Holy...wow. Just got a huge review from Thirdly. Glad you are liking my story If you peek your head in here at some point feel free to say hi, or ask questions, or just ramble, I don't care Maybe I will actually finish Dragon Mage now that I know I might have someone waiting on it. Dragon Mage has been really hard for me to get through. It's violent, and it hurt me and made me cry to hurt the characters like that. I mean, Dragon Prince has some violence, but not like Mage. I'm a big old softy, but when one of my characters died I literally had tears running down my face. It took 5 months to get through ch6 of Mage, because so much badness happened in it. Dragon Mage is basically a bridge between King, and Mage, as well as a set up for it's own sequel called Dragon Princess, which I haven't even started on. I will do my best to carry on. I'm through with ch6, so it should be smooth sailing from here. The light at the end of the tunnel is growing closer. Wish me luck guys.