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Everything posted by Tahn

  1. *peeks over the window sill* Psst, I see you there. Meh, don't make a new thread in slash, just keep adding to this one. They don't mind do they? CL keeps adding to hers, and some of hers had threesomes. Hmm, this should be asked of the Bronxie one.
  2. Aww, poor Yorwrath. I know he's an asshat, but the longer this story goes on, the more I like him.
  3. Yeah, they have normal human bodies, just with tails and scales on their shoulders since they are so powerful, but their dragon bodies are just big enough to perch on a shoulder, and wrap around a neck if they wish.
  4. Holy...wow. Just got a huge review from Thirdly. Glad you are liking my story If you peek your head in here at some point feel free to say hi, or ask questions, or just ramble, I don't care Maybe I will actually finish Dragon Mage now that I know I might have someone waiting on it. Dragon Mage has been really hard for me to get through. It's violent, and it hurt me and made me cry to hurt the characters like that. I mean, Dragon Prince has some violence, but not like Mage. I'm a big old softy, but when one of my characters died I literally had tears running down my face. It took 5 months to get through ch6 of Mage, because so much badness happened in it. Dragon Mage is basically a bridge between King, and Mage, as well as a set up for it's own sequel called Dragon Princess, which I haven't even started on. I will do my best to carry on. I'm through with ch6, so it should be smooth sailing from here. The light at the end of the tunnel is growing closer. Wish me luck guys.
  5. Mwahahaa, we will assemble a CL fanclub army. Mark your calendars, this right here spells the end.
  6. Ha! You wish it was all me.
  7. *scoffs* Me? I have no idea what you speak of you evil lady. I'm almost invisible here.
  8. The plot thickens *turns spotlight on Chrissy*
  9. Oh dear...what have I done?
  10. Hey, maybe we should invite Lisa to the fanclub? She can be my vice president
  11. She's trying to save money to pay off medical and student debts.
  12. i'm here! I've got about 20 tabs open trying to catch up. I've been so busy I think my head is gonna explode. Boyfriend guy's mom died and I stayed with him for a while, and now the whole house is running crazy cuz fangirl is about to move in. I'm at her house right now helping her pack.
  13. Well, you know what you do with people who don't want to behave right?
  14. Thank you Pummpie!
  15. Aww, just one more can't hurt right?
  16. *bites nails and wails into kleenex* I'm a nervous wreck CL. You are horribly cruel for these cliffies.
  17. Yeah, metal bikinis would be a bad idea at this point.
  18. Happy late birthday Lisa Mine's December 10th. how do you check people's birthdays on here anyways?
  19. Hey Thanks for the birthday wishes Had a great one.
  20. Aww! Thank you for the birthday wishes Haha, I got birthday tickles from my roommates, they are so mean. But they made me a really pretty cake that they cut and decorated to make look like a butterfly. My friends and boyfriend came over and we all watched movies and played games. It was so much fun. Best birthday I've ever had.
  21. Mwahahaa, vengeance.
  22. What she said ^
  23. I keep seeming to miss you on the SB. I'm failing in my stalker duties.
  24. CL! That was just horribly mean!!! The only thing I can think is that Zeb's dad killed his mom. You are a mean mean lady.
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