that won't heal. Off the top of my head, Gae Bolg, Gae Buidhe, Fragarach, and I think I remember reading somewhere that Excalibur did it, too, but I'm not sure. The trick is that whatever it was would have to be established as being powerful enough that Phenex healing doesn't overpower it. The Power of Destruction just...well, destroys whatever it hits, and Riser was able to no-sell it, so it would have to be pretty damn powerful. Plus needing someone that can use it, since it might have some particular requirements or need some level of skill if it's a weapon.

    Having Rias need a ringer works, though. And, partly out of an avoidance of OCs and because he's available, I'd say Issei. Something happened earlier in life that let him find out about the supernatural and unlocked Boosted Gear. He's had several years of experimenting, training with Ddraig and possibly some other supernatural power, so while he's not in the same league as Vali or canon Issei post Juggernaut Drive, he's still up there and has developed his use of clever tricks (a la using dragon hand to hit Riser with Boosted holy water, hitting Cao Cao with Samael's poison) to make himself a contender. I kind of lean towards a comparison to Joseph Joestar, where he's strong enough to fight directly, but leans towards guile and trickery.

    Anyway, in this case, he's fairly attached to being human, largely because it gives him more freedom than being involved with any major power, and he can only participate in the Rating Game as a devil, so Rias has to convince him it's worth giving up his humanity and freedom. Harem peerage argument, that's a long-term investment that depends on him becoming a High-Class Devil. The money, not that worth it, he can make money as a human. So the contract idea you suggested: if Issei joins her peerage and contributes to beating Riser, Rias and her entire peerage will be Issei's to do with as he pleases for a year. Negotiations started with it being just Rias, but Issei pointed out that saving her from centuries of Riser was worth at least a couple decades, and everyone else jumped in to bring the time down. Then Riser shows up with all his bluster, finds out about Issei having just joined Rias, and, not realizing Issei is the Sekiryuutei, gets goaded into making a similar arrangement: if Issei defeats Riser during the rating game, Issei gets a year of Riser's peerage.

    Then of course he does wind up winning it for them, leaving everyone shocked at Rias having managed to recruit a competent, fairly experienced Longinus user.

    I honestly lean towards a rule 63'd Kiba, but Gasper fills the trap role perfectly.

  5. Yeah, that was the fic. For the wheelchair, I don't know. I guess I sort of imagined a degenerative situation, where she's got the scars and damage right after the fact, but it takes some time to get bad enough that it's noticeable. She's doing fine immediately after, but within a couple of weeks, she's stumbling in ways she never did before, stopped participating in any physical activities, etc., and anywhere from a month to a year, she can't stand on her own and needs a wheelchair. If anything, given Rin's independence and her mother, I can see her trying to avoid a wheelchair as long as she possibly can, thinking of it as a sign of weakness, not being able to do things for herself anymore, and some level of trauma. Maybe something where she's doing something that she probably shouldn't in her condition, but she's stubborn and wants to continue doing things as long as possible, only for her legs to just completely give out. Cooking or taking a bath or something, she collapses, Shirou has to get her, leading to a breakdown over the whole situation.

    Sakura would probably notice something and put everything together, particularly if she is still coming over to Shirou's house and Rin is there frequently. The time she spends watching Rin and knowing about the timing of the Grail War would have her figuring out whatever happened to Rin was a consequence of the War, and she'd want to do whatever she could to help, but her own personality would probably keep her from overtly doing or saying things. Ayako would probably notice something was up, since she's Rin's best friend/rival, but how much she'd put together would be up to interpretation, since she wouldn't have the magic background. And if Saber was around...sure, she could be, I was just mainly concerned about the Shirou/Rin dynamic.

  6. Watching UBW has given me a desire for hurt/comfort style Shirou/Rin, kind of inspired that Mind of Steel Shirou/Ayako fic. Wading through the Grail mud, carrying Shinji, supplying Shirou with prana, all of it together took some toll on Rin. Nothing to threaten her life, long-term or short-term, but damage from the mud remains.

    Namely, since she walked through it, with a jewel to protect her torso and keeping her arms away from the mud, damage to her legs. A catch here, a stumble there, a misstep every once in a while, and she's stopped participating in gym classes. All things most of her admirers ignore, but for Shirou, who knows the real Rin, it's obvious that something is wrong. Eventually, some incident pops up, he walks in on her in her room or the bath, and he finds out what Rin has been hiding.

