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Everything posted by darthel0101

  1. LOL Thanks for assisting DA.
  2. dittoPancreatic metastasized into her brain and took her 12/28/13. ----------- Glad to see chap 15, and if the problem was with that chapter, then the next few should appear relatively quickly. Hope, hope, hope?
  3. To all who fought, Thank you for your service. To those who fell, You will be remembered. I hope all had a safe and enjoyable Rememberance Day.
  4. Just nod if you can hear me.
  5. What about snow bunnies?Of course, dust bunnies are just too ...
  6. BTW - you DO realize WHY eggs and rabbits are associated with Easter, right?
  7. I will second the thanks for the pic. So glad to hear that you are healing up.
  8. Thanks for the update.Take care of DA, though. She and the kids are waaay more important than the story. What's up with "the animals"?
  9. The frustrating part is that the author has not updated the storyline after the reveal at the end of 3.
  10. Congratulations.
  11. http://www.wolfpub.org/contributors/show_item.php?i=133&cid=1954
  12. You really want to give them something to read, don't you.Good story, but rather long.
  13. Please pass along out prayers and well wishes if you can.
  14. A number of females in my family have survived breast cancer. Unfortunately, my other half lost her third bout with cancer : pancreatic.
  15. If they check in here, I will add my wishes for safety for all of them.
  16. I'll just sit over here doing my impression of a wart on a toad.This show is getting INTERESTING!
  17. That is roughly how I read as well. Not sure about Adams as control could have others getting information. Mr White was just flat-out too military minded; the best snoop is not a spy, watcher, or mole. It's a reporter.Remember that the core group has history in Rick's school and it wouldn't take much to I'd the entire group.
  18. Where's the DISLIKE button? Legion has not had much experience with emotions and hatred driven rage is an alchemist's brew of deadly proportions. Give Legion time to mourn; give the other AI's and ensouled robots time to teach him to deal with his rage; give Amy time to help him heal; he can, and should, be given time.
  19. Are you sure about the part of your anatomy in her grasp?
  20. Magus, Email sent via The Pub.
  21. I wonder what an angry nanobot could do if it got inside of an enemy.
  22. Hopefully most of them are shadows. It would be nice to take some prisoners, tho', and turn them against the group.
  23. To quote a great actor, "Ha, Ha. It is to laugh."Of course you need Mel's aptitude with voices to get the sputters right, but ...
  24. Milo was a spider. Of course he is gonna attack. Unfortunately, his only weapons are his teeth and he is a lot more vulnerable as a canine. Then, when Milo gets caught in the fray, Mia gets involved and she has even less protection. Scratch two four-legged kids. Other than that drop off there at the end, it was good. Ya couldn't cut us some slack with the cliffs, could ya? LOL, of course not. Ya wouldn't be Magusfang if ya did. Still hanging on every chapter.
  25. I tend to avoid this conversation because magus tends to drop red herrings like no tomorrow. I had to comment, though, because of this most recent chap. Alice captured, Joanne rescued, the main battlers of the younger generation are away, Legion's love "seemingly" dead. I think Max is gonna be the lesser of two storms to cross the sadistic bastard's bow. Remember that Legion has no need for breathing and can take any shape. How long does anybody think he is gonna wait to find out where the assault came from?
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