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Everything posted by jelad
Are you shore you don't have any pain meds yet? I remember the last time you were on pain meds (back in BITG), thanks got kinda weird. glade to hear you survived the surgery and if your wife hit you that just means she cares about you. I have been reading you since chapter 1 of BITG and even though there has been parts I didn't like on the total I love your stories and can't see me stopping until you do.
if nothing bad ever happened to the good guys it would be a boring story. hero's often come from tragedy. that being said I am pretty sure we haven't seen the last of Amy. She maybe hurt and in recovery for a while but I thank this will spure the family to reak havoc on the bad guys. Just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.
you really enjoy twisting the knife in us? Could she be downloaded into legion and he not know it? he is sentient so he (or they)have a subcountious.
did anyone notice that Magus quoted a line from "Firefly"? Also I have seen a movie where zombies went at it, it wasn't pretty. it was on syfi one night.
not funny. what would be worse is if Max wakes up in the grass from chapter one of BITG and we find out the whole thing was a dream.
MajorMarioc glade to hear that you are getting out. don't slack off on rehab and enjoy the time. Anyone thanks Magus is going to pull a fast one with the babies"
Becoming. we established along time ago that he was evil and twisted.
MajorMaroic You should really check out wolfpub.org . they have lots of stories different lengths. they should keep you satisfied . hope all is well Magus.
MajorMarioc heal first and listen to your loved ones and your gut. Whatever you decide remember you have to be able to live with yourself. Also remember that your family and friends are that for a reason, sometimes they know better then we do. good luck with whatever you decide.
great chapter, it got me really excited for the last chapter (or chapters). What happened to the daughter that wanted Amy to be her mother?
gamascal, I am also reading captious and he has finally caught up with his story. what do you thank of it? Magus, just keep telling your story and we will keep reading it.
my vote is no new cast members, it is to big anyways and atleast two of them have two names. now my question or statement (totally off the subject)is has anyone noticed that Max grew up in the worst town I have ever heard off? I mean it has got to be worse then time square in the 70's and 80's. anyways great story and can't wait to when SITG start.
you can't break up any of Max's children (Jazz, Tali, Cat or Jan). that's just not right. also I say go for the everlasting pain not a easy death for Kara's parents or the senator.
I have a question. Are we going to see the sheriff or police chief from Tatiana's home anymore? the last I remember Max was offering him job or hinting at it atleast.
"cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war". can't wait to se how this ends and the next one starts
no leashes, this is magus we are talking about, how about electric collar and fences?
I agree, if his computer messed up he would use his phone to let us now something. either he got messed up or was sent somewhere at the last minute. if that happened the family is probably upset with him.
I see that we are back in the old, deserted ghost town again. is there anyone here( the echo gets softer and softer till it isn't heard anymore).
right now I am reading a story by John Conroe called Demon Accords. there is no sex but it is a pretty good story. He is not on any sites. I got mine on Kindle for under 5 dollars each book. Others have asked, Magus are you alright?
I agree with angledust, it has been a while and I have once again gone through the shakes. he left one heck of a cliffhanger.
I just had a thought. Has anyone noticed that the slavers know a whole lot about Max? For instance they know that his father and sister died in a wreck and also knew enough to get realistic (except for a birth mark) looking doubles made of them, even compensating for age. this would seem to hint that the big bad guy is someone that was either in David's or Max's life. Just a thought I could be just going down the road that Magusfang wants us to before he changes directions. great job with the last couple of chapters, I am glade that he is spending time with Amy and Alice, it seemed that he had gotten away from doing that.
just read the latest GITG and all I can say is wow. Hearing Gerald's story I really want Joanna to suffer and can't wait to see how Gerald gets revenge. Max knew that Christina wasn't Christina and he didn't figure it was some sort of trap, the bad guys have been known to brainwash people. I am a little disappointed in Max not suspecting that this was a trap or did he and he is prepared for it? p.s. if you can't figure it our I have never hated a character as much as I hate Joanna and I really hope she suffers and just doesn't die or goes to jail. can't wait for the next chapter, your doing a great job.
my idea is let Gerald get some revenge on Joanne, don't kill her just make her realize how miserable she is. after that have them dump her and they go on with their life. p.s. great chapter can't wait for the next one.
hope the rw shit didn't mess up the holidays for you. glade to hear you have it settled and hope all is well.
ok, I don"t now about anyone else but not knowing how the reunion went between Max, his dad and his sister is driving me crazy. I am literally checking the site 4-5 times a day. hope your holidays were good. lol