    She's made sure to have something covering her legs since the end of the Grail War. He thought it was just coincidence or modesty. But no, the mud burned and damaged and scarred. If she'd been at 100%, maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but as is, she is, in her eyes, a scarred, mutilated wreck. She went from being proud of her entire being, with nothing about herself that she thought ugly, to hating what she could admit she'd once considered her best feature. Shirou disagrees with her opinion, and intends to show her his exact feelings on the matter.

    Rin's legs are injured and horribly scarred by the Grail mud in UBW (think along the lines of Hanako from Katawa Shoujo's scars, just restricted to Rin's legs). She's been hiding the scars ever since, until Shirou found out. Now he's going to show her exactly how beautiful he thinks they still are.

    Possibly extend the injuries to the point that Rin winds up needing a wheelchair and some level of constant help and care.

  7. ...or, "I don't have many friends, but I've got loads of girls." Some spoilers from Volume 9 of the LN, if you aren't caught up.

    So basically just looking for a sort of AU set thing with Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. Sena has all her wealth, Kodaka is her husband, Kobato lives with them because she's helpless on her own, and Yukimura is their maid. Yozora is, depending on who and when you ask, Kodaka's best friend, Sena's best friend, Kobato's best friend, Kodaka's mistress, Sena's mistress, their mutual lover, someone who has enslaved both of them, the household slave, or a random grumpy hobo who no one makes leave. None of those descriptions are entirely wrong. Rika is the head of security, who designed and maintains the fully automated security system, which also gives her convenient spying opportunities. Maria and Kate are girls who live at the nearby church that frequently run into Kodaka and/or Kobato when they're out. And, if they're included, Hinata and Aoi are in their canon roles as Yozora's sister and Yukimura's best friend, respectively, checking up on their little sister/friend who is living in this madhouse.

    For Sena, their relationship is basic marriage, with extra spice involving cosplay with her fandoms. Plus Kodaka finds it fun to play up her goddess declarations by worshipping her until she's quivering, trembling, and crying. A sort of gentle bullying. Yozora wants Kodaka for herself, plain and simple. Getting to steal him from Sena is just icing on the cake for her. Kobato wants to be number one for her An-chan, just like always. Yukimura looks up to him as a good example of what a man should be like, and is supremely dutiful and obedient to the master of the house. Rika thinks he's hot, along with being one of the only people she interacts regularly with. Maria wants to "free" him from the "vampire," while Kate thinks he's good to have around Maria.

    Things get complicated when those relations intersect. For example, even though they supposedly hate each other, Sena and Yozora wind up fucking each other as much as Kodaka, and Sena can't keep her hands off Kobato.

    For Kodaka's part, the first time he has sex with someone other than Sena without her being involved, he feels guilty. Guilty enough to go down to the church and make a confession. Except the only person at the church was Kate, who was sitting in the confession booth, masturbating since it was the only place she could get privacy. She makes him go into graphic detail about his affair, only to go around to his side and jump him. He gets over the guilt when Sena offers a (rather egotistical and self-agrandizing) response that she never expected him to not have sex with other people, and so long as he kept it discreet and to a select group, she had no issues with it.

    In this case, I imagine Yukimura as being in the role of Sena's favorite submissive toy, someone she can tease, taunt, and abuse, who will just take it. And, as her husband, Kodaka also inherits this right, along with joining her for her sessions, since it's important that a husband and wife spend time together. I could also see Yukimura as either gender in this situation. He starts out giving Kodaka a blowjob on Sena's instruction, she says something, realizes Kodaka thinks Yukimura is a girl, then orders him to reveal himself, after which, Kodaka plows Yukimura's tight ass. I just imagine Yukimura being forced to lick Sena's asshole at the same time she gives him and footjob and Kodaka plows his ass.

    There you have it. They're mostly all part of the same household, and all want a piece of the master of the house.

  8. So, Try has been finished for a while, and something occurred to me about the timeline and ages of characters. Try takes place 7 years after BF. In BF, Sei was 13, probably in his first or second year of middle school. In Try, Fumina is in her third year of middle school. So, 5 years after BF, 2 before Try, Fumina would be in her first year in middle school and Sei, plausibly, could have been in his last year of high school.

