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Everything posted by Flexy68

  1. Happy Birthday G!!!!!   :kilt:   :bday:

  2. @ Magus, WOW I have really missed your writing!!! I've been working way to much to have much time to check in here at all like I used to. Glad you're feeling better! Now we're waiting for 16! LOL
  3. I sure wish I knew angeldust!!!! I didn't get to see it before it got removed.
  4. CONGRATS DA, LIZZY AND MAGUSFANG!!!!!!! Get better soon and take good care of each other! HUGS to all!!!!!
  5. Hey Magusfang, no pressure or anything. Any prediction on next chapter?? LOL Hope all of you are healthy and have a great Christmas!!!
  6. Hey Magusfang or DA, any updates on when next chapters might be out? How's the recovery going?
  7. It's GREAT to see you're back and posting Magusfang!!!! Congrats to all of you on the new little one on the way!!! And thanks DA for keeping us posted! Was really getting worried when he disappeared again. Can't wait to read the next chapters from both of you!! LOL
  8. And we're still waiting for the next chapters from both of you!
  9. Every bit of your stories have been a "wild ride!" Why do you think we're holding on so tight????? And so far I think that Old West has said it the best, Wow indeed!!!
  10. AYE!!!!!! LOL
  11. So, size DOES matter despite what they may tell us???? ROFL
  12. Hey Magusfang, sounds like the natives aren't just getting restless but blood thirsty as well! LOL Any ETA on chapter 10???
  13. Holy crap indeed!!!! The "Master" has NOT lost his touch!!!!!
  14. Well you certainly have NOT lost your touch with the cliffhangers!!!!! Good grief Man!!! What the holy heck???? I sure hope you're NOT planning on disappearing on us again anytime soon!!!!!!
  15. Of course Magusfang, the bad guys would be so distracted looking at Max and the war spiders they wouldn't see the security spiders or butterflies shooting them in the back of the necks with knockout darts! ROFL They wouldn't even be expecting the "girls" to snipe them one at a time from the back to the front! Or dose them with nanites and let Legion get pissed at them after reading all the good intel from their minds! Ooh the possibilities!!!!! Happy 4th everyone!!!!!
  16. Well, I just went back and started to read chapter 4 and I think they are about perfect. I "think" what we all are feeling is the "calm before the storm" effect of Magusfang's writing! That calmer slow build up to the shock, awe and horror of what war and battle really are. Just as the ocean on the beach recedes right before the next wave comes in. Just sayin'. I just can't make up my mind if I'm ready for the next wave to come in but, the suspense of waiting for the next chapter is really murder!!!! ROFL
  17. I have a feeling that Magusfang is trying to get his second Doctorate from us. His first he has clearly earned as Dr of the Cliffhangers! And it seems to me that he's now going for a Doctorate of Suspense! ROFL
  18. Well Magusfang, I can see you still enjoy stirring the pot here as well as the plot in your story! ROFL While it has been a LONG time since I've logged in and posted here, I have been keeping up on your story and loving every bit of it! I still find myself stopping by every chance I get (usually more than twice a day LOL) to see if you've posted any new chapters. Please keep posting and soon??????
  19. Well You Certainly Haven't Lost Your Touch With The 'Cliff Hangers' Magusfang!!!! LMAO Sorry I've Been A Bit Awol Myself! Been Without An ISP For A While Now But Been Reading Your StorIes On My Phone. Posting This From My Phone Is A Pain. Great Chapter! Just, Please Don't Keep Us Hanging To Long???? ROFL =D
  20. Happy Birthday to you both!!! Loved chapter 15 Magusfang! My only complaint is same as was said by Rescue25, to short and now waiting again for next chapter! LOL Keep them coming!
  21. I hardly think that they would need much help coming up with ideas on what to do with you Magusfang! Nor much help fabricating any excuse to implement them either!!! Just read both GITG and Northstar, really enjoyed them too! Great to have you back among us!!!!!
  22. Don't you dare Magusfang! Unless I can get in on some of that too! ROFL Seriously, glad to know you're OK and back with us!!!
  23. WooHooo, he does still live!!!! I find I too am going through withdraws again between your postings! Be careful with the rum! Or you're liable to find yourself wondering "why is the rum always gone" (Johnny Dep at his best!) While you wife could end up really scaring you!
  24. Well BigMan7307, I've got all 63 of BITG, all 10 of GITG, all 9 of Northstar and both chapters of Going Home. So yeah, I'm pretty hooked on them too!
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