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Everything posted by jelad

  1. glade your back, hope all is well. know for the important stuff, when will you post? lol
  2. Does anyone know anything about what is going on? is Magusfang in the hospital, at work, home and bussy. the stories are good but he not dropped a note in over 2 weeks, just a little worried.
  3. Thanks for turning me onto P.O.I. I like his stories so far. Guy can be a little brutal but maybe he will ease up a little. I read his first book and have just started Summer Vacation. I even like how his stories varies in length. has anyone heard from Magusfang? its been a while since he as posted anything.
  4. I know this is off topic {again} but could someone give me a title of one of P.O.I stories? everytime I try to look up his name, at that other site, it gives me a list of other authors and stories. I am hoping a story title will do better, thanks.
  5. P.O.I. ??????
  6. I wrote Kahmnd a pm on "that other site" and he said he is posting his stories on "storiesonline.com". I just check and he has posted another one since last time I was there so he is probably spacing them out so those stories that you mentioned will probably show up there eventually. good luck jelad
  7. somewhere in earlier posts Magus. has stated he wrote a few BITG stories on painkillers and several other people have stated they like those stories. the problem is I can't remember which stories they were. don't get me wrong I don't want to rush him and make it a burden for him to write because then the quality of the stories would become bad and he might stop writing all together. I am concerned and would like a update on his health if anyone is a friend {in the real world} of his.
  8. :gossip:from what Bigman7307 has posted earlier he got hurt {doing something} over the summer plus the research and the real world is giving him issues. I choose to believe that until he posts that he is through writing. I hope all is well and I have said it before, I miss the good ol days when he posted every other day or so.
  9. to Hundybuns, Kahmnd has started posting on storiesonline.com i don't know if those particular stories have been posted but you should check. PS Do You Want A Slave is one of my favorite stories and i have been looking for it too. if you find it please let me know, thanks.
  10. I miss the good old days when Magusfang posted a story every other day or so. I hope all is well.
  11. this is just my opinion but your reading to much into Max and the mother's relationship. yes he does love them and do share a bond because both Marge and May have carried his babies but he has said, many times, that he spends time with them because Emma wants him to. this does not mean he doesn't love them but I don't thank he would be upset about Marge and May spending time with Rick and Suzy. On the contrary, he sees Suzy as another mother and I thank he is beginning to see as a father figure. the relationship with Max and the girls are very different then the relationship between Max and the mothers. he wasn't as angry or hurt at the mothers as he was with the girls for ignoring him.
  12. so glade your back, chapter 12 is one of my favorite and even though {I thaught} you said it wasn't going to happen between Max and the twins I am glade you changed your mind. it would be interesting if the girl from Suzy's past was still alive and showed up latter in the story, just saying. gl :dance:ade your back and hope the real world issues are fine now.
  13. magusfang, are your there? Are you planning on writing or finishing your stories?
  14. :2tubs:Glade to hear your still around I was starting to get worried about you and Max. I hate it {others do too I am sure} when stories stop in the middle. there is nothing wrong with wanting your stuff to be realistic but don't forget to have fun and enjoy yourself when you are writing.
  15. it's been so long I have the shakes, can't eat or sleep. Please post soon or I don't know what i'll do. my life is so empty. LOL.
  16. if I am wrong in the way I understand things please let me know. the problem was that the girls were taking Max for grantite and when it finally was brought to their attention they got defensive and attached instead of being understanding. Once they calmed down and someone explained to them what was what they understood what they did. then when they met up with Max they had to be reminded not to let their pride mess things up
  17. I thank I am going through withdrawls, what did you do to yourself Magusfang? I thank Max needs to be reminded that his actions affect others and the girls should get mad at him from time to time. I thank he is finally learning that he does have to speak up for himself but he should give them the same respect and accept it when they give him their opinion.
  18. thanks for telling me where to find KaHmnd, I really appreciate it. just 4 pitchers, it's not a problem until you get to the 11 or 12 but getting there is a whole lot of fun but the memory loss is a pain especially when you wake up and you don't know where you are or who you are with.
  19. KaHmnd has not posted on wolf pub. since last year. I can't find him with either name, if anyone can help I would appreciate it.
  20. the tea party is interested in small government not taking rights from groups of people. the problem is that WE don't have a right to everything we want. we have a unalienable right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" everything else we have to earn and are responsible for getting for ourselves. if we want a house, health care, a car etc. we have to work for it and earn it.
  21. ok, for those of you who aren't nerds, the police box can be anything and any color it wants to be. just read the new GITG and loved it. although the others didn't apologize just Emma perhaps the priest derailed that. I like the fact that the twins stud up for max but I still don't know if I trust Nadi not to get jelouse. can't wait to see how the priest affects the story, take a nice long vacation and post tomorrow {LOL} or whenever you feel ready. a good way not to loose fingers with fireworks is not to hold them {capt. obvious}. happy independence day to all.
  22. hopesly hooked on GING and can't wait for the next edition. just a thought though isn't it time for some action? I was wondering with everything that Max has been doing if some one or some agency hasn't noticed him yet? Surly the D.O.D. would be keeping an eye on him and his mother if his father built weapon systems and such for them. Just a thaught, anyway love the story and can't wait to see the apologies in #9. keep it up and please don't stop.
  23. I agree with Magusfang in that our country was made with safeguards to keep tyrants from taken over. but we might not agree on this. the dem and rep. have been in power so long that they are more concerned with keeping power then doing there job. if you need prof just look what the dems. did in the rep. primary. they sent mailers out to help the rep. win over the tea party candidate.
  24. I don't know if I can wait to see how Max and the girls talk go. idea, have someone type and you could dictate the story. LOL. my live sucks until you get well. enjoy the time off and heel fast please
  25. I have read some of the coments talking about what people thank and people being logical and that has it place but when your talking about religion you have to include "FAITH". Sometimes faith will go against logic and when that happens you find out what kind of person you are and what you believe. Just my opinion I might be full of it. LOL.
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