    Not only that, but there's no way Fumina didn't join the Gunpla Battle club immediately, and there's no way Sei didn't stay as part of it from its inception to his graduation, making him both her senpai and club president. But we also know that, by the time of Try, the club is almost dead, with everyone having either graduated or joined the plastic model club. I imagine that people joined up, largely because of Sei, but then got annoyed and quit when they couldn't get anywhere in tournaments and Sei refused to carry them, until the only people left were real Gunpla Battle freaks like Sei and Fumina and, possibly, people who wanted to be around Sei enough that they didn't care about winning or losing or tournament play, like the girl who winds up VP of the plastic model club.

    Going with an AU that wound up with Aila not going to Arian and instead staying with Sei's family as they'd offered, she gets room and board for working the shop and chores. She and Sei bonded over missing Reiji, with her asserting an "Onee-san" position. Then hormones and living in the same house and Sei rising up to the position of "person closest to her" kick in. When all is done, her only concern is that Sei not leave her behind. Anything or anyone else he does is fine, so long as he doesn't abandon her. They wind up as BFFs who also fuck a lot.

    The Gunpla Battle club winds up being very small, Sei and Fumina, maybe plus one or two more, and with very little supervision. For simplicity, club activities often take place at Sei's house, with ready access to Gunpla, tools, and a more relaxed atmosphere. Until Fumina comes by unexpected, finds the store closed, and goes around until she hears noises and finds Sei and Aila fucking in the back. This gives her some issues talking to them, until Aila figures out her problem and gives her some help: Aila plays one of her and Sei's usual games, a battle with a bet, something like "winner gets to tie up loser and do whatever they want." When she wins, she ties up Sei, blindfolds him, and lets Fumina in to do what she wants. After the first time is revealed, they wind up as easily together as Sei and Aila, complete with Gunpla Battle bets. Bets which Sei almost always wins, leaving Fumina with nothing left to wager but her body, or doing things like going to class without panties and/or full of cum.

    At some point Gyanko happens to be around and finds out that Fumina regularly battles Sei and bets on the matches. She insists on matching the bets, without realizing what they are until she's already lost, at which point she refuses to back out because it would be a stain on her pride. The repeat performances, she insists, are training, and the wagers are to give her something to fight for.

    After graduation, Sei winds up going abroad with China to promote Gunpla. Given how nice the place they were staying seemed to be, they've obviously got some money coming in, which seems likely to me to come from Yajima Trading, since they've taken over Gunpla Battle. In exchange, since her own marriage has love but lacks passion, Caroline makes it a point to stop in regularly to "visit" Sei and China, with their one-sided rivalry coming back in the bedroom.

    And while Allan made arrangements for Wilfrid to train with Julian Ayers Mackenzie, Shia is more of a builder than a fighter, so instead he talks to Sei, another genius builder he knows that is relatively close to where Wilfrid is with Julian in England. Shia and Sei independently come up with equally ridiculous ways of training her technique, from painting while using a vibrator, to building while fucking.

  9. If there were only one Shirou to fight over, it would no doubt dissolve into Miyu, Illya, and Kuro fighting over the role of imouto, and a rivalry between Angelica and Sella and Leysritt.

    As for Dark Iri and Saber Alter...I vaguely recall once seeing something where Irisviel was still in the pieces of the Grail Zouken put in Sakura, and had some level of effect on her, but nothing more than that. Zouken could have bitten off more than he could chew, playing with All Evils of the World, winding up with him and Shinji dead, and Sakura sharing head space with Dark Iri, potentially with the old "dreaming of things the other personality did" trauma.

    Dark Iri also recognizes Shirou as having been adopted by the man who rejected it/her, and sees him as the target of further revenge. Depending how canonical you view it, UFOtable established that Illya got some feedback from Angra Mainyu, that could easily be adjusted as Dark Irisviel.

    Maybe Gil dies at the end of FZ, Saber gets Grail Mud'd, but since she's not Gil, it takes longer for her to come out of it, and she got blackened. Dark Iri either managed to cobble together a new body or took Sakura's, and is maintaining a contract with Saber, looking for revenge. Unfortunately, the person they both want revenge on is dead. Fortunately, he left an adopted child behind for them to take things out on. This new child will become a Master, and together, they'll force him to make a wish.

