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Everything posted by jojo

  1. nice i love to read this
  2. doe any one know this story
  3. harry end up work for magic school and he and wyatt mat as babys
  4. no harry work at magic school
  5. wyatt hallwell is the soul mate of harry potter harry end up get pregnant with 3 kids
  6. jojo


    so will any one write this for me
  7. jojo


    i what to see a ginny cheating on harry with scorpius malafoy and a end where harry walk in on them have sex tell me if you write it and post a link to the story
  8. and harry end get a male centaur pregnant to
  9. jojo


    i waht to see a ginny cheaing on harry with scorpius malfoy and a end where harry walk in on them have sex
  10. tell me what you think of them and can you tell me of some of the stories you read multani
  11. Guest_dav15dav plz write more
  12. ya im try to finds some to i love harry cuckold storys http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098443 http://ficwad.com/story/235222
  13. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10659286/1/All-Part-of-the-Game
  14. i love to see this story
  15. jojo


    i am hop some will write a story like Forgetting Harry Potter for me here is a link to the story http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098131
  16. http://ficwad.com/story/235217
  17. Yeah, any plans to post it anywhere else? I'm wanting to see Naruko get pounded silly.
  18. i love it and i hop some one write it for you
  19. hey about harry harry a twin sister for scorpius
  20. sneaky666_* can you post a link to that story
  21. i love to see this in the story Heck yes I would love for somebody to write this Spartan. Sasuke could totally take over the Hyuuga and make everyone one of their females his slaves due to their clans rivalry. This could be even more easily accomplished if he figures out how to operate the caged bird seal from Hinata or her mother and then proceeds to brand everyone in the Hyuuga clan with it as they are asleep with help from Hinata and her mom. For the second scenario I can totally see him doing this to get back at Naruto. Himawari could be getting back home from a mission and as she opens the door she smells the scent of heavy sex and hears slurping and squelching. Then she sees Sasuke who has a god-like physique (with both arms), active sharingan, arrogant expression and a sneer of contempt while he sits on the front room couch looking down at Hinata. Hinata is there on her knees covered in semen and is leaking large amounts of cum from both her pussy and her ass while she looks adoringly and worshipfully at her master and god, Sasuke-sama, while she sucks and tit-fucks his monstrous cock. Sasuke is also holding a leash which is attached to a collar around Hinata's neck and her nipples are pierced. Sasuke then looks at Himawari in the eyes and orders to assist her slutty mother in attending him (all of this would be better if Hinata isn't hypnotized but instead willingly serves Sasuke and the reason Sasuke has the sharingan on is for its memorization purposes).
  22. i hop spome one write this story soon
  23. i can't wait to see this story
  24. nice i hop some one write it soon
  25. will ginny be harry wife
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