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Everything posted by Flexy68

  1. You Sir are a truly talented and twisted individual!!!! And we LOVE it!!! Just read GITG chapter 10, and I don't know how you do it but you keep coming up with new and interesting surprises! Great stuff!!!!
  2. Woo hooo! Another chapter to read!!! And just like all the others, a great read!!!! Like I posted in my review, you either must have an awesome imagination or have had one hell of a life to be able to write your stories with such authenticity!! Enjoy your weekend but like BigMan7307 said, please no fireworks???? Unless of course you intend on investing in Dragon or some such so you can just talk to your computer to continue to write your stories! I'm pretty sure the female contingent in your home would agree that you have better things to do with your fingers and hands than get them blown off by doing stupid things!!!! Geeeze I crack myself up sometimes!!!!
  3. Me too!!!
  4. Ah yes, that would explain it! Thank you!
  5. I do have a question on your "Coming Home" series though! Why did you repost the first chapter again instead of just adding to the first one?
  6. OMG man!!!! Now you're working THREE epic stories????? I agree completely with COJimmyV that chapter 2 of Going home was even more incredible!!!!! Now we have more to watch for! You are a great writer but, so very cruel to your readers!!!!
  7. I guess we're going to have to wait for Magusfang to even out with his pain meds! Last I had heard was that at one point he had typed the same sentence two or three times and ended up scrapping most of what he had written as he couldn't understand it either! We're just going to have to try to be patient for a bit longer. Seriously though Magusfang, get better Man!!! We're really jonesing for the next chapters you know!!!
  8. Well, the didn't only make Ham radios. They had hi-fi stereo kits as well! And test equipment. All kinds of kits! Before I was born my Dad was a fire control systems tech on the Air Forces F-106's so electronics was always one of his passions! LOL When I was born he was out of the Air Force and working for a company repairing business machines and computers.
  9. Well BronxWench, if your kit radio was green, it was probable a Heathkit radio! They were really big in the "kit radio" world and community! They were some of the best and well know radios on the market.
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Oh shit!!!!
  11. Ah yes the "good old days." Yes I too remember the days of b&w TV's, us kids having to get up to change the channel for mom or dad (or for big brothers to they wouldn't beat me up more than normal). Pulse dial telephones, party line phones. Heck, I still remember my Dad's CB license # from WAY back then! Did anyone else ever see the old pink "ticker tape" (picture the movie War Games main frame computers!) computer memory reels? My Dad used to fix them (still has one in his garage somewhere) and us kids got to play with, uh hmmm, "diagnostically test them" for him to know what/how/when things went wrong so he could fix them! I got real good at splicing that pink paper tape too! LOL
  12. Well, I just finished reading it and I must say that what ever you've been doing or been going on sure hasn't hindered your writing abilities!!! Still the master of the cliffhangers!!!! Loved every bit of it!!!!
  13. Am I really that different??? I never truly believed it and still not sure that I do. I am a GOD fearing Bible believing Christian that believes in the Constitution of the United States, Served in the Army Reserve to defend it, owns and carries guns and thinks most all of the idiots in DC should be in prison for treason (of one type or another). I know what logic is and use it everyday. I take the time to listen to others and their opinions even when I can PROVE that they are full of shit. Wow, maybe I am just some really weird nut job.
  14. What a desperate mess that would make!!!! Like "Rescue 25" I keep finding myself sounding rather repetitive in my praise and comments because it's really tough to keep thinking of saying the same thing different ways! LOL Man, I really enjoy your writing!!!!! Chapter 7 of GITG does give me a few new things to say though. I have to commend you on the way that you are using each of the characters different (though some are similar) backgrounds and experiences to not just add depth to the story but to really draw the story in the readers mind! The way they interact and see things from their own perspectives and are able to explain it to the others what is really right in front of their noses (so to speak) (such as Nadi guiding Max through his turmoil and Becca enlightening the other girls), it truly does run so true to rl (if ever such a group have ever gotten together LOL) that it is rather impressive! And you've done it in both series without crossing them over to much! Keep up the great work Magusfang!!!!!
  15. That hurts just thinking about it!!!!
  16. It does get a little confusing sometimes going back and forth between the two series but, I wouldn't want to put off either one of them! And yeah, I would like to see going home progress as well but, I would have to agree that three at one time would be to much. So, I'll keep waiting as patiently as I can for more chapters of either one. I do keep checking both just to be sure at least once a day if not more just so I won't miss any! LOL
  17. Damn it man! Every time I just start to think I'm going to get your stories out of my system, you post another chapter and set the hook even deeper!!!! And this time it wasn't just one chapter but TWO???? OMG, I think I'm permanently hooked on your writing! How can you keep pulling new characters (well new in the flash back part at least) into the story without reducing any of the characters that are already there?????? Just can't seem to stop waiting for the next chapter! LOL
  18. Oh man, that is just WRONG!!!!
  19. 29105
  20. 29069
  21. Really! The writer has to be really good to have one that will keep my attention without 'some' SEX in it somewhere! As a side note to that, I must say that both Magusfang and BronxWench have some that don't have sex in them that are quite good! But, (and no offense intended to Her) I'm still hooked on Magusfangs stories (hint, hint) and still waiting for next chapters!
  22. Well more quiet now days! Getting ornerier as I get older. LOL But yeah, you should here all the stuff that gets censored before I speak or post!
  23. Magusfang, I really do enjoy the way you think and write!!!! But do be careful with having Max stew to long on this, please? Us silent types tend to take things a LOT more personal than most.
  24. ROFL
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