    Shirou winds up summoning a different Servant, like Mordred or Jeanne, only for them to immediately be blackened, along with Rider and Caster.

  10. If anything, I'd say in that case Shirou would take her in, give her a home, put a roof over her head, and Angelica would respond by trying to be a servant like she was for the Ainsworths, doing chores around the house. Of course, Shirou being Shirou would insist there was no need and stop her. For Shirou to treat her like a servant or slave as revenge for past actions stretches belief.

    Of course, Miyu doesn't have Shirou's hero issues, and would totally be willing to do things to punish Angelica, even more so if she thought Angelica was trying to steal her onii-chan.

  11. There is the one bad end with Shirou agreeing to be Illya's servant where he then winds up under her direct control. And to me, the implication sounds like she transferred him to a doll body, kind of like what he wound up with in HF True, although probably more like a custom homunculus given it was Illya rather than them tracking down one of Touko's dolls. So a Shirou that not only can't disobey Illya, but also can be whatever kind of custom body she might have wanted, and could easily be of comparable strength and durability to Leysritt.

    That actually does sound more like what she'd do at that point than just throwing them at Berserker. Archer just recovered, Saber's running on fumes, both Berserker and Leysritt (who is said to be of comparable strength to a Servant) are there, plus a conceivably similarly strong homunculus Shirou... Once it's shown that Illya knows they're there, Archer stays to occupy Berserker while they try to find Shirou. Illya lets them go, and they find Shirou, only for him to turn on them because Illya ordered him to in advance. Archer dies from Berserker and Leysritt, while Illya "has Rin and Saber see that Shirou has become [hers]," in whatever way seems most suitable.

  12. Yeah, they sort of go back and forth about Mad Enhancement, whether it's something that Berserkers just always have going on or it's a status that can be turned on and off. I tend to favor the latter interpretation, and just go with Illya refusing to turn it off for Heracles because everything about his summoning and being her Servant hurts, and Kariya was too shit and Lancelot too angst for him to ever not be Mad Enhanced.

    And personally, I consider Caster as understanding the value of the impression as a whole. Meaning that, while Mordred and Saber look exactly alike, and they both look wonderful in most things, because of their personality differences, there are things that suit one but not the other. So she'll totally dress Mordred up in things, match her with Saber, put her in fancy dresses sometimes for the sake of gap moe, but as a general rule, she sees that more tomboyish clothes, i.e. exactly that kind of outfit, still fit Mordred best.

    Honestly, the main reason I didn't throw Caster in was because it started from the position of her still being with Kuzuki and just getting Shirou on her side. Not that she couldn't be added.

    And, no offense, but I have no comment for the TOHSAKA idea, for 2 reasons. 1, I just don't like Shinji. He's good for the role he has in the story, just...the role he has in the story is the sleazebag. 2, the reason Rider doesn't kill Shinji before he gets the Book of the False Attendent is basically because Sakura doesn't want her to, and Rider basically just does whatever Sakura wants at that point. Rin, any Rin, put in a situation where Sakura is handing her over to Shinji as a Servant, will say "Fuck that noise" and kill him immediately.

  13. The Caster idea on the previous had me thinking:

    Caster decides that, aside from Assassin as a guard dog, having a team to be out in the city fighting the War would be helpful, too. And, being tied into the leylines and being a mage from the Age of the Gods, she knows basically everything that goes on in the city, as long as she chooses to pay attention to it. By that, and by impressions gathered from Issei and Kuzuki, she finds Shirou summoning Saber to be a godsend.

    Caster manages to mind-fuck Shirou (not that hard for her) into working for/with her. He has the same personality, and it has no effect on things completely unrelated to the War and magic, but once she wants him to do something, it happens. Probably just something such that he believes helping her is the best way to save people and be a hero. On top of that, she also put a magic kill-switch inside him, so that, if he gets to be a liability, she can get rid of him instantly, but also so he serves as a hostage. Saber is still in control of herself, but can't afford to oppose Caster or Shirou will die.

    But after the first time she got too uppity, Caster decided to punish her, leaving Saber in a similar state to UBW: bound, dressed up like a doll, and under constant pleasure that never actually lets her orgasm. Until, after a day or two, when she begs for relief, as a reward, Caster lets Shirou have her. Only, since she's taken a liking to them, Caster insists Saber has to be a virgin for their wedding night, and Shirou is only allowed to fuck Saber's ass. Then she finally releases the spell keeping Saber from cumming.

    Shirou is still in control of himself, just in a state where he wants to follow Caster's instructions. Saber hates Caster, but is broken-in and too attached to Shirou (and his dick) to disobey. Eventually, on top of her happy life with Kuzuki, Caster intends to "reward" Shirou and Saber for their assistance by giving them a similar "happy life." She especially looks forward to seeing Shirou impregnate Saber. Saber's "Knight on the Streets, Mind-Broken Fuck Slave in the Sheets" ending.

    Alternately, Caster may also decide having even more help would be good, leading her to vaporize Shinji and Zouken and recruit Sakura and Rider, especially once she finds out how Sakura loves Shirou. Of course, they won't be allowed to break up her OTP, but having Sakura as a mistress and Rider as a slave isn't out of the question. Even better, since they're not wives, there's no need for Caster's romanticism, and they can get fucked in any way. And it makes for a great show: Saber, still being punished but getting more and more turned on and jealous as Shirou fucks Sakura silly, then Sakura orders Rider to join so she can enjoy Shirou, too. Only Rider doesn't really want to, and is being forced into it, until partway through when she realizes she's enjoying it. Rider's "Betrayed and Broken" ending.

    Rin tries to oppose them, only to get captured, largely for Sakura's benefit. She gets enslaved, subject to Sakura's whims, who is intermittently a loving sister, a brutal master, and a voracious lover. Then she gets told about how Sakura was treated, the "training," and how, because of the worms, Sakura can't have children. "But that's okay, nee-san. Because you're here, and we're sisters. We can do it together. You, who couldn't even find love for your sister and shouldn't raise a child, just get pregnant and give birth to Senpai's children over and over and over, and I, who can't have babies of my own, will raise them and love them in your place." Rin's "Baby Factory" ending.

    Illya is still around, still wants to kill Shirou, but with the overall team they've got, keeping Berserker occupied long enough to get to Illya isn't really a problem. Really, even with just Saber and Caster, it works. Although she could summon a different Berserker, like Mordred, another homunculus with daddy issues. Of course, while Mordred is fixated on Saber, Caster swoops in to use Rule Breaker on Illya, stealing Mordred away and capturing them both. Mordred gets the same treatment as Saber, only with the added bonus of seeing Saber acting like a pet, eager to please Shirou, and then seeing the King of Knights panting and moaning like a common whore while being fucked up the ass. She eventually succumbs to the pleasure and the idea of finally getting her father's love and approval, while also coveting the idea of stealing Shirou away. Illya gets well-treated, from figuring out she's the Grail and Shirou's sister. As she figures out he's a nice guy, but under Caster's control, SHE tries to control him, to help escape. But Caster expected that, so attempts by lesser magi to control him lead to violent responses, and Illya is punished by way of brutal rape from Shirou, under Caster's orders and the watchful eyes of everyone there: Caster, Saber, Mordred, the maids if they got captured, Rin, Sakura, and Rider if they got recruited. Saber realizes how broken she's become when she gets aroused by watching Illya, who she knew as a child and who is the daughter of her friend Iri, screaming and crying while being violated by Shirou, and that she loves Shirou in spite, or because of all of this. Once it's over, Illya recognizes Shirou's lack of responsibility, and realizes she loves her onii-chan. Illya and Mordred's "Big Happy Screwed Up Family" ending.

  14. Oh, the MoS one during the War I figured would be basically the same as the scenes in the game: prana transfer. After all, even with the assumptions that Rider will disappear without a Master and they killed Zouken at the same time as Sakura (thereby getting rid of Assassin), Berserker and Gilgamesh are still around, with the only "friendly" Servant being Archer. Presumably Gilgamesh winds up killing at least Berserker, possibly with Archer dying in there, too, and the only way left to stop Gil is Shirou's UBW, which at this point, he doesn't have the mana to use on his own. So to keep him from getting the Grail, they need to establish a contract to give Shirou the ability to counter Gilgamesh.

    You have Shirou, who is doing this with the end-game of beating Gil and destroying the Grail in mind, while Rin is thinking about getting the Grail, and they're also being eaten up inside with guilt towards Sakura, because they both kind of always wanted each other, but now they feel like they're betraying her, so it's a mass of guilt and anger and hate and lust and desperation. Then when all is said and done, Shirou destroys the Grail before Rin is able to use it, driving another giant wedge between them. But since the situation is resolved at this point, Shirou sees no point in killing Rin if she's not a threat. They both want to kill each other (Shirou because she killed Sakura and went after the Grail, Rin because he didn't stop her from killing Sakura and destroyed the Grail), but also don't want to kill each other, and excuse the lack of violence as being for the sake of Sakura's memory. Their relationship winds up as "two people who can't forgive each other, but don't actively seek each other's destruction." After that, Shirou goes on to travel the world as a "Hero of Justice," opening up avenues for him to meet/work with/have sex with anyone from the outer Nasu-verse: Tsukihime heroines, Satsuki, people from Kara no Kyoukai, anyone.

    For added depravity, in the process of trying to make sure Gilgamesh doesn't get the Grail, they grab Illya, whose body is in the process of shutting down from containing the Servants. When the discussion of a source of mana comes up, they realize "we have a Lesser Grail/the strongest Master here," and forcibly establish a contract with Illya providing mana to Shirou, as she's lying there unable to fight back.

    And since that ties to Angra Mainyu, for the duration of the contract, it's able to influence Shirou, not to the extent of Dark Sakura, but he gets some physical benefits at the cost of going a bit crazy. Something to the extent that, in regular, everyday life, it would be controlled and he wouldn't even notice, but as long as he's doing the Hero of Justice thing, it'll rear it's ugly head sometimes. After the battle was over and they'd recovered, Rin went off on him about destroying the Grail, Shirou snapped, attacked her, and spent the day raping her. That turns into their twisted dynamic: Rin feels slightly less awful about Sakura after he's done, along with being glad to have made Shirou a little worse of a person as revenge against him, while he has a target to focus on, who even considers him attacking her to be a form of help.

    Then he goes off to be a hero, but...well, the occasional rape-crazy fits are a little problematic. Working with Ciel turns out well, since she will sacrifice her body to help an effective hunter stay effective. Arcueid, if she shows up, doesn't feel the need to fight back if he's not looking to do permanent harm. Caren actually gets an assignment to try and be his handler, try to get him to do jobs in line with what the church wants done, but her teasing personality winds up with her spending every night Shirou isn't passed out after intense violence getting helplessly fucked into a mattress/floor/wall/whatever surface is handy. Altrouge watches, thinking it's funny to see him dissolving into a rabid beast more and more often, eventually deciding to use herself as bait and get herself a new attack dog.

  15. Well, there's the end in Fate where he winds up bound to Illya, at least one where Rin takes the Command Spells and wipes his memories, I think one where Rin puts him under a geiss to control him, and, of course, Mind of Steel.


    Plus there's at least one, maybe more, with Dark Sakura. The last bad end in the game, where Sakura consumes Rin and makes her experience what Sakura had lived through her whole life, and Shirou shows up too late to stop it.

  16. Yeah, more or less. Of course, then Karui has to hold back her jealousy over her daughter's superior bust by remembering it's all for the sake of getting one up on Samui.

    Also, easy explanations for any cheating the females may do with Naruto. Sasuke is literally never around. Sai is just incredibly asexual, to the extent that the amount of effort to get him aroused enough to have sex and actually go through with it isn't worth the actual sex. Shikamaru is lazy and, frankly, boring. And Chouji...if he's on top, she feels smothered, if she is, it feels like a climb, and he has trouble actually finding his penis. Not to say that any of them care to leave their husbands, they do love them and are more or less fulfilled in the other senses, just...the relationships are all dead in bed.

  17. Something potentially kinky came to mind about this. Sasuke was never around while Sarada was growing up. Eventually, as very small kids do, she probably would have picked up on the idea of "daddy is the man who is around a lot." For her, I would imagine it would be Naruto, given that she's the child of his teammates/two of his favorite people in the world. So at some point, probably while very young, she might have latched onto the idea that Naruto was her father and called him "Daddy" for a while, until they broke her of it. Just a funny story to tell people, except that Sasuke never really came back, and Naruto kind of wound up as the default father figure in her life, even if she got to calling him "Uncle" at the closest, or most commonly "Hokage-sama."

    Then, a few years after Sarada's whole parentage issue is settled, there's still issues, what with Sasuke having been gone so long, Sarada having questioned her parentage, and the fact that Uchihas are bad at having families that aren't dysfunctional. Eventually, some dispute ends with her taking off after telling Sasuke and Sakura "I wish Naruto was my father!" Sarada winds up either at the Hokage monument or going directly to Naruto, eventually winding up staying at his home for some unspecified time. Rest of the family is gone for whatever reason, and Sarada gets to making her move, calling Naruto "Daddy" all throughout.

    I also had a humorous thought about Chouchou being Karui's attempt at upstaging Samui. With proper management, she hopes to produce a kunoichi that looks like her, but with a better figure than her old teammate.

  18. I mean, they're at least options. Although Melona is probably too busy doing the thing she was doing during Rebellion, she would if she found the time. And Menace is probably spending all of her time working on the whole "rebuilding Amara" thing, but that would make her easy to find if he wanted to ask her about the Swamp Witch or Airi, and she has that hypnosis that she used on Reina. And they would both probably be willing to do it, partially because Menace is a hedonist, but also because it would be a way to mess with Cattleya and Airi both.

  19. I have a long-standing head-canon for Queen's Blade: Rana, several years down the line, will become an epic badass. Both his parents are legendary adventurers who killed the first season's final boss's original body, with Cattleya being called Giant Killer and Owen Dragon Slayer (plus the fact that Owen is basically Conan the Barbarian). As a child, he joins his mom in battle as her human shield without hesitating, attacks Aldra, helps Airi escape the castle, and in the end goes into the castle by himself to free his parents. He helps Ymir reforge Reina's sword, showing that, even as a child, he at least has some knowledge of smithing, and even some that Ymir doesn't. And he makes friends with several of the combatants, including one of the Swamp Witch's minions and the eventual winner of the tournament. A bunch of stuff to lead to eventual badass-ery.

    I also find the idea of Rebellion taking place just a year after the end of the original series to be crazy, what with all the changes that take place, and the stories that happened in between. A full-fledged rebellion setting itself up and getting to work after just a year of Claudette's rule is unbelievable, so I generally think at least long enough there should have been another Queen's Blade, just to really get people in an uproar.

    So some years after returning home with his parents, after Airi left, Rana is tired of just sitting at home, working the forge. He wants to go adventuring like his parents, see the world, right wrongs, meet new people, visit not so new people, and, eventually, he'd very much like to defeat the Swamp Witch and bring Airi back with him. And while Cattleya doesn't approve, Owen understands perfectly well where his son is coming from, and believes that he has the knowledge and abilities he needs to survive going on such a trip. With his father's approval, Rana sets out on an adventure across the world.

    Unfortunately, while Owen was more or less right about him being ready, there are a few hiccups. For one thing, they haven't been keeping too up-to-date with what's been going on outside their home, so the whole situation with Claudette and the rebellion is completely unknown to him. Furthermore, the tournament was the most contact Rana had with females other than his mother or customers, so if the interaction isn't violent or about smithing, he's easily flustered and has a hard time saying no to women.

    Rana runs around about the time of Rebellion, visiting places he'd heard about and people he met during the tournament, helping out people he finds that are in trouble, occasionally getting pulled into issues with the rebellion, and looking for information about Airi whenever he gets an opportunity (specifically, trying to figure out how he could get her to come home with him). Oh, and usually winding up fucking/getting fucked by one of the women involved in whatever situation he finds himself in.

    Looking for Liliana because she sounds like she'd be related to the Swamp Witch somehow, he's the one who finds Aldra when she winds up with amnesia, runs into Nyx and helps break the dependency on Funikura, goes to see the elves and finds Allayne. Just some possibilities. Oh, and running into Echidna who does her thing.

  20. So I've always wanted this: noble red Andros and his long-lost sister, evil is sexy incarnate Astronema. Something like a relationship mishap when she sneaks on the ship disguised as Ashley has them having sex, and afterwards, they both realize they want more.

    Plus she realizes that having him love her and be on her side would be useful, so she diverts her strategy to seducing him. And only after many, many encounters do they hit on the locket clue and realize they're siblings, but by that point, they no longer care.

  21. 1. SF would be more serene and calm, while regular would be more boisterous and happy. If they both match up to FemGil's memory of Enkidu, they're fine. If one does and the other doesn't, the other is clearly a fake and will be murdered in the most unbelievably horrible fashion for daring to impersonate the only friend of the true king.

    Regular woudl probably treat him like a bro, someone to hang out with. SF, more like somebody to guide and sort of mentor? And they both have the same basic abilities, they just wind up in different forms, so they could do the same things.

    1a. Probably kind of take a page from FemGil's book, be very direct and up front about it. Provoke him, climb in the bath with him, and just outright grab him.

    1b. Similarly direct, just more sensitive and nurturing. SF is teaching him while giving him experience, regular is expecting him to pick it up along the way.

    2. Most of the blackening involves letting out deep dark feelings inside and generally being less restrained. In Nero's case...does she really restrain herself much? I guess she'd basically just wind up being way more aggressive and dominant. Where regular Nero has no problem with people looking at her see-through dress because she's "showing them," Alter would force him to look, I guess? And I guess just the same ways, only more aggressive, not taking no for an answer, and generally being less sympathetic and more cruel.

    2a. Black. And dadrker red.

    2b. Random wear around the house if she liked it. Generally just teasing him. Possibly justifying that "If you get so easily distracted by me, you'll easily fall to an enemy Servant or Master! So you must get used to me wearing this constantly!" Or starting a game of strip poker if she got the idea that it's for card dealing or something.

    3. Sure, she's got the body for it. And something relentless and strong, like a human vaccuum cleaner.

    Just use the openings that are there already, and rub up on him. Taunting him that she doesn't even have to be naked to get him off.

    3a. By Alter standards? Black. Probably lacier. Goth loli kind of thing.

    3b. Yeah, I mean, that's how they are in every piece of official art.

    3c. She better be fit, after the whole war thing. She's got better stats than Saber under Rin, without Prana Burst, so it should be physical, so yeah, pretty fit.

  22. SF version is, I think, basically aiming at the "perfect artificial human" idea, including total androgyny, so curvy seems wrong for it. Tall, slender, willowy, feminine, but only very slightly. Like just edging over the line to "Okay, I'm pretty sure that's a girl" from "I really can't tell at all."

    And splitting seems...kind of weird. Something more like one is a Servant, one is just there, or like the Third War Saber, that was split into 2 aspects of the legend.

  23. I mean, I can't say about about Atago or Takao. But Kongou, having decided she loves the Admiral since before she first showed up, does things like blindly running into his office and glomping the first person she finds, and frequently and openly declares her love. Compare to Saber, who only accepted she loved Shirou after he stood up to Gilgamesh for her and convinced her that her time as king wasn't a mistake, Rin, who remains tsundere with relatively little dere even after figuring out she likes him, and Sakura, who...Sakura.

    If it's a question of expressing their feelings, Kongou at least will do it openly, loudly, bluntly, and frequently. So yes, she would probably be more inclined to try to get in his pants, especially once she figured out she could justify it as a prana transfer.

  24. Not to any notable degree. Like, Rider in UBW has the one time she attacks someone and Shirou and Rin caught her, then she activates Blood Fort Andromeda and promptly gets her head punched 360 degrees around, without even doing anything of note other than activating it. That's still more than those 2 got.

  25. I mean...neither of those two showed up in the anime, so I know like nothing about them other than appearance and what can be picked up from tv tropes. I would guess any ship girl that got summoned would automatically recognize their Master as the Admiral, and basically just go for them. Takao seems like she'd appreciate Shirou's hard work around the house, Atago would just be generally happy and clingy, I guess? There's basically nothing to go on.

    Kongou...probably the same, she'd recognize him as Admiral and be all over him. If nothing else, Taiga would appreciate her for her english, I guess.

    If nothing else, any of them would probably be more aggressive than any of the Fate girls

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